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[SPOILER] PBEM21, "Zero to Hero" (Kuro, Pericles' Ottomania)

I figured I'd determine a rough estimate of how long it will take to research Sailing, assuming no overflow ad no bonuses for simplicity's sake.

T1: 14/110
T2: 28/110
T3: 42/110
T4: 56/110
T5: 70/110
T6: 84/110
T7: 98/110
T8: Done

So 8 turns from 0 to 110, for Sailing, at 80% the whole way, 14 bpt. I definately believe I should 100% one turn on the Gold, on the last turn of Pottery for maximum bonus. I make 24 bpt working the Gold + Rice @ Feferi. That should shave at least one turn off of Sailing, maybe even two(Three is too hopeful). My capital should be growing to Size 4 in about...6 turns?

Wait, better idea. I just loaded up last turn's save and saw how long Sailing takes. It's actually 138 beakers, but it still shows up as 8T: I presume 20% bonuses at work or something.

If I was unconcerned about how fast Feferi grew or, given my last played turn, was willing to delay the Work Boat a turn or two...I could probably work the Gold for longer for maximum value. I'll have to try and figure that out.

For the Galley...I'm thinking the whip hammers will go into a Settler, Work Boat will be done or near done and I will start on possibly a Scout to grow or just go for a Settler ASAP(Depends on if growing makes up for the wait or not).

Sho many options...I quite like this opening so far.

So, turn in...a LOT of things to talk about!

I'll start with this screenie.

[Image: ShoMuchScore0000.jpg]

As you can see, score increases all across the board. Specifically:

Jkioan +6
Ellimoogle +7
NobleLewwyn +12!

Quite impressive. Let's break down how this went down probably.

Now then, the Top 5 cities screen helps sort this out some...

[Image: OhShitSon0000.jpg]

Stonehenge is built!

Now then, the hard thing could be anyone, really. Jkioan and Ellimoogle have appropriate score increases and production power, but do note that it's not showing up in the T5 cities: Could Noble have chopped it in his second city? I don't have him pegged for having got Mysticism, but maybe I messed up.

I'd like to say Jkioan got it, due to his odd tech path, but I think he's shooting for Oracle still. I dunno.

Ellimoogle, given their thread's recent bout of posts, odd score increase and such is a solid bet for Henge, too.

[Image: Demoing0000.jpg]

Demographs aren't particularly helpful. What they do show is that either Ellimoogle or Jkioan founded a city and that, following the fact that there is now a Size 4 city, some of Ellimoogle's score is from growing. NobleLewwyn, as we saw on the city screen, also had his cap go up to two. But all this would point to Noble getting Stonehenge(Ellimoogle's score increase from pop growth, Jkioan from city or something)....I dunno.

Honestly, I'm getting out of my element in C&D. XD Oh well.

In terms of turns...I think I will keep Feferi working the Gold a bit. It should slow the Work Boat by one turn, but in return I double or more her beakers per turn and get about a 50% increase civ-wide. That seems well worth a single turn.

The Workers continue roading for future mobility. They should both return in time to camp the Ivory for when Feferi grows.

I'm going to summarize and try to better clear out my C&D work here after thinking on it some. Don't want to hold up too much thinking about it.

Pottery is in EOT. Looking at the mouseover EOT, working the Gold now I can get Sailing in 4T, well in time for the capital to whip it.

The score must not of updated for wonders. The lowest increase I can get from Stonehenge is 32.

Or...not? Turn in, nobody's score appropriately increased...

Wait, jeez, I'm so dumb. You get 16 wonder points from just the Palace. So Stonehenge gives 16.

NobleLewwyn's score is 112 right now, in the update Ellimoogle is 109, Jkioan is 103. I just also realized I messed up, NobleLewwyn went up more.

The jump was really 90 -> 112, for an increase of...22? Whoa. 22 is 16 + 6, so that's either a pop point + Stonehenge or a tech + Stonehenge. Either way, only NobleLewwyn has enough for it. Surprise, NobleLewwyn has it, in their second city, presumably with chops.

SO. Here's the deal.

I must of missed NobleLewwyn getting Mysticism at some point. Their second city has a lot of forests, just like mine: Odds are that the reason they were a turn behind me was they either 1. Didn't chop their forests and instead pre-chopped the second or 2. Got their Workers out a lot faster. Either way, they must of chopped the second city like hell, since the original cities aren't showing Henge. If this is true, it should pop up on the Top 5 list shortly.

So Jkioan probably founded the city. But where did Ellimoogle's seven and now six points come from? Ugh, I'm out of my league here...

