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[spoiler] Azza provides a guide on how to screw up Napoleon of Rome

[Image: vFyzS.jpg]

Thank you Mr. Bear & Friends for healing my scout.

The goings on in Tenacious D.
[Image: 3ImA4.jpg]

I named my worker "The Metal" so no ones allowed to kill him. You can't kill the metal, after all.

And Octopus is spreading his tentacles around the map.
[Image: MhqCf.jpg]

Barbarians being pests. Settler is built this end of this turn.
[Image: 8GOoL.jpg]

And a couple of turns ago, met Bigger.
[Image: SA76q.jpg]

That panther is an asshole. Attacked and killed my warrior at under 10% odds. Scout got eaten by a lion as well.

The big question is whether risking my settler in neutral territory for a turn is worth 2 extra turns of development in my 2nd city. I'm leaning towards no.

[Image: nr0EU.jpg]

Built The Living End 2 turns later than I should've. (bloody barbarians) Need to get that gold up and running nice and quick, need a significant GNP boost.

Hi Azza,

New lurker here. Hoping to get an update. City screen shots if its not too much to ask. It looks like you're doing pretty well output wise.

And what are your dotmap and any other plans?

Well, if a lurker is posting, I guess I have to update!

The known world;
[Image: tD3W3.jpg]

Serdoa came from the south east peninsular, Lewger are the orange to the north. Only planned city I have is signed "c3", and I'll be settling that next turn. Need to think about a dotmap soon.

Tenacious D;
[Image: PLQ6C.jpg]

Building stuff with its considerable production. I have a worker chopping the forest 1W of the city tile, while waiting for Agri to come in for the wheat.

The Living End;
[Image: 6gEwf.jpg]

Taking as much food as possible so it can grow onto the Gold when its mine is finished next turn.

Tech tree;
[Image: j2dp5.jpg]

Planning to use Tenacious D's hefty production to build the Great Lighthouse. Then Iron Working and hopefully Praets.

Finally, the demographics.
[Image: jd6HZ.jpg]

GNP seriously needs a boost, but I'm hoping to rectify that with the Gold and the Gems (once Tenacious D's borders expand for my 3rd city).

Enjoying my good looking demographics while they last.

[Image: 6SJ1T.jpg]

Thanks for the posts! Being the only lurker in a game has its advantages it would seem - you are not alone in being alone. smile

Those are some strong cities! Judging prematurely, I'm not so sure that this is a good guide on "how to screw up... Rome"!

Your cities are very strong in production. Did Krill's performance in PB5 influence your game play? I'd post a spoiler but don't know how, sorry. But I can't imagine that you didn't read at least some of his posts since you were one of his many victims (no offense). smile

(December 4th, 2012, 17:48)MindyMcCready Wrote: Thanks for the posts! Being the only lurker in a game has its advantages it would seem - you are not alone in being alone. smile

Au contraire smile

I don't know who said it first, but there's often plenty of us around, just can't say anything for spoilers/fear of intrusion (check out EitB for an example of that lol ).

Its best not to post spoilers in player/tech threads, as any email subscriptions appear without a spoiler tag.

This should work. If you quote it the text that implements the tag should come up (which in this case is [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ] without the spaces).
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


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