Memphus is gonna kill me...although I'm considering the proposal. For once I'd like to see a war averted by diplomacy, and if I have to threaten someone with a great big stack then that's what I'll sodding do...
Actually this would be a treaty that favours the Lins. Taco is dead no matter what and we can easily hold the rest, probably going on the offensive...but we'll see.
Actually this would be a treaty that favours the Lins. Taco is dead no matter what and we can easily hold the rest, probably going on the offensive...but we'll see.
Quote:3:04 AM Krill: I know we are not technically at war, but would you care to make an offer for a long term peace treaty?
3:05 AM Dreylin: You sound like Templars...
Krill: or does the thought "take them from our cold dead hands" suffice?
Dreylin: what would you want?
Krill: (is this Dreylin or Kalin I'm speaking to?)
3:06 AM Dreylin: Sorry, should have said; Dreylin
Krill: I suppose I'll go one better than Kaz and demand Taco, Tamales (the city south of Taco?) and Hun. I fully expect to get shot down, but yah know, it's a starting point
3:07 AM Dreylin: Hehe
Krill: (np, just influenced the humour, Kalin doesn;t know about Kaz)
3:08 AM Dreylin: OK, and do you have a reasonable offer you'd accept ... say just Taco?
Krill: What about cities between Taco/EE and Hun/tamales?
3:09 AM No cities between them?
3:10 AM Dreylin: I think we would want once between Hun/Tamales, but we might agree to nothing founded North of the line between them - and similar for your side.
3:11 AM Krill: I think I would have to request a city 1 East of the peak by EE. It is 1 tile more south that Taco
3:12 AM Dreylin: Hmmmm
Krill: I am not making a unilateral offer here, I would have to ask Memphus.
Just as I suspect you have to ask Kalin
Dreylin: Indeed, and I don't have the power to accept without Kalin
3:13 AM Well it sounds like there may something we could reach an agreement on
Krill: possibly
Dreylin: (not logged in at the moment)
3:14 AM Krill: Memphus is not responding either
and 3am here
not exactly thinking straight
Dreylin: Sure
Well we're not in a rush to play the turn now
Krill: oh, no.
3:15 AM I screwed up tbh
Dreylin: Ended too soon?
Krill: Meant to play at end of the turn. Not at the start
Dreylin: Oh really?
Well, just put off your declaration for another turn...
and we'll play first next turn.
Krill: Basically
3:16 AM But alas, too fast for my own good sometimes
One point though
Dreylin: Heh
Krill: Any peace deal between us we will obviously abide by, but if you go gifting units to sunrise to attack us with...
3:17 AM Dreylin: Well I would suspect that there may have to be a "sunrise" provision in our deal
we are not likely to let him hang out to dry....
Krill: I understand
3:18 AM Dreylin: & would you be prepared to roll sunrise into our peace deal?
Krill: In principle? Sure. I'd probably go all Templars and try to work out a border.
3:19 AM Dreylin: Heh
and what timeframe are we talking here? 60/80/100t?
3:20 AM more?
Krill: 40-50ish? 60 is a long time. So is 40, really. The last NAP started was, what, 25 turns long.
3:21 AM Dreylin: Well you did say "long term peace treaty"
Krill: I suppose I deserve that, when short term is to me 5 turns...
perspective alters
3:22 AM Do you see the desert hill to the east of Taco?
on the other side of the freshwater Lake?
Dreylin: Yes
3:23 AM You want everything North of that?
Krill: We would want a city on that tile. We have no wish to go any further east. That is wanted simply for defensive purposes.
3:24 AM Basically everything north of Taco/desert hill, yeah.
You scout gone up there?
Dreylin: Can't remember
Krill: that land gets pretty boring after a while
3:25 AM Dreylin: Well I should sleep, and have to confer with Kalin
Krill: Ditto actually
Dreylin: Framework is this:
50t NAP
3:26 AM (to include sunrise in some form)
we give you Taco & settling rights to E & N
you put a city 1E of Peak tile
we potentiall put a city between Hun/Tamales, but not North of either
3:27 AM with further details still to be negotiated
Krill: That is the framework...
3:28 AM Dreylin: OK, let's confer with our "other halves" and the reconvene sometime tomorrow
Krill: I would like sunrise to be a full party in these negoitation myself...sorry, but I can't stop thinking of him as your vassal...
3:29 AM and that is mainly for the desert hill part. Get everything wwritten in 1 treaty
but yeah, we can confer.
Dreylin: OK, we will include sunrise as well
in our discussions
3:30 AM OK, we'll talk more tomorrow; time to write something to sunrise & Kalin
Krill: night