Anders easily manages to get up the ropes onto the ship and quickly hides behind one of the lifeboats, while Holden manages to get up with some difficulity. both Kaisa and Aliandra fails to get a good enough grip on the ropes to get up, Aliandra managing to make quite a bit of noise grabbing the guards attentions.
"Who's There?" One of the thugs yells while they, raising their crossbows at the ready, both walk down towards where they heard the noise.
Anders looks over the side of the ship at his struggling companions, then at the torchlight of the approaching guards. "Well, I'm not great at stealth anyway" he muttered.
Dropping his bow on the ground, Anders rushes forwards towards one of the approaching guards, drawing his greatsword as he charged. Focusing his footwork towards inflicting as much damage as possible, he ignored his repertoire of fancy martial techniques and just swung.
free action - drop bow
swift action - go into punishing stance
full round action - charge at the thug in square R9, drawing greatsword as part of the move
If you rule I don't have straight line for a charge (it looks like I should to me, but the rules are vague about "corners" like where holden is standing) then do the same thing but move+standard attack and the attack roll below is 2 lower.
Admiring Himo's unlikely foray into violence, Moshka decided to join in with her own type of projectile.
Well, if the answer to my previous question was "yes", as it seems, then in the previous round I drew the crossbow. I was sort of waiting on that. This round: load and fire.
While both Kaisa and with difficulity Aliandra manages to get up into the boat, both Moskha and Himo shoots wide of their target, while Anders easily manages to get up to him and slashes him down easily and Holden equally easy manages to cut down his opponent although his shield goes wide.
Two Thugs come out of the door below the quarterdeck, each with a crossbow that they fires at Anders with, while one of them is yelling "Burn them, Burn them All!"
OOC: Dtay, Anders merely moves and attacks, Charging from how i read it is mesured from the center of the square(s) you're in to the center of the square that consist of an enemy that you attack, and such a path would lead through difficult terrain/obstacles (a life boat ... bit uncertain which one is most prober to call it at, but one of them it is for certain), which its imposible to do charging through
Anders grunted as the crossbow bolt struck the top of his shoulder pad. It wasn't a wound by any stretch of the imagination, but that was going to ache tonight.
Eyeing the two thugs standing conveniently next to each other, Anders moved forward and spun, swinging his Greatsword in a wide arc.
Move action - move to H10
Standard action - use Steel Wind (two separate attacks, 1 per foe)
Kaisa, hoping that neither of these new thugs saw her crouching behind the lifeboat, sneaks up next to Anders and stabs the one Anders missed with his first swing.
Move to H9
Move silently: 11 +8 (-5 over half movement) = 14
Attack: 10 +4 = 14
Damage: 4 +1 = 5 base (4,3 = 7 if sneak attack) = 12 total if sneak attack
Checking rules on hide checks: do friendlies provide cover? I seem to ecall them doing so in some games I've played, but not sure about 3.5.
Also, should I be making a new hide check when sneaking out of a hidden position to stab someone in the face? Or just applying the -5 penalty for moving more than half speed to the old roll? In case of the former:
Hide: 3 +8 (-5) = 6
I hope it's the latter
-- Don’t forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
-- As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.