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[Spoilers] Gavagai, Bacchus and Elizabeth Form a Romantic Trio

Oh, I can see what's going on with your sims. You are chopping forest into a worker instead of building a road on a mine and that speeds your worker up. That's why you get better results. Not an option for us however to delay hooking up copper that long.

Edit: Another issue is that the second pop doesn't have an improved tile to work for a couple of turns. And growth on cow is two turns faster. I think, I would try a combined approach with worker on one pop, but The Wheel, road and a chop into a spearman.

So, with the Wheel delay, I was considering several issues, mostly the first:

1. If they scout us, they will see riverside copper. Nobody in their right mind will send a chariot to a civ with riverside copper. Unless they are adventurous madmen they will be highly aware of the risk that we have a copper supply even without a road. In fact, the lack of the road will suggest to them that we do.

1.2. Fun fact is that we do actually have access to that copper without a road via Sailing. This is pretty irrelevant for practical purposes outside of an emergency, but in an emergency, this will come in handy.

2. The plans above are based on the current knowledge of Egypt's resources and that is -- they don't have horses. Even if they do have them in the second city, and they will beeline a chariot to our lands, it's pessimistic (for us) time of arrival is T47. This assumes that after founding on T35 they will have two workers on the horses first thing, one building a road, and the other the pasture, and that they will whip a chariot in the capital the turn after horses are hooked. Basically, that's a lot of "ifs". I think a more realistic time of arrival for the chariot is in line with our ability to build spears on T52.

3. As to why bother with getting copper so soon — what do you think about sending an early spear to camp on their copper?

3.1. Their dotmap is seriously tricky, unless they scout in time, they are prone to make their best place for the third city illegal.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

Sending out a spear is a possibility... My plan is to build two axe/spear pairs and to send them to this floodplain region ASAP. A settler will follow to found a city there at about T65. It will be our fourth city.

Am I correct in thinking that the only two realistic places for a natural, script-driven spawn of horses are the red crosses?:

[Image: ib0uSasRF4AkoJ.PNG]
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

We learned how to hunt, our freshly trained warrior set out from the capital NE and the worker finished chopping up the first bunch of lumber. I revolted into Slavery in preparation for the coming Settler whip and hopefully to show Egypt that we can produce defenses quickly, should the need arise.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

Egypt built three warriors and are production leaders with 8 mfg:

[Image: ib0ajrr1D5pFSx.PNG]

Pretty scary. Supposedly, one will be garrison, but even if they sent two down our way, it would be so, so painful. Hey kids, don't play on Monarch!
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

According to civstats Serdoa has beaten us to the "first whip in the game" award. I expect to see him settling a city next turn.

Well, I'm glad I got something right (I last updated this on T29):

[Image: iKCVRr1MIo21s.PNG]
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

Is it posible that Mongolia researched Animal Husbandry?

They had a 9 turn tech, a 7 turn tech and a 9 turn tech. I don't think you can research AH in 9 turns on T17-T25 even with two prereqs unless you are financial and have either fishing or pottery.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

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