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Real-Time Game Tweaker

(November 1st, 2015, 07:37)Question Wrote: I'm still unable to get the manage cities function to work looks like its supposed to apply a queue to your cities, and then the cities build them automatically without the "xxx has finished building yyy" popup. I'm still sporadically getting the popup though. Some of the info in the window also appears to be wrong (gold/hammers/food, see screenshot).

And for the second last city in the list, i tried changing it to trade goods, and then wanted to set it back to growth, but everytime i do so, the tweaker forces it back to Player for some reason. I'm also confused as to how the "city completion queue" under "game data" relates to the manage cities window...does anyone have any idea how to use this, and whether it will let you auto-buy buildings without the annoying popup each turn?
I've created this new thread for Managing Cities where I have copied your post.
Ideally I'd have moved this post there, but I don't have sufficient permissions to do that.
--I like ILSe

The game directory is in D:\Master Of Magic and it's the GOG version that auto-configures dosbox. The tweaker cant seem to find the game directory even if i put the tweaker files in the same directory as all the game files though.

The map will work partially if i load wizards.exe BEFORE connecting to a game though....then the map will show up, but i can see lairs even in unexplored areas of the maps (with the "explored only" option ticked.

Maybe an easy fix would be to have an option where you can tell the tweaker where the game directory is?

I also noticed a potential issue with editing wizards.exe :

Editing the food bonuses from wild game, the various food buildings or the race with implicit animist guild will only change the amount of surplus food produced, but will not change the amount of food required for town upkeep or a town's max pop size. So for example you can make a granary give 10 food but the max pop of the town still remains as if the granary only gave the normal 2 food.

(November 2nd, 2015, 02:59)Question Wrote: The game directory is in D:\Master Of Magic and it's the GOG version that auto-configures dosbox. The tweaker cant seem to find the game directory even if i put the tweaker files in the same directory as all the game files though.

The map will work partially if i load wizards.exe BEFORE connecting to a game though....then the map will show up, but i can see lairs even in unexplored areas of the maps (with the "explored only" option ticked.

Maybe an easy fix would be to have an option where you can tell the tweaker where the game directory is?
The location of the tweaker has no effect whatsoever.

The game directory might. I'd suggest putting it in, say, C:\GAMES\MAGIC, which is where I have it myself.
Then again, I've verified that if I put it in "C:\Master of Magic" and mount that subdirectory as C: (pretty much the worst case scenario), that everything works as it should.

I don't really want to make the game directory configurable, since that's asking for obscure bugs.
That's because if you have multiple games on your system, we run the risk that they get mixed up.

Loading wizards.exe (or any file) beforehand has the effect of initializing a number of resources (icons and such), so that it's slightly less disastrous that the game directory cannot be found.
--I like ILSe

The spell save modifier option for Wrack does not seem to work. I've set it to 0 a very long while ago, and I still see 0 for it set in the tweaker, but in the actual exe code it is set to +1, and units with 9 resist take no damage at all.
It is located at $AE23F in the exe (word value).
Tweaker sets $84E44 instead which is, well, what should I call it? It's in the procedure for getting spell save modifiers for spells...problem is wrack is not a spell in that sense, it's an end-of-turn effect, so it does not use the spell save modifier at the time of casting when this procedure is called, nor does it get stored away, at least I don't think so. So the value set there does absolutely nothing.

Oh, and I just got one of those random crashes, it was no more than 3-4 minutes between running the tweaker, and returning to it to hit connect again. All I did meanwhile was checking the exe contents in total commanded, and writing this post. I did hit connect after entering a battle, though.

Peace Counter is off a few bytes in this current version.
What shows as "Peace Counter [5]" is actually the Peace Counter[0].

Same for Reevaluate Aggression Counter, it's what is marked as Unk4AA Research now.

The Spell Save modifier for Terror does not work either.
It's hardcoded as "Resistance To all bonus"+1.
Which I don't get because the unit is supposed to already have that applied, so it applies the bonus twice?
No other resistance roll in the game uses that value as the save modifier, think it's a bug.

The "Desirability" field in the spell data is actually two separate purpose, byte fields, not one word field.
The upper byte is the desirability of trading the spell for the AI.
The lower byte is a spell group code that is used when selecting research and casting.

When I try to replace the image sequence in Cityscap.LBX (the first set, the grass under cities), I can do it and it appears right in tweaker, but the game crashes when loading. Even if I replace the images with unchanged versions of themselves. The LBX mysteriously grows by 50kbyes too, regardless if I use edited or unchanged images.
This is somewhat of a problem because I'm replacing Cursed Lands with a city buff and it would look quite silly if a buff made the ground black. I wanted it blue because the new spell is going to be Sorcery.
Changing single images in the same file worked without problems, it's only the multi-image sequence.

Edit : having problem swapping the background image in LOAD.LBX. Even if I keep the original palette unchanged, if I replace the image, the tweaker forces an incorrect palette on the image. Changing palette should be limited only to files that are not 256 color, this way replacing anything having the nonstandard palette is not going to work. Or am I doing something wrong and there is an option to leave the palette unchanged? I wanted to change the "Master of Magic" logo to "Caster of Magic".

Another bug : In Game Data, Land Size says 0(Small) but I'm playing a game on Huge(4). If I enter the address in the address calculator (dseg:BD9A) it shows the correct current value of 04 00 for memory.

Hello I.L.S.,
I compiled your tweaker for my linux and it is really great, but I had to squash a couple of bugs before it worked properly for me.  Here's a diff:
These are basically some things you forgot to add that influence struct size, at least for g++.  Hope this helps.

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