The Cotton is hooked, so I decide to knock out a quick warrior in Mainmast to let it grow to size 9 - we'll want an escort for the next settler anyway.
I'm debating whether next turn should be another worker (probably the best bet) or whether it's time to put Expansive back to use and acquire a 4t settler. Given that we're currently mining - probably the settler should wait for more hammers - that 1/3/0 mine is equivalent to a 7/0/0 corn, for purposes of settler. Which is also the reason I'll be paving over the shrooms hill shortly (once everything else hammer boosting is done)
Plus, well - we just barely have enough improved tiles for the current citizens to work. Add in another fast growing city and we won't keep up.
Here's what the cities look like:
Mainmast has a worker on each hill, mining away.
And here's the barb situation:
Next turn, the cotton-picking worker ought to be able to wait for the copper worker to finish his road, then join him and put an immediate turn into the mine - this should be the last set of barbs we face on even terms.
Oh, yes, that battle. How does it go?
It doesn't .
Now we've got a dilemma! Do we attack out at them, or just rush some reinforcements to Poopdeck from Mainmast? I'm currently leaning toward the latter - we can get two warriors on each of Poopdeck and the copper hill, and then we can definitely take the barbs out when copper comes in, if they haven't suicided first. If I'm counting right - next turn we put one worker turn into the mine, and finish the road. Which means on T49, the mine finishes and is immediately hooked
And I still need to get around to dotmapping! I'm planning to take the northern coastal city first, then the southern one, because the northern city can do more with its non-expanded borders. But we ought to be up to that 4-city mark in ~10 turns, and then we need plans for what's next!
I hope you remembered to turn off avoid growth in Mainmast.
I think another worker before the settler. We'll be slamming out the settlers faster than our current workforce can keep up with.
If we build a WB in between our next settler and the one after that it would get the Cove for the northern coast site up and running a lot faster than that city could do by it's the meantime the new city can be doing something useful like building a Sea Haven. Once Poopdeck grows to size 3 and works the mined Copper it should be able to cover most of our interim Warrior needs while it grows to it's happy cap on Agrarian farms.
Also, we should move one of the warriors from Mainmast towards Poopdeck to cover the city in case those incoming barbs decide to bypass Copper Hill
Thoth Wrote:I hope you remembered to turn off avoid growth in Mainmast.
Do you see that icon glowing? :neenernee No? Ok then.
Quote:I think another worker before the settler. We'll be slamming out the settlers faster than our current workforce can keep up with.
Yeah, I know. It's just...workers never *feel* like progress. I should know better by now. I really should.
Quote:If we build a WB in between our next settler and the one after that it would get the Cove for the northern coast site up and running a lot faster than that city could do by it's the meantime the new city can be doing something useful like building a Sea Haven. Once Poopdeck grows to size 3 and works the mined Copper it should be able to cover most of our interim Warrior needs while it grows to it's happy cap on Agrarian farms.
Yep. Primary reason to go with the northern site first is that we can start it working a cove almost instantly.
I assume we'll pave most of those farms back over when Education comes in? Although I suppose it can be a pretty decent worker farm, once it's all grown up and somewhere else is handling the warriors. I also think - maybe once we have sufficient mines to work at home, we can let Poopdeck steal the wines for a while.
Quote:Also, we should move one of the warriors from Mainmast towards Poopdeck to cover the city in case those incoming barbs decide to bypass Copper Hill
Was thinking I'd move two of the three, actually. We won't need that kind of numbers again after Bronze. But the +25% bonus is only enough to get into maybe 70-80% odds - I wouldn't be surprised if the warriors could capture Poopdeck against just one warrior. We can bring them back to cover the settler before it's built, if we do worker first.
Mardoc Wrote:Do you see that icon glowing? :neenernee No? Ok then.
Just making sure. There has been more than one occasion in my SP games that I've gone "Why isn't my city growing?....oh. "
Quote:Yeah, I know. It's just...workers never *feel* like progress. I should know better by now. I really should.
More workers at this point in the game are *definitely* progress. Roads to speed Settlers to their destination, pre-improved tiles, fast improvement of land.
Quote:Yep. Primary reason to go with the northern site first is that we can start it working a cove almost instantly.
I assume we'll pave most of those farms back over when Education comes in? Although I suppose it can be a pretty decent worker farm, once it's all grown up and somewhere else is handling the warriors. I also think - maybe once we have sufficient mines to work at home, we can let Poopdeck steal the wines for a while.
Shared tiles between Mainmast and Poopdeck yes, cottage 'em over (Mainmast is going to an absolute BEAST of a commerce city). The rest, not sure. Agrarian farms can push out some workers/settlers in a hurry once we're at our happy cap (8 currently I think)
Quote:Was thinking I'd move two of the three, actually. We won't need that kind of numbers again after Bronze. But the +25% bonus is only enough to get into maybe 70-80% odds - I wouldn't be surprised if the warriors could capture Poopdeck against just one warrior. We can bring them back to cover the settler before it's built, if we do worker first.
Right. Hadn't included the new built warrior. Move 2 to cover just in case. Two barbs vs one not like the odds.
Not much to report on T48, everything is proceeding according to plan. Next turn we ought to have bronze, and therefore be able to lay the smackdown on the barbs.
Thoth Wrote:Wow, that was fast for Kill'em'orph. Any sign of a GP being born in the log?
Yep, exactly one turn ago. That must have been how he did it.
Quote:And is there any sign of Horses about?
I'll get you a picture next turn - but yes. One to the SE, between the pigs and the cows, we could grab it with a first ring city. Then another further away. Similar to the copper pattern, really.