Okay, "full" update time, I've been punching the clock largely sans input, which is bad. We just researched Meditation; Priesthood and Writing will be fast and I'm pretty sure we can nail Confucianism without effort. Seven/Mack are doing better than we are, while we're outstripping the other two teams. They have nice shiny early wonders, though.
First, we have Darius' Holy Rome. Currently running with a good gems-boosted happy cap, granaries going in nicely, and proud owner of a chariot as of this turn, we need to build about a billion more settlers and just smush them all along the coastlines. If we ever find stone, Moai is going to be huge.
...because here's the capital. Ignore the malcontent; he'll be tossed into the mine as the warrior for the garrison comes in, and the next pop point grows just as the whip wears off. We can then stagnate making a looooot of foodhammers.
Aspen, our second city, just built a chariot and can grow a bit more if we'd like and can shuffle a warrior north, but I'm not sure. The third pop just (re)grew, no worries; that riverside tile gets a cottage when the turn is actually resolved.
Finally, Willow. I love Fin horse pastures on riverside, but next turn Joao plays first to finish the corn farm and this city can well and truly grow. Gems happy will come in handy, because I think we'll be whipping twice in rapid succession, once for the granary, and then a monument (unless a library can be magic'd in). Excess pop can work Fin lake, who needs improvements?
Joao of England, on the other hand, is a hammer-heavy bugger working on ignoring granaries and pumping out dudes. I don't know where we want him to expand to next; he might give a couple more settlers west before getting his own.
Lilly is lovely, isn't she? Whenever we want to grow, we'll grow on a fast granary, but for now size three is a real sweet spot. Maybe next mine/chop the phf for a nice 4h tile to stagnate on?
Violet is no shrinking, um, violet, working now to pop out a granary, and then it'll ignore the unhappy citizen by two-pop whipping the worker for a big overflow into something else.
Rose is new, and set up less than ideally; but nonetheless, granary is in, wheat farm is coming up, and either a warrior or a monument would work to grow on.
In general, I think we should expand north, north, north. SMack is our primary competition; and the secondary bonus of the island is a pretty big deal.