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Ideas for imperium games

There is another interesting implication of the above suggestions, namely that we won't have any cleanup tech! Moreover, since our silicoid enemies will also be using a different tech tree from their original one, they'll be researching cleanup and colonization tech (I think, will need to check). If we add a rule saying constant war required, that means we'll have a high incentive to steal and grab tech in order to boost our productivity, activities that are usually less cost efficient than straight up research and factory construction. With no cleanup tech at all, we might see significantly fewer factories put up.

Are there any plans for new Imperia games? I'm still relearning how to play well after not playing for 15+ years, but this sounds like fun.

I can't actually answer your question, but I've been playing through the old games, which is a lot of fun by itself.

One game idea I sent to Sullla a long while back is a game oriented around a senate victory:

Scoring is simply the number of alien votes you received when you wins a diplomatic victory. (Total numbers of votes you received, minus your own.)

Probably best on a medium or large map, average difficulty, and of course playing as the humans.

I posted in a new thread to see if there is enough interest in getting the Imperium's going again. Below is an idea or we can pick from other ideas in this thread:

Erratic Birds
Size medium
Difficulty normal
Opponents 5 (No Silicoid or Humans, I will roll till we get an appro map)

Why should the computer AI get all the fun of being erratic and randomly declaring war on someone due to a vision? The time has come for a player to show the AI how erratic we can be if only given the chance! The mighty birds have elected you to lead them now that your glorious race has learned how to colonize other worlds. Despite the pressures on you to expand from your fellow beaks, just to spite them, you refuse to send out your colony ship and your scouts! You maintain power by spending the first 10 years of your reign eliminating anyone who you perceive as a threat and killing anything you believe to be a spy as well as filling your coffers full of GOLD, precious shiny GOLD. While some birds have asked that you spend this GOLD to invest in planet spending, you refuse to ever spend your money! With a solid reign over your subjects, no one will ever question your erratic behaviors again! Now it is time to go out and colonize the universe!

As part of being an erratic bird, the first 10 turns you have done nothing except hit next turn. No sending your colony ship out. No sending your scouts out. In addition, your prevent spying bar and tax slider was maxed. Also, you cannot use the industry slider to improve a planet (except to prevent a plague like event). You start after the 10th year.

You are erratic! Until the first vote, every 20 years, BEFORE you do anything else roll a 6-sided die. *To prevent a die possibility of scrapping your colony ship, I have “rolled” for you and obtained a 6.*

If you roll a 1: Bad news! It is time to go to war! Re-roll the die and declare war based on your results:

1: Bears, 2: Psilons, etc. A 6 means you must threaten EVERY race you know, but do not have to declare war. If you do not know the race you have been told to declare war on, you must threaten the race of your choice. Note: If you are already at war with the race in question, attempt to obtain peace instead! You are crazy!

If you roll a 2: Time to make some wacky tech decisions. Re-roll the die and put all research but 5 clicks (1 for each other field so you don't lose bonuses) into that field for at least 10 turns. For the next 9 turns at least 50% of your research must be in that field. A 1 is: Computers, 2: Construction, etc You must have at least 40 BC invested into research as well!

If you roll a 3: More bad news! Reroll the die. Based on the number, scrap the design with a 1 being your design on top and a 6 being your design on bottom.

If you roll a 4: More bad news! You must click next turn for 10 years with no other changes. Can’t do anything!

If you roll a 5: Raise taxes and go on a witch-hunt! Raise your reserve slider by 20% and your spying prevention bar 20% for 10 turns.

If you roll a 6: Congratulations! Your erratic behavior has subsided temporarily and you can act how you will.

Erratic behavior during everything else?

Voting: Roll the die. A 1 or 2 means to vote for the top option. A 3 or 4 means to vote for the middle option. A 5 or 6 is abstain. If your votes put someone (not yourself) over the top, you may abstain instead if you don't like final war.

When meeting another race for the first time, roll the die:
1=War, 2 or 3=Initiate Trade, 4=Request Alliance every turn for 5 turns, 5=Request NAP every turn for 5 turns. 6=Initiate trade and your choice of a NAP or Alliance every turn for 5 turns.

