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Poll: What should we do?
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Defend against paratrooper invasion because we're too stalwart to die!
13 48.15%
Die a horrible, senseless death, then hear Krill gloat about it!
14 51.85%
Total 27 vote(s) 100%
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Pitboss 18 Lurker Thread of Infinite Wisdom

Well, I was confused. smile

I think it's the second one actually. If I remember correctly.

(April 7th, 2014, 12:19)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote: Lastly, I did a couple sandbox runs over the weekend with the goal of seeing whether settling east for my second city for ALL OF THE FOOD would be better than my pretty well-planned gems city. My conclusion: inconclusive.

ALL THE FOOD is second ring? Sure he's creative, but an *occasional* first ring food would help get those cities running.

(April 14th, 2014, 17:54)Commodore Wrote: Player layout, by the way:

Just noticed the quote marks only around "Barry", lol.

Boy, Boldly looks like he's in good shape with strong land and Nakor next door. Also really like dtay's second city. Scooter is off to a fast start and Mardoc paired the well-planned religion run with multie hut techs... all strong contenders at the moment. I'm also watching for Plako to pick off Xenu in a workmanlike manner, and get big. so thats my top 5 (in no particular order) here on t25. Im'm sure i'm missing some, i havent been reading Krill, for example.


(April 21st, 2014, 20:40)dtay Wrote: t50 for city 4 in sims right now.
(I hook up bronze t52, could be earlier but I prioritized a cottage over it).
In the short term it will help cover this not-really-aggressive but could-look-aggressive plant against Whosit (I'm talking about the spot discussed earlier on the sea with Whosit). So there will be 3 warriors around to babysit the plant. That obviously won't do anything if Whosit sends an ax, but certainly stops an idle check.
After the Judaism run I'll tech fishing->AH->Sailing almost for sure, then probably writing->math->etc all that good stuff.

If dtay wants to shed his growing rep as a single-player strategist, tracking a settler thru unroaded jungle for a (perceived) aggressive plant on t50 without copper hooked and while teching judaism... is not helpful!

Agreed. Unless it's based on his reading of Whosit as a kind of nervous guy?
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

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BRickAstley + Mardoc (friendly, thorny) as Wang Kon (Pro, Fin) of Spain (Fish/Myst, Citadel, Conquistador)
[Image: il_340x270.361188396.jpg]
Mardoc and a notional presence called Brick will play a solid, learning sort of game with the easiest dang leader in the mod, Financial of cheap granaries. They also managed to get Fishing/Mysticism Spain to win Buddhism, which should be a very nice shrine a hundred turns hence. The rest of the Spanish toolkit is “nice but nothing ground-shaking”, but this leader does a lot of the work for them, being a nerfed Pacal still goes a long way.
Caledorn (host, amiable) as Brennus (Spi, Chm) of Sumer (Agri/Wheel, Ziggurat, Vulture)
[Image: 300px-Sumerian_26th_c_Adab.jpg]
Our friendly and affable host is Caledorn, running the solid if unspectacular Brennus of the very good Sumer. We've long since advanced beyond the early dismissal of this excellent civilization; the starting techs are still great, the ziggurat gains half of the Org discount innately and is early to boot, and the vulture, while worse going toe-to-toe with an axe, is better under almost any other circumstance. I expect Caledorn to do well for a CFC import, but ultimately fall behind, alas.
Whosit (legendary, simmer) as Hammurabi (Agg, Org) of the Vikings (Hunt/Fish, Trading Post, Berzerk)
[Image: viking.jpg]
Okay, Whosit managed to luck into a solid combination that he's nevertheless not very impressed with. I can see it. Berzerkers are awesome and Trading Posts, while nerfed, still lend a very real boost to ships, and Hammurabi is easily one of the cheapest leaders around for empire expense...for all that, his pizzazz ain't. Whosit will sim well but react to sandbox defilement poorly.
Cheater Hater (cheated, notveryhateful) as Bismarck (Exp, Ind) of the Zulu (Agri/Hunt, Ikhanda, Impi)
[Image: Zulu_Nation.jpg]
Cheater Hater, ironically considering his name, has one game as a baseline thus far where he got cheated on combat results. It says something, though, that his more notable achievement seems to be bullheadedly attempting to show insanity by trying the same thing multiple times with different results. He's a good C&Der, but seems to lack practical gameplay skills. Which is a bit of a pity, because he's running one very excellent combination here. Bismarck lost his nice granaries but his worker advantage is still there for early 'henge runs, and the Zulu are probably one of the top three civilizations in the game now with the relative denerfment of the ikhanda (all barracks are 60h now) and the elevation of Hunting to a premier start tech. In the end, though, most bets are whether he is building cities for the Aztecs or Babylon. pat
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

So in this game map trading is completly forbiden?or can be made just paperr.If is forbiden looks like bad ideea for me.

It's forbidden I think.

What's the over/under on the turn that CH starts threatening to quit?

I dunno, CH isn't exactly facing the giants; his closest competition is Whosit, who is (righly) more concerned with Dtay/Krovice.

In other news, WilliamLP has lucked into the most ridiculous capital spot in the history of the universe. tongue
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

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