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spoilers: this aint no cakewalk, its a musicalcatwalk; pacal of inca

Pretty sure 2 hammers is more importan t then two commerce early on.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Qgqqqqq Wrote:Pretty sure 2 hammers is more importan t then two commerce early on.

possibly but if they dont make any difference in the build time so ill take the gold/beakers

so shoot has hooked up his horse. and the city is only defended by a warrior. axe and quechua could pincer it if/when we declare war. haha

[Image: turn53shoot0000.jpg]

saw sians got an axe. after moving the quechua i see shoots skirmisher was hiding on the same square

[Image: turn53sian0000.jpg]

saw clams off the coast at the old deuteronomy site [not sure how i missed them before] so the new city is too far north to take the pigs off mungojerrie. can take the fish off mj at some point though

dammit! cant stop mj growing into unhappiness this turn hopefully i can whip the library soon

speaking of which i 1-pop-whipped the library at mr.m to start the next settler

so thats 5 cities down 2 settlers building and a chance to take/raze one off shoot

sailing completes at end of this turn so ive queued calendar up before currency. at current rates:

100%: +57bpt; -20gpt
60%: +34bpt; +1gpt
0%: +33gpt

it will take total of 13 turns at 0% to do the 11 turns at 100%

heres demos:

[Image: turn53demos0000.jpg]


sian: 52/76
shoot: 62/80

at this rate well have their research at the same time haha

the tech/gold ratio has improved slightly

100%: +60bpt; -20gpt
60%: +36bpt; +1gpt
0%: +34gpt

and it says itll take 10 turns to do both calendar and currency. 3 turns at 0% before each 5-turn-tech haha

think the option to take shoots horse city has gone. the axes presence has made him build a skirmisher in hail no nord [wtf is that?] oh well the axe and quechua can do some snooping instead haha

question: is a lake part of a river system? just wondering if only roading the wet corn will link therumtumtugger up to the network:

[Image: turn54rumtumtugger0000.jpg]

and then obviously roading the mined gold will bring in the happiness haha

just realised. the scouting quechua may have to go to the new city site

I'm 95% certain the lake connection would not be sufficient, you'll need to road the forest as well. Did you consider moving rum 1N? Allows for a better city SE of it later, uses a crappy plains tile rather than a useful PH tile, little bit closer to your empire. I'd even move it NW and use the FP tile to grow on until the terrace and corn come online. Would also lay claim to the incense tile, +1 happiness for you.

isnt 1nw going to have a lot of desert tiles? and wont shoots culture nab that incense before we can?

The incense is third ring for him, second ring for us. If he hits third ring same time as we hit second ring, culture will be equal. As soon as we reach third ring (50 culture), it will be secure. rum will have 9 good tiles to work, including the gold and incense tiles and not including the FP tile. That's enough tiles for a very long time, and you plant it on a useless desert tile rather than a nice GH tile. Merovech, what do you think?

It's definitely a better spot in the long run, but I'm worried about it not getting that wet corn right away. Also, you should test thatlake road connecion first, before you start roading
Merovech's Mapmaking Guidelines:
0. Player Requests: The player's requests take precedence, even if they contradict the following guidelines.

1. Balance: The map must be balanced, both in regards to land quality and availability and in regards to special civilization features. A map may be wonderfully unique and surprising, but, if it is unbalanced, the game will suffer and the player's enjoyment will not be as high as it could be.

2. Identity and Enjoyment: The map should be interesting to play at all levels, from city placement and management to the border-created interactions between civilizations, and should include varied terrain. Flavor should enhance the inherent pleasure resulting from the underlying tile arrangements. The map should not be exceedingly lush, but it is better to err on the lush side than on the poor side when placing terrain.

3. Feel (Avoiding Gimmicks): The map should not be overwhelmed or dominated by the mapmaker's flavor. Embellishment of the map through the use of special improvements, barbarian units, and abnormal terrain can enhance the identity and enjoyment of the map, but should take a backseat to the more normal aspects of the map. The game should usually not revolve around the flavor, but merely be accented by it.

4. Realism: Where possible, the terrain of the map should be realistic. Jungles on desert tiles, or even next to desert tiles, should therefore have a very specific reason for existing. Rivers should run downhill or across level ground into bodies of water. Irrigated terrain should have a higher grassland to plains ratio than dry terrain. Mountain chains should cast rain shadows. Islands, mountains, and peninsulas should follow logical plate tectonics.

An FP cottage is not a bad starting tile, and chopping a forest will put up a terrace in no time. The wet corn will have to be farmed anyway, so we won't be able to work it right away regardless.

fair enough 1nw it is

Catwalk Wrote:,,,and chopping a forest will put up a terrace in no time.

dammit! now i know what ive been forgetting to do. haha

Ouch smile That's something you definitely want to do with EXP/INCA. That may have something to do with your demos lagging behind a little, your combo ought to allow you to start out very fast. Not too late, though.

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