Poor Jaffa. He missed an epic session last night that saw us:
1) Make our way to the Worldstone Keep.
2) Lose all our bodies on Worldstone Keep One to a ridiculously difficult monster draw.
3 ) See every portal get JAMMED beyond repair by enormous swarms of enemies.
4) Send the entire Rogue team naked down a single trapped portal to teleport blindly in every direction (someone has to get through!)
5) After multiple repetitions of this, actually FIND the stairs, then LOSE the portal there when everyone Quit and Exit to get their bodies back!
6) Starting again from the beginning, find the stairs a second time.
7) Head down to Worldstone Keep Two, find the waypoint, then full-clear that level.
8 ) Return to Worldstone Keep One, and slowly work our way through that level as well on a full-clear that dished out plenty of revenge!
Glorious stuff from everyone involved. I've got a lot of notes and pictures to write up something good later; we'll want to remember this one.