Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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This Time for Sure: Mardoc reprises the Lanun

Bronze, then take a run at OO? It should be ours if we're not too slow about it. wink

The path to OO also gets us God King. Capital working 4 mines + our other high yeild tiles with Expansive/God King has an absolutely sick production when building settlers (and pretty good prod when building support workers).

After OO....Sailing? Lets us get some offshore cities down + a couple of scout boats out. AH? Pigs are a very nice tile once improved + reveals horses + we'll be settling a city that can work the Cows in the not too distant future. And it opens up HBR and it's goodies.

And just out of curiosity (and to nettle Illios lol): Given this start, would you rather have New Falamar (or even old Falamar with new Harbours/Sea Havens) or Hannah with Old Fin? wink

Thoth Wrote:Bronze, then take a run at OO? It should be ours if we're not too slow about it. wink

The path to OO also gets us God King. Capital working 4 mines + our other high yeild tiles with Expansive/God King has an absolutely sick production when building settlers (and pretty good prod when building support workers).
Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm thinking at the moment. That'll be a time that we need culture pretty badly, I think.

Quote:After OO....Sailing? Lets us get some offshore cities down + a couple of scout boats out. AH? Pigs are a very nice tile once improved + reveals horses + we'll be settling a city that can work the Cows in the not too distant future. And it opens up HBR and it's goodies.
Hard choices. I think it depends on what tiles we've covered over in our culture by then, but both Sailing and AH are going to be important. There's probably Pearls out there too smile

And although coves can carry us pretty far - we will need Education sooner or later.

Quote:And just out of curiosity (and to nettle Illios lol): Given this start, would you rather have New Falamar (or even old Falamar with new Harbours/Sea Havens) or Hannah with Old Fin? wink

Honestly...with this land, Expansive is just that good. Falamar all the way.

So, what's up in Lanun?
I took a picture of the southern lands; I think city1 and city2 are decided, which ought to define a large portion of the rest of the dotmap. Anyone out there want to give it a try? I might come back to it later tonight
[Image: PBEMXVI%20T36%20todotmap.JPG]

And, just as I was starting to doubt the value of building the fourth warrior, a reason appeared! I think I'll put the extra warriors in the forest en route, and hope to entice the barb to attack them across the river.
[Image: PBEMXVI%20T36%20barb.JPG]
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Mardoc Wrote:And, just as I was starting to doubt the value of building the fourth warrior, a reason appeared! I think I'll put the extra warriors in the forest en route, and hope to entice the barb to attack them across the river.


Told you so. :neenernee:

4 warriors (total) should be enough to get the second city down in safety (assuming we don't get swarmed by barbs), but another 1 or 2 might be needed depending on circumstances.

Farmer/fisher gambits are a mugs game in FFH II. wink

As far as our 3rd expansion city goes, the site 1S of the Cows/1NW of the Corn jumps out at me. Two solid food tiles in the inner ring, oodles of riverside grass plus a shared hill or two. It's on a hill for defence which is +/-. We get the defence bonus, but on a city that won't (hopefully) see much action. OTOH, it loses us a riverside grasshill which is an awesome tile.

Quote:Honestly...with this land, Expansive is just that good. Falamar all the way.


Hmm, it appears that with literally hours notice and two other games, Thoth isn't able to find time to report the turns with pictures as well as play them smile.

Although we do have this to go off of:
Thoth Wrote:XVI: Scarificed a warrior to redline a C1 Barb that was standing on our Wines (Food for thought: How did he get that C1 promo?), Finished up the settler, revolted to Religion/Agrarianism, muttered a few 4 letter words about our worker micro, built two roads. Settler in position to settle this turn, we can move both workers to start Farming the Rice on t43 (picking up 1 t into a farm with the forward worker). Queued up a warrior next in Mainmast, I think we want at least one if not two more workers here before our next settler. Wasn't 100% sure about what naming scheme we're using for our cities....figured is was parts of Sailing ships from the Capital's name.....I was going to name our expansion city "Poopdeck" so it's probably just as well you're back at the helm. wink


Looks like Illios also has a second city in xvi...and we're 1st in GNP (at 100% cash for one turn), Food and MFG.

So - have a status report!
[Image: PBEMXVI%20T43%20overview.JPG]

As you can see, we have a 2nd city. Current worker plan is to finish the rice farm, then move north - both workers start a cotton-picking plantation, one quits after a turn and goes to road the copper. Then when the plantation is done, they go mine the copper and upgrade all our warriors.

Probably I'll finish up worker 3 (and maybe a 4th?) then it'll be time for settler 2. I think we settle the northern coastal site next, 'city4', and build it a cove workboat while growing into the Cotton happiness.

Meanwhile, I managed to lose our second scout in the north, to a rampaging Lion. The north continues the general theme of extremely lush, with a mountain wall (probably...), guarded by a Giant.

[Image: PBEMXVI%20T43%20north.JPG]

Sometime in the next...5 days...I need to sit down and recreate our dotmap, and prepare it to transcribe into the game. I need to be able to go on more-or-less autopilot, just REXing. Eventually we'll want to spare some production to REX overseas and maybe even to build a military or infrastructure. But for the time being - grow!
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


So why didn't you settle on the cotton?
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Commodore Wrote:So why didn't you settle on the cotton?

Well, err, obviously because...

That may have been a mistake by our general 'don't settle on resources' heuristic. 2/0/4 isn't the best of tiles. Although a general theme of close-packed cities won't really hurt us with this land, especially early.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Commodore Wrote:So why didn't you settle on the cotton?

Mardoc Wrote:Well, err, obviously because...

That may have been a mistake by our general 'don't settle on resources' heuristic. 2/0/4 isn't the best of tiles. Although a general theme of close-packed cities won't really hurt us with this land, especially early.

That plus, well, um. Neither of us thought of it. lol

Worker/Worker/Warrior (grow to size 9) in Mainmast followed by another Settler is the way to go with Poopdeck building warriors up to it's happy cap and then joining the worker/settler building party.

Techwise: AH/Ancient Chants/Myst/MftD/Sailing? or AH/Sailing/AC/Myst/MftD

Sailing costs about the same as AC/Myst and lets us get a galley in the water to settle at least one offshore city.

The Myst path gets us God King sooner (Mainmast is going to be an insanely fast Settler producer with GK/Expansive, especially once we grow it to size 11 and get the rest of the hills mined and the Pigs pastured) and OO will let us grow Mainmast to size 11 (+2 happy from state religion with OO) but delays our offshore city by a few turns.

Once Myst is in we can also build an EC in Poopdeck and start collecting GPP towards our first GP (Sage for an Academy I think, the Shrine can wait a bit). With all the riverside grass in this city it will have enough food surplus to run multiple specialists and would be a good (but not great) candidate for our NE.

I don't think it's wise to settle our overseas cities until we have culture on the board, to allow good cove spacing and multiple coves per city. Plus I'd like to hopefully get Mainmast to the point of 1t Trireme and workboats, first, which means more mines. I haven't checked if that's exactly possible - but I at least think we should shift its balance toward more hammers and less food before we do a lot that isn't foodhammer.

So I'm thinking Message from the Deep first, Sailing later. We probably want to slip in Education into that path, as well, so we can start laying down cottages in our mainly land empire
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


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