[Image: Emmiegraphs0000.jpg]

Also note the weird population score that I don't know how to handle. There's no way a settled city could grow in 1T.

I...just like before, I need some time to think on this. Because I have no clue just from initially thinking.

Either way, everything seems to be going on schedule. I'm going to look at my Workers and see if I can't get a cottage down at the cap before camping the Ivory.

It'd be easier to do a long report if I understood stuff and/or had more to report. For, ending my turn. Anyone want any specific stuff?

Oh, also, total overflow + this turn's research from 100%ing + Gold: 58.

Actually, looking at it, my capital gave 7 points for growth this time for some reason...

SHO CONFUSING. Maybe he just grew + a tech or something, then?

Alright. So HERE is what I believe happened:

T5 - Fishing
T14 - Meditation
T21 - Masonry/Priesthood
Slow built a Work Boat.
T26 - Mining
T27 - Growth Size 4
Building ???
T36 - City(Ordinarily, I might assign this to BW, but rival worst numbers show it can't be. More on that later.)

Ellimoogle Carpathia:
T8 - Agriculture
T17 - Growth
T21 - Bronze Working
T22 - Grew
T26 - Mysticism
Built a Worker
Built a not Worker(Probably)
Building a ???(Possibly Worker/Settler)
T33 - Warrior built
T34 - Polytheism
T36 - Growth
T37 - New city?

T8 - Agriculture
T21 - Bronze Working
Built a Worker
Built a Worker
T before 30 - Mysticism
T30 - Second city
Building a ???
T33 - Unknown Tech(I'm afraid to say I am at wit's end on NobleLewwyn...)
T36 - Stonehenge and pop growth or tech.
T38 - Capital growth

Given that timing, Stonehenge is pretty much perfect. That gives them enough time for 2 chops per Worker if they started 1/2 turns before the Settler arrived. Stonehenge is 120 hammers usually...but NobleLewwyn is Industrious, so 80 hammers in chops is plenty to complete it. So a low cost for a nice wonder there.

Jkioan, surprisingly enough, probably got out the second city third. This is consistant with his capital now growing to Size 5 yet and his six point deliciously shaped score increase T36. It could also be Sailing, but that's about it.

Ellimoogle is a trickier cookie. He went up 7 points T36 and I dunno what else can cause that except pop growth(And even then I only know because I got 7 for growing. My C&D sources, sadly, are lacking in saying exactly how much score goes up by...). Then T37, he also got six more points. I believe this to be a new city, possibly through chopping(60 hammers from chopping means he only needed to hand build 40, so he might of slotted the warrior in?). But...I'm not really sure. Ellimoogle will just be a mystery wrapped inside an enigma encased in the unknown for now.

Now actually start on this turn, mhm eh?

[Image: YouDoNotHaveTheVeto0000.jpg]

And before I talk any, another screenie.

[Image: TheVetp0000.jpg]

NobleLewwyn got 6 points, pop went up, and a city is size 3. Hmmm, I wonder who THAT is.

The high GNP is almost certainly NobleLewwyn: Stonehenge itself gives +8 culture and the Monuments give +2 culture total(One for each city), so he's getting a 10 "false" GNP increase.

Thanks to the pre-built road on the Corn, the road to the capital is done. My Workers can get to the Ivory in 1.5 turns, so I believe I can put them both on the river next to my capital and quickly build a Cottage before heading to camp the Ivory.

Research had to go down to 80%, which means 4T to Sailing. So my capital loses 1T on the Galley, but my research was accelerated due to that Gold + Pottery trick on the last turn. It evens out. Besides, it lets me put a turn into the Settler, which I'll need to build anyway, so.

I believe the capital's Settler will go to the double Clams site, UNLESS some really nice location is found on the main island. The two Settlers I will try to shit out from Feferi will both go to the main island.

Anyway, ending my turn now. T50 report might be a bit dull...I might make my big report T60 so I can discuss all of my new cities, but I'll do a T50 report anyway for comparison purposes.

For population, there's a rounding thing going on, so it doesn't always give you the same number of points for each even total pop. Don't know if that's one of your issues.
And on the sixth day, god created Manchester.

[SIZE="1"]Played: PBEM13 (China), PBEM17 (India)
Helping out: PBEM23 (Egypt)
Dedlurked: PBEM15 (Ottomans)
Globally lurking: more or less everything else[/SIZE]

That could very well be it, since Ellimoogle grew to Size 4(Even number). And my capital grew to 2(Also an even number). Both gave 7 points.

That makes things easier.

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