Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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spoilers: this aint no cakewalk, its a musicalcatwalk; pacal of inca

Hmm, I suck at military too smile I'd probably get an axe right away, yeah. Worst case scenario, he can declare and invade bomba next turn.

the axe thats scouting his territory will ping back to our side right? probably around bombalurina which will be handy

I'm afraid I don't know exactly where it will land, but I believe it will go in your direction yes. It will not necessarily return to your culture though, it will only be teleported out of his culture.

first the good news: we are not at war with shoot

now the bad news: his chariot is probably in a worse position if he does declare

[Image: turn61flash0000.jpg]

i have set axes to build in macavity mr.mistoffelees and bombalurina. they can be whipped next turn

question: why hasnt sian put a city where our quechua is?

[Image: turn61sian0000.jpg]

wow the mini-map looks weird. heres the known world. well what will fit anyway:

[Image: turn61world0000.jpg]

sites bin down a couple of hours otherwise i wouldve posted earlier

still no war with shoot

whipped the axes in bomba and misto. no need to whip in macavity so just gimped the growth by maximising hammers. still only 5th in mfg sadly.

hope bustopher jones doesnt kill the economy when i found it

hmm seem to have cloaked the whip by completing hunting this turn haha

With the chariot moving NE and N last turn, he has scouted both of your cities now. He might go for the raze on rumtumtugger next turn.

hopefully the axe at bomba will put him off that idea. itll chase him down the road haha

ok turn played

shoots now moved his chariot up to macavity. maybe hes waiting for our axe to leave his culture before he declares war. ive used the axes to fortify their home cities for the time being

tech/gold ratio:

0%: +26gpt
40%: +27bpt; +2gpt
100%: +67gpt; -32gpt

calendar will take 4 turns, so we need to be at 0% for 5 turns

It seems he's just scouting, but I still think it was a good call to get defenses. He could easily have made up his mind to raze a city. Are you keeping par with the other players on power?

despite 3 axe and hunting in 1 turn i think we were still last. will post demos and the power graph in next report

should i build chariots as well as i know sian has at least 1 axe

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