OK, so a bit of C&D. Zak was rival best with 80k power when the turn started. He's now rival worst with 58k. That should fit, I killed 2 spears, 2 axes and a warrior.
Rival worst in population decreased from 188k to 187k. I can see a size 5 and a size 4 city on top 5 cities, which leaves 49k for Zak's remaining cities. So it seems he has cities size 5, 4, 4 and 1.
His power then breaks down to:
Pop: 14 total pop => 7k
Techs: 26k (see below)
Units: 7k visible (Spear+Archer)
Units in the fog: 18k
Other demographics changes (yes I have graphs but the demos give exact values that are not delayed by a turn):
Rival best in MFG went from 31 to 29, so Zak produces 29 hpt.
Rival average in Crop yields changed from 51 to 49. Rival best and worst are 55 and 47. So Zak produces approximately 49*3 - 47 - 55 = 45 food - I guess he has 47 then and the average is (47+47+55)/3 = 49.66.
Rival average GNP increased from 56 to 57, with 47 as rival worst and 67 as rival best. So Zak's GNP is 57.
Land area was 69-66-61 and is now 69-63.33-61. So Zak lost 8 land tiles and is now tied for last with 61.
OK, so Zak brief:
Cities: 5, 4, 4, 1
HPT: 29
FPT: 47 - 19fpt surplus
GNP: 57
Land area: 61 tiles
Power: 58k
Techs: That's the question
Techs that Zak could convceivably have, that give power:
Hunting: 2
Mining: 2
The wheel: 4
Archery: 6
Sailing: 2
Animal Husbandry: 2
Bronze Working: 8
Iron Working: 10
Mathematics: 6
Horseback Riding: 10
Alphabet: 4
Metal casting: 4
We know he has the techs above the line - of the ones below the line IW and HBR would show up on the power graph, Alphabet and Metal Casting are unlikely and Alpha would show up on F4, but he might have Mathematics I suppose. I could do research modifier checking to find out. Let's assume he doesn't have any of the techs below the line to get an upper bound on his units.
Rival worst in population decreased from 188k to 187k. I can see a size 5 and a size 4 city on top 5 cities, which leaves 49k for Zak's remaining cities. So it seems he has cities size 5, 4, 4 and 1.
His power then breaks down to:
Pop: 14 total pop => 7k
Techs: 26k (see below)
Units: 7k visible (Spear+Archer)
Units in the fog: 18k
Other demographics changes (yes I have graphs but the demos give exact values that are not delayed by a turn):
Rival best in MFG went from 31 to 29, so Zak produces 29 hpt.
Rival average in Crop yields changed from 51 to 49. Rival best and worst are 55 and 47. So Zak produces approximately 49*3 - 47 - 55 = 45 food - I guess he has 47 then and the average is (47+47+55)/3 = 49.66.
Rival average GNP increased from 56 to 57, with 47 as rival worst and 67 as rival best. So Zak's GNP is 57.
Land area was 69-66-61 and is now 69-63.33-61. So Zak lost 8 land tiles and is now tied for last with 61.
OK, so Zak brief:
Cities: 5, 4, 4, 1
HPT: 29
FPT: 47 - 19fpt surplus
GNP: 57
Land area: 61 tiles
Power: 58k
Techs: That's the question
Techs that Zak could convceivably have, that give power:
Hunting: 2
Mining: 2
The wheel: 4
Archery: 6
Sailing: 2
Animal Husbandry: 2
Bronze Working: 8
Iron Working: 10
Mathematics: 6
Horseback Riding: 10
Alphabet: 4
Metal casting: 4
We know he has the techs above the line - of the ones below the line IW and HBR would show up on the power graph, Alphabet and Metal Casting are unlikely and Alpha would show up on F4, but he might have Mathematics I suppose. I could do research modifier checking to find out. Let's assume he doesn't have any of the techs below the line to get an upper bound on his units.
I have to run.