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Drafted this great anti-rogue deck in a warrior arena ...

Lost all my games to mages lol

Here's the list -- it just wasn't fast enough before all the huge taunts started coming down:
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(June 24th, 2016, 17:13)Jowy Wrote: Aggro Shaman is a hard deck to play guys.

When your hero is attacking, the portrait moves across the screen and covers part of the target. It's possible to use another card at this point (or hero power) and accidentally target your own hero instead of the intended target. Why people insist on playing so fast in a mostly turn-based game and then bitch about the game when this happens, I'll never understand.

Here's another example of "hurr I'm going to play super fast because it's cool" stupidity:

(July 13th, 2016, 03:25)NobleHelium Wrote:
(June 24th, 2016, 17:13)Jowy Wrote: Aggro Shaman is a hard deck to play guys.

When your hero is attacking, the portrait moves across the screen and covers part of the target. It's possible to use another card at this point (or hero power) and accidentally target your own hero instead of the intended target. Why people insist on playing so fast in a mostly turn-based game and then bitch about the game when this happens, I'll never understand.

Here's another example of "hurr I'm going to play super fast because it's cool" stupidity:
When you're mostly selling your game primarily on the flash and the polish (as it's never going to beat Magic in the gameplay department) then yes, you need to get this stuff right. Why the heck would the portrait moving move the hitbox along with it?

When there's a fixed time limit per turn, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to use it in any way you choose. For that matter, the only reason Blizzard doesn't allow people to disable the animations is because everyone would turn them off (as it's a pretty big advantage to not have time wasted on that stuff).


Just had the craziest run from rank 3 to 2 with a janky reno-cthun rogue. It included:

- Had a concede shaman under control, totally roped out and screwed up. 2 turns later he has lethal on board but misses it and I had an evis in hand to finish him off.

- Had a worgen warrior totally not under control. Couldn't really see anyway to protect myself from his combo, no pressure on him. For some reason he doesn't go for the full combo, the worgen hits me for 22. Reno -> kill Worgen -> concede.

-Some sort of zoo-aggro priest opponent, he ran voodoo doctors, mind blasts, elven archers ... Not that I was ever going to lose that but I got a Lightwell off my swashburglar healing me every turn. crazyeye

(September 30th, 2016, 07:43)The Black Sword Wrote: Just had the craziest run from rank 3 to 2 with a janky reno-cthun rogue. It included:

- Had a concede shaman under control, totally roped out and screwed up. 2 turns later he has lethal on board but misses it and I had an evis in hand to finish him off.

- Had a worgen warrior totally not under control. Couldn't really see anyway to protect myself from his combo, no pressure on him. For some reason he doesn't go for the full combo, the worgen hits me for 22. Reno -> kill Worgen -> concede.

-Some sort of zoo-aggro priest opponent, he ran voodoo doctors, mind blasts, elven archers ... Not that I was ever going to lose that but I got a Lightwell off my swashburglar healing me every turn. crazyeye

I found once you climb high enough to get matched up with the dumpster legend you see some weird decks, but around rank 5, it's pretty much only shamans and hunters with an occasional warrior.

List? My NZoth Rogue almost feels unplayable right now with all the shaman around. Did have moments like this though:

Look at the side bar for the series of events

I'm having fun with a Rogue deck for the first time in Hearthstone. Always used to hate Rogue. Stealing cards makes every game unique, kinda like Priest back in the day with Thoughtsteal, except you've got even more cards of that type. I also love Anub'Arak even though I don't own it.. It shows up from Journey Below often enough. Might even be better to not put it in your deck and just rely on Journey, cause you only need it late in the game and against certain decks.

Heh, that's some good burgling Gawdzak.

I didn't put much thought into the list, just trying things out:

I wasn't very happy with the C'thun package to be honest. Blade was too slow and C'thun and Twin Emps don't feel like enough reward for all the vanilla minions.

Quote:I also love Anub'Arak even though I don't own it.

Yeah, so nice to pull him against a control warrior.

Is anyone interested in theorycrafting about the new expansion? I think this is the most excited I've been for a new set and I have a bunch of ideas not really fleshed out yet.

To add some substance to the post, I've been thinking about a deck based on the Hunter Quest. Any comments welcome.

I've seen some claims that a deck just full of 1 drops will be OP but I don't see it. The early game is not that strong, certainly a normal hunter deck could get a stronger early game by including cards like Kindly Grandmother & Crackling Razormaw and it's very vulneruble to AoE. You can drop your 5 mana 8/8 on T5 but everyone knows it's coming and can set up/save removal for it. If your deck is full of 1 drops then remaining turns will mostly be Raptor+1 drop + hero power, which again is not that strong.

I was thinking instead of a deck that aims to complete the quest around T7; if you play a Tolvir on 5, then the two 1 drops on 6 you can play Carnassa on 7, so that seems a decent turn to aim for. You still need a large amount of 1-drops but you can limit yourself to the good 1 drops, play some win-more cards like Stampede for when you finish the quest as well as other strong cards. You can either go for a full beast strategy or add an elemental package of Firefly+Igneous elemental plus some of the elemental pay-off cards. It's still going to be a very tight list with some hard decisions on what to cut whatever way you go though.

Elemental idea:

The Marsh Queen
2x Tolvir
2x Stampede.

2x Tracking
2x Macaw
2x Alley Cat
2x Glacial Shard
2x Abusive
2x Firefly
2x Igneous Elemental
1x Raptor Hatchling

2x Blazecaller
2x Tolvir Stoneshaper
2x Thunder Lizard
2x Servant of Kalimos

2x Grievous Bite (or Kill Command?)

We'll draw roughly 1/3 of our deck by T7. We have 6 cards that give us 2 activations, so that's 4 total and then 11 other 1-drops(counting tracking) to get the other 3. Still a bit light though.

It feels like it will just die to Pirate Warrior, might need to tech that way if it's still popular.

Interesting list. The hunter quest worries me a bit in the sense that you are always losing your turn 1 and one card to play the quest. Do you think playing 2 1-drops in the next turn can make up for this bad first turn?

Another problem I can see is that most of the 1-drops in the list aren't very threatening, being 1-attack cards. I think Pirate Warrior can trample past your early game (even with Stoneshaper; I wonder what could you do against a N'Zoth First Mate opening), zoolock can get the board easily (with better stated minions) and control decks would have a lot of time to develop their own win conditions, since there's no early threat. What do you think are the good matchups for this deck?

I'm very far from good at the game and I haven't really theorycrafted with the new set, but those things jump to my mind.

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