im not. just showing that stat as the break-even, current ratios are:
0%: +37gpt
60%: +41bpt; +1gpt
100%: +69bpt
were at 100% now and calendar will take 4 turns so ive slipped in hunting for 1 turn before going back to 0% to save up for 5 turn currency. this is because therumtumtugger will be settled next turn and hopefully thats us first to 6 cities! the 7th city can be either of the ivory cities of rumpleteazer or bustopher jones so its a toss-up between wet corn and lake vs grasssland/hills pigs and fish
macavity finished the 7th worker [electra] this turn so ive queued an 8th [etcetera] a 9th [exotica] is due after that in mungojerrie and bombalurina has the 10th [ghengis] queued. umm can we have too many workers? may put them in teams of 2 haha
heres demos:
back on top of gnp but still lacking in mfg and crop. ill post pics of all cities tomorrow so you can tell me where im going wrong
just noticed we have trade routes with sian. how can macavity have a route to an undiscovered city [frisii - ive located cimbri teutones and angli so far] when macavitys not a port and theres no road or river network to this frisii?
At first glance (may well be wrong), it looks like you have prioritized libraries too high. Libraries aren't worth that much early on, especially if you already have border pops from terraces. Those hammers could be spent on more workers and settlers instead. What has your whipping strategy been like?
You should chop that forest north of the corn into a terrace at therumtumtugger, if you have the free worker turns. You won't get full hammers from it, I think, but X hammers into the terrace there, especially because of the corn is much more efficent than Y hammers into almost anything else. I would also think about mining that gold and working that at size one until the border pop, or at least until you build the terrace.
Merovech's Mapmaking Guidelines:
0. Player Requests: The player's requests take precedence, even if they contradict the following guidelines.
1. Balance: The map must be balanced, both in regards to land quality and availability and in regards to special civilization features. A map may be wonderfully unique and surprising, but, if it is unbalanced, the game will suffer and the player's enjoyment will not be as high as it could be.
2. Identity and Enjoyment: The map should be interesting to play at all levels, from city placement and management to the border-created interactions between civilizations, and should include varied terrain. Flavor should enhance the inherent pleasure resulting from the underlying tile arrangements. The map should not be exceedingly lush, but it is better to err on the lush side than on the poor side when placing terrain.
3. Feel (Avoiding Gimmicks): The map should not be overwhelmed or dominated by the mapmaker's flavor. Embellishment of the map through the use of special improvements, barbarian units, and abnormal terrain can enhance the identity and enjoyment of the map, but should take a backseat to the more normal aspects of the map. The game should usually not revolve around the flavor, but merely be accented by it.
4. Realism: Where possible, the terrain of the map should be realistic. Jungles on desert tiles, or even next to desert tiles, should therefore have a very specific reason for existing. Rivers should run downhill or across level ground into bodies of water. Irrigated terrain should have a higher grassland to plains ratio than dry terrain. Mountain chains should cast rain shadows. Islands, mountains, and peninsulas should follow logical plate tectonics.
You need to work the FP cottage in rumtugger, boosts its growth by 50%. bomba has a plains cottage it can work in the meantime. Since he's EXP and gets double speed terraces, I think I'd go with just whipping the terrace at size 2 since he can grow in 4t. Mining the gold is a good idea for the happiness, but I wouldn't work it in a starting town which needs to develop.
During this particular turn, macavity could work a GH mine instead of a cottage for 5 hammers and 1 commerce instead of 2 hammers and 4 commerce, since you're producing a worker. Food tiles become worth a lot less when building workers and settlers, it's a good strategy to shift high food tiles to neighbour cities during production of workers and settlers, that way the food can be used for continued valuable growth instead of wasting them as hammers. Moreso since food hammers are not modified by the EXP bonus. Ideally, an overlapping city could take over the awesome 6/0/1 tile to avoid wasting the food as hammers.
just noticed the picture for mungojerrie is wrong. heres the correct one:
while the turn was open i did a sneaky look at how my neighbours are doing. sian has 6 cities while shoots on 5
whipping strategy? umm should i have one? haha! actually i dont really. been whipping if pop-unhappiness was getting to be a problem. however ive found ive replace pop-unhappiness with whip-unhappiness twice now. hence prioritising calendar. did those libraries so they have longer to improve and so the cities had somethink else to grow on. with hindsight military might have been a better choice haha
merovech? that forest isnt in rumtums culture yet. damn forgot to switch that flood plain over. will do next turn
shall i pump out workers and settlers? although the latter is going to stretch our already thin quechua cover. the only spare one is scouting sians land atm
umm cat? we didnt overlap that wet corn at macavity
I know, that was hypothetical ("if a city was overlapping, this would be a good time to yadda yadda"). That's something I've only really started doing in PBEM37, and it seems to be working wonders. You really don't want to waste food on hammer conversion unless the worker or settler is urgent. Someone posted somewhere that food (when used for growth and you're able to take advantage of that growth) is roughly 50% more valuable than hammers.
I think whipping settlers and workers while regrowing on libraries (or military) is more economically sound. That way you spend less time wasting food on hammer conversion. And yeah, I think more military + more expansion would pay off better than most of those libraries. They're worth 2 beakers tops at break-even, and you don't need the culture at this time. Have you been double and triple whipping? You get the same anger no matter how much pop you whip, so in relative terms triple whipping is more anger efficient. I like triple whipping settlers at size 6 in particular: Grow into a tiny bit of unhappiness at size 6, spend a single turn on the settler and then whip down to size 3. Spend the 6 turns growing back to size 5.
I think you'll get 10 hammers from that forest when outside of culture but within BFC. It's worth considering, if it matches rumtugger's growth timing well.