Had a good time tonight. We played a lakes map (with super capitals), four players (me, Krill, Bobchillington, Strike). Rolled Spi/Cre Mongolia. Went for early kasheks rush, but my early scouting chariot happened to find Krill's capital defended by a couple of warriors... Moved in killing a warrior on hill, then straight to capital and killed the guarding warrior for the kill. I had 32,6% odds on the last battle.
Then I first made sure I settled another city on ex Krill's land as it was full of resources. Then I went for the keshik rush, which totally failed.. My first target was Strike, but he already had a spear waiting for me.. Alright, I thought, I'll try Bob, he might not have copper connected yet.. Even worse, he had loads of troops including spears.
Soon enough I found myself spamming defenders on my new city on Krill's ex lands. Even though I had so many troops that I was losing gold on 100% commerce (a golden age saved me some trouble for a while there) and almost all the troops in that city, I still lost it. Bob had a great stack. I was pretty much done for.
Except he didn't come for me. First I just desperately spammed defenders, then when he didn't appear I thought he'll go for Strike (my score pummeted down after he destroyed that city, so Strike was the number 1 contender). I took a risk and started going for 100% economy, and especially SCORE. I built all the wonders I could, grew my cities, built more cities, worked artists for border pops etc. At the last few turns I founded three empty cities just for land and pop (and re-settled Krill's ex lands). I gunned for techs that would cost me the least and make new wonders available. Biggest thing that helped me was my specialist economy. In the end, I managed to pull through by a small margin. Good game!