Anytime you steal something and need to frame one of 2 races, a 1,2,3 means the race on the left, a 4,5,6 means the race on the right

Anytime the AI comes to you requesting something, a 1,2,3 means the top option and a 4,5,6 means the bottom option. If you decline and they throw in something extra, reroll the die and the same rules apply.

Scoring only applies to winning the game. Losing or not finishing will not receive a score. Scoring is optional! See below for full details. The below only applies for the first 20 rolls involving turns (don’t count the non-turn based rolls). Every roll after that does not count to scoring!

Erratically declare war on someone due to rolling a 1 (Both turn based rolls and 1st contact rolls) -1 point.

If that race is the largest race in the game (must be bigger than you as well), bonus 2 points.

Erratically hit next turn 10 times where you rolled a 4 -4 points.
-If any of your planets with a population greater than 30 million get successfully invaded in those 10 turns-bonus 16 points. (Only counts for 1 planet. If two of your planets get invaded in the 10 turns, you still get only 16 points total.)

-If you roll 2 4’s in a row (2.7% chance) and have to waste 20 turns-bonus 20 points (can stack with above)

-If you roll 3 4’s in a row (4.6 times in a thousand) and have to waste 30 turns-bonus 60 points

-If you roll 4 4’s in a row, you are assassinated. Another bird takes your place. Erase all previous bonus’s. You are no longer erratic and will end the game with a score of D. (Yes it isn’t a number, we are erratic, so non-erratic scorers don’t qualify)

After your 20th roll completes, add up your BC in reserve and divide by 1000. Add that number to your score.

If you roll a 6 ever-negative 1 point

Any reserve spending on your colonies–Negative 100 points (unless you have an event you must overcome like the plague)

Any tribute or deals involving you giving away BC-Negative 100 points

Bonus! If you choose to roll the die on your first turn before taking ANY other actions-15 points.

If you roll a 3 and then a 2 and have to scrap your colony ship, no turning back now and you get a bonus 30 points!

I will pass on a dice tossing variant, but I look forward to reading the reports smile I think the scoring system might be a bit too complicated, though.

Unfortunately, dice rolling variants tend to be a lot more fun to design than they are to play, since the ability to control events is kind of the whole point of a strategy game. At least, that's been my experience with these ideas in the past. But I hope you manage to have some fun with this one. smile
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I haven't gone through the old games to see everything that has been done, but a simple but potentially interesting idea I had would be that you are only allowed to colonize worlds with a star of a certain color, say green. Or to make it more interesting, purple.

(November 28th, 2012, 19:16)toddestan Wrote: I haven't gone through the old games to see everything that has been done, but a simple but potentially interesting idea I had would be that you are only allowed to colonize worlds with a star of a certain color, say green. Or to make it more interesting, purple.
This sounds like it could make for quite a fun game, especially given the right galaxy! If there's interest in playing one, I think another Imperium would be great, and this would be quite a good option.

An erratic game such as Horist suggests would probably be more fun as an SG, though probably with a less restrictive (or variable!) rule set - something like the Perpentach FFH2 SGs that were played over in the Civ forum. (Alternatively, you can also always go back and play Imperium 18 - I know I always enjoy reading more reports on old games!)

Another idea for a future imperium or two: Industrial Magnates!

The purpose is to race for 10.000 victory points. Victory points are awarded for economic achievements:
250 points per planet you own
5 points per population point
1 point per BC produced (during any particular turn, not accumulated)
25 points per tech level

8 planets * 250 = 2.000 points
600 population * 5 = 3.000 points
4000 BC * 1 = 4.000 points
40 tech levels * 25 = 1.000 points

Galaxy: Huge
Opponents: Five
Difficulty: Impossible
Race: Psilon 1st game, Klackons 2nd game

I don't know if the chosen values are reasonable approximations of the importance of each of those factors, they are supposed to encourage somewhat normal and balanced gameplay. I hope that the game settings and the VP level will allow players to claim victory around mid-game, at a time when most planets are colonized and built up and before major warfare breaks out. If anyone feels like checking up on the objective by comparing with a normal game and seeing when they reach 10k points, that'd be great. Also feel free to suggest revised numbers for the VP categories.

Ideally, the game would allow the player to choose either Klackons or Psilons, to reflect the current discussion about their strengths. Unfortunately, the race editors don't work terribly well for this. I think that both diplo modifiers and tech modifiers stay at the level of the original race, skewing things wildly.

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