Killed an holkan and 1 mace on your land seven got a gg , which i let were born, which is between fronts.We finish guilds this turn so next i will whip first knigs, situation looks stabile now and we are second and first in power.More when you return and ccheck the game.
[SPOILERS] Smackdown Game Thread
Be nice if we can get a report from you guys sometimes, so lurkers can get an idea how you guys are doing and what your plans are...
Seven I think we can legitimately say that mack has been reporting better than you. Are you going to take that?
Civilization IV: 21 (Bismarck of Mali), 29 (Mao Zedong of Babylon), 38 (Isabella of China), 45 (Victoria of Sumeria), PB12 (Darius of Sumeria), 56 (Hammurabi of Sumeria), PB16 (Bismarck of Mali), 78 (Augustus of Byzantium), PB56 (Willem of China)
Hearthstone: ArenaDrafts Profile No longer playing Hearthstone. ![]()
OK, here are some pictures. I took them after we (and RMOG) played t99, before we played t100. Btw I usually update my tile configurations after ending a turn, so these are in general the planned tiles for t100, not the tiles I worked t99.
I finished my golden age a couple of turns ago. We teched CS and Machinery and then I popped it, revolting into bureau, caste, and pacifism for the duration. At the end, I swapped into slavery, mercantilism and OR. (So yes, the reason we waited until after getting machinery was to put us in range of getting banking in 5t.) Mackoti will start his golden age t101, and we plan for this to power us up through nationalism. We popped a great engineer from my NE city recently, so Taj is probably ours. The plan is for me to rush it as soon as possible, on t106. Then we will hopefully race up through education (really great for my civ) and perhaps win liberalism, though a detour to optics is likely. Capital is looking good. I plan to grow it up to size 19 before giving away the shared wheat. Building wealth just for this one turn, then it's on to an aqueduct. Very strong national epic city. It's sandbagging a bit this turn and last so that I can end turn first t100, completing engineering, and mackoti can then play after me and pop a GP from his capital. Heroic Epic city. It grew up so fast! The city we captured from RMOG and bombed. Wow, it's good. Coming soon: Moai Statues. I wonder if you can guess what I'm doing wrong here? I already played t100 so I will spoil it: I am trying to build an archer for cheap military police. I am also hooking up iron so that the horse archer builds I complete on t100 will come out as knights. These two activities are taking place on adjacent tiles, yet I was still unpleasantly surprised to find myself with a crossbow at 7/40h. Anyway, I'll find some way to whip Moai in here before the next golden age. My apologies in advance to the great people of Sushi. Finally settled these "filler" cities. I am focusing a lot on growth right now due to the planned Taj golden age, and these cities are prime examples. Food food food. I've collected a significant force near Apple Pie, which we may try to throw at a nearby RMOG city soon. Current plan is to spend our great general for 2xp to each of 10 units. In addition to the selected stack, there are a few horse archers and knights, plus a few more one movers, available. I am planning to move from the fog onto RMOG's horse tile (and pillage it) on t102, then attack the city the following turn. Removing the horse should be nice even if RMOG has a second, since it means that both team members can't build horses on the same turn. (Of course, we don't know for sure that they don't have a third. The resource placement does seem to have quite some variation between teams.) We'll see if it works! RMOG have been better about defending their cities after the initial lost one on each front. The worker build in Apple Pie gets switched to a knight. I thought I needed to build a second combat worker, but I can bring one in from elsewhere, it turns out. Demos. Of course, Darius of HRE of LAM is top crop yield, he has easily the highest population of any player. The tradeoff is that Joao is near the bottom of the heap. Mackoti's and my civs are usually around 2nd and 3rd. Top power by a lot is Mackoti. Here's the engineer. Haven't decided yet whether to build Taj in Tortilla Soup (city #1, so all cities after get extra hammers and gpp that turn) or Greek Salad (still gets gpp bonus, not that many cities miss hammer bonus, and the 2gpp from Taj are most useful here). We also considered the possibility of rushing Taj in a border city for culture, but liked this less than putting its 2gpp to good use. Great Scientist who has been standing around impatiently for a while. He is planned to bulb part of education. And great artist: got him a couple turns ago and he's heading west to the other continent. However if Mackoti's GP next turn is an engineer instead of a merchant (something like 22% chance of that), we will probably spend the artist for his golden age instead and save the engineer. (If it's a merchant, GA is easily the best use in an AW game.) Here's the western front. Mackoti is planning to soon move to 2 tiles away from the enemy culture-bombed city with 10 knights, 4 crossbows who can take G2, and 6 horse archers. Hopefully that's enough to rid us of that pestilence of a city. Mackoti's capital is building Moai now that we finally got stone. Then it will quickly build a bank and heroic epic in golden age + OR + bureau, and start pumping out knights and/or caravels. Here's some visual proof that there's a mechanic in Civ IV that I was unaware of and don't understand. Here's our current tech status. We also lack alphabet and compass. LAM got engineering recently, and someone (probably them too) got compass. RMOG recently got philosophy (bulbed, I think, since they got alphabet just prior) and then guilds. No one has paper, optics, or theology, and we know that only one team each has engineering and philosophy. Our breakeven combined team tech rate is roughly 485bpt. I think LAM is lower when not in GA. RMOG appears to be lower despite huayna being in a golden age right now, but I am unsure about that. We don't have graphs of 4H nor any other vital signs.
I love sushi too.
(And that's the extent of my contribution to this game). ![]() By the way, what happens with Sushi's build if you gift your iron to Mackoti? The crossbow gets demoted to an archer?
No, he would have an unfinished crossbow that he can't resume building until he gets iron back.
Civilization IV: 21 (Bismarck of Mali), 29 (Mao Zedong of Babylon), 38 (Isabella of China), 45 (Victoria of Sumeria), PB12 (Darius of Sumeria), 56 (Hammurabi of Sumeria), PB16 (Bismarck of Mali), 78 (Augustus of Byzantium), PB56 (Willem of China)
Hearthstone: ArenaDrafts Profile No longer playing Hearthstone. ![]()
Mackoti's GP turned out to be an engineer, so he used the artist for the GA. Just as well, because the next GP I produced from my NE city was an artist too. Man, it's nice in some ways to get artists and engineers, but the odds have repeatedly been for a scientist in this city and it sure would be nice to get one! GP bulbs are based off the whole team's pop so a GS is worth around 1400 beakers. Next shot at that scientist is when we (hopefully) start my taj golden age.
LAM got optics. Hopefully we won't take much damage until we can get it ourselves, after nationalism. We'd already pulled back the previous turn (or maybe the turn before?) with our triremes so I'm hoping they won't try to escalate again. |