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[SPOILERS] Lurkerloos and map discussion

(January 13th, 2013, 00:21)Gazglum Wrote: I feel a bit sorry for Commodore, and all the venting Scooter et al are doing towards him. Yes he's aggressive, but in his position he's been forced to play aggressively or lay himself open to being destroyed by metal units.
I feel more sorry for team Scooter because they were the ones forced into this position by geography and neighbors. If Commodore had been friendly from the start, the lack of metal units would probably not have come back to bite him; Scooter wouldn't have been aggressive toward him if he hadn't been aggressive first as they just wanted to sit back and grow as much as they could given their start.

Friendliness doesn't keep you alive when you have no metal and your opponent has better teching traits and knights though. Commodore didn't make a single move that wasn't reasonable from his position on the map, every one of them made sense. The idea that friendliness keeps you alive late game is frankly bullshit, so long as you hold relevant land you'll be toast the moment a need to be. As it is Commodore has the upper hand and it doesn't look like he is going to lose out, so I wouldn't say he has any reason to feel contrite about his decisions either.

You'll also note that the solution other people have noted is that scooter should have settled for the crabs 30 turns sooner. This simplistically means that scooter should have been more aggressive, or at least proactive, when trying to deal with Commodore originally. The idea that scooter shouldn't have been aggressive at all is actually...wrong, frankly.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

I'm not trying to suggest that Commodore didn't play the hand he was dealt. Of course he was going to be aggressive, given both his temperament and his start position. Rather, I am suggesting that Scooter's team would have preferred a game where they weren't next to someone who was going to be aggressive toward them no matter what. They clearly aren't having a ton of fun in this game because they've had no opportunity to play the way they would have liked to have. At least Commodore is getting what he wants out of the game; he enjoys early war.

As for whether Scooter's team could have made better choices about how they went about their game, I agree they could have accepted the fact that it would inevitably become a duel earlier, and acted accordingly. The fact they didn't just emphasizes how little they actually wanted to play that sort of game.

Looks like Brick is in need of a paddle...

...although Commodore reports "a wave logins and a whip for Brick". Ironically Brick is in a rather similar situation to Commodore, with somewhat exposed metals. But arguably, unlike Scooter, spacetyrantxenu is more intent on stopping Brick's advance.

Fantastically bad timing for team Lewger to start doing demo analysis again.

Axe = 6k power
Praet = 8k power

Simply hiding units won't keep the secret very well. What if Azza made sure to produce them 2 at a time... 16k power would be hard to disassemble.

Heh. Yeah I thought that too. Though I'm not sure if RB Mod changed the Praet to 7K soldier count in the latest revision or not (they are Str 7)

This upcoming attack by Azza looks premature and understocked.

I don't see how he can break through even the first city with so little advantage in numbers, especially if the units 2 tiles away can be recalled to defend after he attacks
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

I think Azza's stack will be enough to take Beowulf. If he can march to the hill above Odyssey, all kinds of good chances could develop. But the main thing is: native Iron!

Not like Commodore looks likely to lose his iron at this point. That is one aggressive dude.

Also, Serdoa finally explains why he isn't ruling the top of the scoreboard. He'll still have a shot though, just because no one has less competition for expansion.

...Slowcheetah? Yeah, no.

Resource trading is really playing a critical part in this game. Makes for a fun read, although it must be frustrating for the players who are stuck without strategic resources.
If you know what I mean.

No kidding! I had no expectations for Commodore beating in Scooter. No metal unless you go for horribly forked and exposed cities? I thought it would have been Scooter's game to lose, but instead it was Commodore's game to win.

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