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[spoiler] Azza provides a guide on how to screw up Napoleon of Rome

Spoiler alert. This is a spoiler thread.

It'll be murder on the dancefloor.

And stuff.

(October 27th, 2012, 10:26)Azza Wrote: Being slow to start your thread seems to mean you don't get a screenshot of your start frown

Well, yeah, if you post your thread while I'm sleeping, you don't get a screenie until I'm awake again.

[Image: Napolean.JPG]

Things may change, especially if I missed giving you a 5 food tile.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


I think I have a 5 (the crabs) but not a 4 (unless it's in the fog). Grassing the plains cow and/or the sheep would fix it.

Thanks for the map and the screenshot btw!

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot5695.JPG]
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

Going to check out if that plains hill is coastal, if so, capital goes there. Hunting first seems necessary for pastures. If the plains hill isn't coastal, I might settle on the forest 1W of the pigs. Keep the hills free for mining and still leaves room for a coastal city by the clams.

I'm bored so I'll judge the quality of the leaders in the game. Probably horribly wrong since I don't naturally think in RB mod.

Commodore - Gilgamesh of the Khmer

Giggles is a fair bit better in RBmod than regular civ, thanks to PRO giving cheap Granaries. I assume Blister Pants still need ivory, so they will either be very very dangerous or irrelevant. Decent, not great.

Azza - Napoleon of Rome

Weaker Praets is unfortunate, but at least I'm charasmatic so they'll be highly promoted Praets. Another average combo.

Pindicooter - Huayna Capac of Zulu

Impis are really, really annoying if they decide to use them heavily. Ikhandas are nice. Huayna is a pretty strong leader too. One of the better combos on paper.

Merohoc - Augustus of Arabia

Really not a fan of Arabian starting techs. But the Madrassa is cool, and Camel Archers are better on a random map with no guarantee of having the required resources. Augustus is ok, nothing special. Probably just below average overall.

Ichabod and the Brick - Genghis Khan of the Vikings

Pretty crap combo. Not much economic benefit from either traits or civ. Agg Zerks will be a pain to deal with, but one of the worst combos I'd say.

Plako - Louis XIV of the Aztec

A bit of a counter-productive combo. Mysticism start with Ind suggests Henge, but he's already Creative. Sac Altars are really good though. Average overall I reckon.

Xenu - Churchill of Portugal

Tossup between this and Brickabod for the worst combo. Pro/Cha is better in RB mod, but I still wouldn't call it good. Portugal are a bit of a nothing civ. At least with B&S he could have some colonization possibilities thanks to the Carrack, I guess.

Catcheetah - Suryavarman of France

Probably slightly above average. Good leader, with a good Civ slightly improved in RB mod thanks to the Salon not forcing an Artist any more (IIRC).

Lewger - Qin Shi Huang of the Netherlands

Not the worst. Ind/Pro is ok, Netherlands are pretty good with decent start techs.

N-core - Mansa Musa of India

If it was vanilla BTS, this'd be the clear #1 IMO. Might still be with RBmod, FIN/SPI + fast workers seems very nice.

Serdoa - De Gaulle of Maya

Another average one. Would normally be the perfect candidate for Stonehenge, for the CHA boost to monuments. Still probably the favourite, being Ind, not Cre and starting with Mysticism.

So, good combos;
N-core - Mansa Musa of India
Pindicooter - Huayna Capac of Zulu

Average combos;
Commodore - Gilgamesh of the Khmer
Azza - Napoleon of Rome
Merohoc - Augustus of Arabia
Plako - Louis XIV of the Aztec
Catcheetah - Suryavarman of France
Serdoa - De Gaulle of Maya

Bad combos;
Lewger - Qin Shi Huang of the Netherlands.
Ichabod and the Brick - Genghis Khan of the Vikings
Xenu - Churchill of Portugal

Plains hill 1NW is coastal, so I'll be settling on it. There was also a fish in the BFC, but I think worker first while researching Hunting is a better move than workboat first. Lots of forests to chop, gold is 2E of the cows, so I have a decent little area to start from.

[Image: Ch8nB.jpg]

And we're off, 3rd time lucky (hopefully)

I think I might be on an island away from the main continent(s).

Also, I'm in need of a good theme, so I can change my capital's name to something good.

[Image: DtP11.jpg]

Also, strongly considering using a lot of those forests to build The Great Lighthouse. If I'm on an island as I suspect, it'll be a great help to my economy. Pyramids would be nice since I have no rivers, but it'll probably go to an IND civ.

Tech order will probably be Hunting -> Bronze Working -> Sailing -> Masonry. Dry wheat is nice to have but with pigs, fish and plains cow, it's not necessary to hook up at this stage, especially with chopping out TGL looking like a high priority move.

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