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[SPOILERS] Zanth's thread

what's next? heh,
It's time to strengthen my army and conquer someone smile 95% it would be Slowch, as he hasn't got even Metal Casting
Please visit my game: AlaePB1 | PitBoss 17

We currently leaning to Democracy and growing super-towns everywhere. Also, we will attack Slow.

Jowy had obtained 2 GG at one turn! Amazing! 61+ exp at once..
Please visit my game: AlaePB1 | PitBoss 17

Logged into the game and queued a bunch of courthouses. We really underbuild them.

Also, this:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0520.JPG]

One of the best Moai cities ever.
By the way, it looks like Catwalk has used his free GA to draft a bunch of stuff which are getting killed by Jowy. I feel relieved.

We are attacking Slow in three turns. Main stack will have 15 Cuirs, 6 Cannons, 3 Maces, an Axe, a Pike, a Crossbow.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0521.JPG]

Future war theatre. We are going to move our main stack to a tile 1SE from Middelburg and attack next turn. You can see what forces Slow has in the city. Slow has a pretty big power (still more than we have, actually), especially given that he has just researched MC. It means that he can have a pretty large number of HAs/cats. It makes me worried about a counter-attack - our army isn't actually especially big, he can overwhelm us with sheer numbers if he has them available. Of course, chances for this are low. That's why I succumbed to Zanth, who is pushing for an early attack. Another argument is that Slow is in golden age and trying to catch up in tech a little bit. I think he will have Machinery in a turn or two and he will be one tech short from Guilds after that. He may prefer not to throw his HAs away and to save them for upgrade.

Our cities:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0522.JPG]

Any questions, requests? I'm in a rare mood to talk about the game, please, use your opportunity.

(June 21st, 2014, 15:41)Gavagai Wrote: Any questions, requests? I'm in a rare mood to talk about the game, please, use your opportunity.
Can we see the whole empire? How to you envision turning your dominance into an actual victory?
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.
Reply here are some pics

Please visit my game: AlaePB1 | PitBoss 17

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