Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Rogue Revival Team Launch

Sorry guys, Varecia is going to have to miss tonight's session.

Poor Jaffa. He missed an epic session last night that saw us:

1) Make our way to the Worldstone Keep.
2) Lose all our bodies on Worldstone Keep One to a ridiculously difficult monster draw.
3 ) See every portal get JAMMED beyond repair by enormous swarms of enemies. eek
4) Send the entire Rogue team naked down a single trapped portal to teleport blindly in every direction (someone has to get through!)
5) After multiple repetitions of this, actually FIND the stairs, then LOSE the portal there when everyone Quit and Exit to get their bodies back! smoke lol
6) Starting again from the beginning, find the stairs a second time.
7) Head down to Worldstone Keep Two, find the waypoint, then full-clear that level.
8 ) Return to Worldstone Keep One, and slowly work our way through that level as well on a full-clear that dished out plenty of revenge! thumbsup

Glorious stuff from everyone involved. I've got a lot of notes and pictures to write up something good later; we'll want to remember this one. smile
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Can it be that we'll actually get that third dot tonight? We're at WSK2 with all quests finished except for Baal... Is everyone going to be able to make it this evening?

And, BTW, Sulla characterized Monday's excursion correctly - Jaffa, you missed an epic adventure! nod


Well, well... the Rogue team heads after Hell Baal the same night as Game 7 of the NBA Finals. It seems as though several things will come to a conclusion this evening! smile

(At least until we start Friendly Fire Mode.)
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Hell Baal has fallen to the Rogue Sisterhood!

[Image: baal_x.jpg]

Congratulations, Folks!

Now Sulla, get writing! whip lol

Congratulations on a grand adventure concluded !


Last night we completed the 3-dot run for Rogue Revival. Baal was about as anti-climactic as it comes; the true victory was won on Monday night when we cleared Worldstone Keep One, which had about the worst monster draw the game could possibly throw at us. Rogue Revival has been a phenomenal success; we began on October 4 of last year and aside from a two week break around Christmas and one missed session at Easter, the Rogues have met twice a week, every week, without exception. That adds up to 36 weeks and 71 three-hour sessions! eek Despite that huge time commitment, the nights we did NOT have the full team tended to be the exception. It's truly been an honor and a privilege not only to work on a team with such great players, but also to get to know such great people. thumbsup

I will devote my weekend to finishing up the Rogue report before too much of it fades from memory (I have notes, but it's still better to do it quickly). Crossing fingers to having it done on Monday (?) What I am going to ask the other Rogues is if they would like to write up some of their own thoughts/comments/etc. which I will include with the rest of the report. Cy and Jaffa did this a couple years ago for the Elemental Strike Team, for example. If you have your own web space, that's great and I'll link to whatever you write, or you can post something right in this forum and I'll put it into html and include it with the report. I can also host any screenshots you want to include (you can zip them and send them to my email address: [email=""][/email] ). There's no need to do this, but I'd love to hear from everyone! smile

Congratulations guys! It's been a lot of fun. Now we get to start the real fun, where we can hurt each other... lol
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Sullla Wrote:Now we get to start the real fun, where we can hurt each other... lol

Er... wait. That part hadn't started yet? 8)

::scratches head::

Hmm. I must not have surprise-popped enough Evil Urns and Sanctuary Seals, then. lol nod

I always tried to make sure nobody was directly under where the monsters would appear, of course, but I think I messed that up once or twice. eek

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Aha! He finally admitted it! lol When things are proceeding a little too smoothly, Sirian has a habit of stirring up trouble just to see if we can handle it, then saying "who, me?" afterwards. Well if you try that on the Four Dot run, we can peg an arrow or two into your back! wink
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