So I know it was a short turnaround for team discussion, but tonight is what works for me to play, and we don't seem to have any major events on the horizon for these ten turns.
First, I move our spy out of the capital to Moscow to look for a steal. We need tech for ourselves, we don't really care about the AIs getting it from us, plus we can now build counterespionage buildings.
Pledge to protect Valletta (militaristic) because they have a Great Artist quest and we have one coming.
I put Faith onto World's Fair this turn, then onto its factory. I also run its Great Engineer since I do expect it to spawn one someday.
Holy Site is on the desert? Why? 0F 0H is a bad tile, great improvements should always be on grassland or plains for at least that basic yield.
For the current Great Prophet, I agree with sending him west to Singapore and Jerusalem for the Druidism quests. Also they will help keep other nearby cities in our fold. We do need to save his last spread for Moscow and its wonders.
T201: Industrialization in. We have Coal 2NW of Faith, already mined, excellent. Faith starts its factory which I can micro to get in 6 turns, and this should finish ahead of the World's Fair. I buy two other factories in Marrakech and Devotion, since Divinity and Piety have nothing else on tap so will slow-build it.
I moved our major units home from Onondaga, leaving a trebuchet, musket, and cataphract to guard it. I had Divinity build a couple work boats for exploring in anticipation of our steal of Astronomy.
T204: No steal available from Russia. Spy sees Red Fort due in 7 turns in the city, so don't try for that. Spy sees Catherine plotting against Sweden.
Now we've relocated our units home to Devotion. And it's clear the World's Fair is progressing slow enough (about 5%/turn) that I won't need to spend money on the third factory before it finishes for the free ideology/policy. So
I pull the trigger on paying Rome to fight Sweden, for a price of 21 gold/turn. That's actually pretty darn cheap. We NEED these guys burning units on each other.
Between turns, we get a front row seat on some delicious bloodshed between the two.
T206: We do indeed steal Astronomy. It is the only steal option. The first spy still shows a steal clock, so yes Portugal must have Navigation and we can eventually steal it. I move the other spy to Singapore for an eventual coup attempt.
I built walls in Devotion, and also in Marrakech on the off chance Rome tries to flank us in that direction.
T207: Faith's factory completed and we pick our Ideology. The freebies are Universal Healthcare (happy per national wonder) and Civil Society (-1 food per specialist), and we also bulb into Volunteer Army to get the Foreign Legion units.
T208: Brandenburg gate completed, so I purchase an Artillery in Devotion. (Do it now because we can only purchase one per turn.)
T209: Purchase another Artillery. Rifling in, I guess Architecture has to be next since we'll have a steal on Navigation.
We meet Mbanza-Kongo at sea, who is militaristic. And has a gold gift quest going on.
I think we should buy them but will leave it open for any discussion.
I'm passing off one turn early, because
we are ready to declare on Rome if we want to next turn T210.
The units are in position. Note that the newly bought artillery can move next turn to the indicated tile NE-E of Devotion, set up, and fire on Rome city all in the same turn. The cannon occupying that square should move NE-E and set up to fire on the second turn. Also note the one Foreign Legion positioned by Neapolis, who could move towards Marrakech or Onondaga
before you declare war.
Should we declare on Rome now? I think so. Rome has not shown any units newer than legion, trebuchet, crossbow. And there are few or none around Rome city as they've been moving towards Sweden and dying there. Rome is losing to Sweden at Akwesasne, with the city below half health. I expect that the two artillery and one cannon can fire on Rome city on the turn we declare, withstand one return shot, and redline it for capture in the second turn.
We are #1 in Soldiers by a fair margin; we have 129k now and the highest listed before we got the foreign legions and artillery was 90k. I could be talked into waiting for a third artillery (~6 turns) and possibly another mili-CS unit. But I think we're ready to go now. The Foreign Legions are at the peak of their power right now, while nobody else has any rifles.