I played my turnset. Here's the gist of what happened.
*I bought a spearman in as the first use of our gold. We had a 2-promo sword there that could be swarmed by the horse barbs and the spear could protect it. We also need a spear to kill a unit for the Military Tactics Eureka. It ended up clearing the barb camp on the south and we got the inspiration.
*I saved the rest of the gold for X-Bows upgrades. I think we need to wait for Mercenaries to do the upgrades. Meanwhile, we save money.
*We were very close to getting the religion, when Rome claimed the 120 GPP GPro out of nowhere. I suspect there was some interface bug with the GPP points, Rome was not close to a GPro last I've checked. He chose Jesuit Education...
![rolleye rolleye](https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/images/smilies/rolleye.gif)
That's not so bad, we can always spread the Roman religion to our lands, and since JE is a follower belief, we can still use it. Not sure what our own religion will be about, though.
That changed my game plan. I used the last builder to get the 6th farm and, after completing the archers all around, started on builders )changing the civics from Agoge to Ilkum). We have builders already at 1-t left in Capital and Durocortorum, most other cities have them at 2-turns at the last turn of my turnset. I didn't finish the walls at Daisho, it's currently at 1t left, waiting for a chop. We will have a lot of builder charges when finishing Feudalism, so we can look at chopping walls into districts all around. Especially Durocortorum, where we can harvest stone.
*I lost a 2-promo archer battling the Americans, due to a mistake. I thought the rice tile was on a marsh and that the archer couldn't move and shot, but it was grassland. In the screenshot below, I moved the archer north and blocked the path of those 2 archers with the sword. But America had an archer north of the river, that killed ours. It was all on me.
By the way, this game is very bugged and American archers were randomly getting the +10 strength from a district tile when they were nowhere close to a district...
*Barbs were annoying, but manageable (we cleared the camp in the picture below). We still have a barb camp to the south, that magic spawned with scout to boot near the end of the turnset. There's a spear near there (currently fortified, it can still attack this turn if the next player desires), hopefully it can be cleared without much trouble.
*We captured the American city of Los Angeles with 2 swords. We currently have 2 swords and a lot of archers in the north and 2 swords, a spear and an archer in the south (there's a roman settler wandering down there, so perhaps we can take a new city soon). Rome and England denounced us, by the way (but England was happy to buy our precious tea for 4gpt).
*We can perhaps try to grow Can Do to size 10 for the Civil Service inspiration. The feudalism builder could make a farm triangle to the east and perhaps we can buy the northern wheat ad harvest it? Food for tought.
*In the last turn I was reckless in how I moved our archers, and now it's very likely we will lose a 2-promo, could be 3-promo archer. I'm very sorry for that, my set was sloppy overalll. The swords are north of the river because there were american archers there for them to clear.
Where do we go from here:
I think next player should try to raze one of the American cities that have a Theater and, instead of cities, try and demand their great works in the peace deal.
Main thing for next player is to get the feudalism builders (feud is at 1t left). Probably finish the builders for the weaker cities first, as the cost will go up. I think builders should chop and harvest into walls to finsih districts.
I haven't finished nor placed any new districts. Right now, we only have discounts on the Japanese UA districts. Can do has 3 districts completed (Camp, HS and TS), B&T has 1 district placed (HS), Seria has 1 completed (HS) and 1 placed (TS), Daisho was 2 districts placed (HS and TS) and we have 5 district types avaiable (Camp, HS, TS, EC and Campus).
So, the formula goes:
C = 4
P = depends
A = 5
For a specific district type, the discount is available only if both of the following are true:
1) C>=A
2) C/A > P
Basically, we need to finish some of our placed HSs and TSs.
Pictures to help planning: