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Season 3 World Championships

Renekton helps counter by winning trades. Jax is well designed to get lots of free farm and using his leaps to win trades, slowly forcing his opponent out of the lane, and can usually out-duel even tankier foes like Shen who have built-in heals/shields. Plus the Jax stun for ganks, and great late-game scaling. Renekton provides a means of counter-gap closing, and a stun as well, plus superior lane push.

I personally am not good enough to know who would be an ideal counter-pick. Likely a stronger split-push and scaling person. So it surprises me Kennen couldn't fulfill that position. But then it comes down to individual player skill.
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Take another split pusher (Vlad perhaps) or another champion who scales into lategame (Nasus, Irelia, etc.) Better yet, ban Jax and force them to pick a different top. smile
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(October 8th, 2013, 01:37)spellman Wrote: Renekton helps counter by winning trades. Jax is well designed to get lots of free farm and using his leaps to win trades, slowly forcing his opponent out of the lane, and can usually out-duel even tankier foes like Shen who have built-in heals/shields. Plus the Jax stun for ganks, and great late-game scaling. Renekton provides a means of counter-gap closing, and a stun as well, plus superior lane push.

I personally am not good enough to know who would be an ideal counter-pick. Likely a stronger split-push and scaling person. So it surprises me Kennen couldn't fulfill that position. But then it comes down to individual player skill.

Ok I guess Renekton can do ok in quick trades but once Jax has started scaling with items and levels is the lane still in favour of Renekton or does it swing?

BTW I don't see Kennen as a split pusher, he's there to bully and win his lane in early levels. Either way it was 1v2 lanes and the Kennen itemized for a 1v1 lane on first buy.

Sullla Wrote:Take another split pusher (Vlad perhaps) or another champion who scales into lategame (Nasus, Irelia, etc.) Better yet, ban Jax and force them to pick a different top.

While Vlad can scale well its not on the same level as Jax for 1v1 fights. I think Jax will still destroy Vlad eventually even if it may be slower. The casters talked about a possible Nasus pick against Jax but I don't think Royal wanted to play it because it would be a weak lane. Also since just about everyone on SKT had an escape in their champion kit, Nasus would've been kited and likely ineffective. I don't think Irelia would've done better but I defer to your judgement if you think it would since I don't know how that matchup plays.

Banning Jax like you said was the obvious thing to do (instead of the phantom Vi threat) but I wanted to see if anyone had any good ideas for dealing with Jax that didn't involve banning him. I did wonder if someone like Darius could've dealt with him or some other unorthodox pick.
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Irelia and Jax is a skills match up really. It can go either way. Although I do believe top lane elise would wreck jax top hard. Even beyond the first few levels. Also Vlad just can't deal with the damage that jax outputs in a straight 1v1. Also once jax gets either cutlass or BOTRK vlad has some extreme trouble dealing with him since his stun will force out a pool, and then he can slow u afterwards. I do believe that Nasus will effectively counter jax though since early levels with a dorans shield minions will do more damage than jax will if he just does nothing but AA, atleast in the early levels. - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

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