Thanks for the quick reply. So if we hypothetically did something like that, we would probably want Russia on board to some extent. I don't think a scenario where the two of us are dueling against Austria and Russia is a really great outcome for either of us. What are your thoughts on exploring a quick killing of Austria with Russia? I don't really know what Russia is feeling right now with regards to Austria, but a strong Austria is kind of scary longterm for all of us.
Just spit balling ideas.
scooter - Turkey
MJW Wrote:Hello Scooter,
Of course I would find a dogpile against Austria more good. You don't have many options as Italy. I would need at least two city centers to side with you guys. Attacking you or Austria is my first choice. Rowain took a third option and attacked france to focus on avoiding dying but I want SCs!!!!
I am TT of Russia and thought I would just send a welcome message to you.
Italy and Russia can turn out to be pretty good allies given the right circumstances. I know from my time playing Italy that its a challenge but a fun one. You effectively can alter the balance of power in one or both major theaters of war.
Its much too early to think of full scale plots and attacks, but I see that our best chance of helping each other is to have a holiday together in the beautiful foothills of Austria-Hungary...
Well if you fancy a chat/plot/scheme then feel free to send an email my way, I'm usually pretty good at responding.
Keep in touch,
MJW Wrote:Do you have an alliance with Turkey or something?
TT Wrote:I have no alliances at this point, I am merely seeing where the land lies.
Needless to say, a destruction of Austria Hungary does benefit all three parties in this short term, with the potential for long term gains once it is resolved.
MJW Wrote:Italy has two good options at the start of the game. Attack Austria or work with it to attack Turkey. I'm leaning toward siding with Austria because I don't think scooter or Gaspar will ever trust me. But I can be brought on board by throwing enough city centers my way.
TT Wrote:Fair enough, well I can get on board with both plans as either has an advantage for me.
How many city centres would you be looking for from each attack?
I imagine you'd want some of the Balkans if you attack Turkey, and Tri/Vie for attacking AH?
Once I know what your terms are, I can see where I want to go as I reckon that between us we can tip the balance of this conflict.
MJW Wrote:I need at least two city centers for each way. Because I like Austria, and dislike scooter/gaspar, a lot I would have to ask for something more if I backstab them. A third city center or a NAP could be that something.
Pretty much the only thing that you cannot read between the lines from my recent correspondence is that I'm quite annoyed that contacted me without anything useful to say. Not enough to do anything of course.
How are you going to Lepanto if you move your fleet to TYS and not ION?
Or do you have another plan for A Apu?
Personally, my favorite opening as Italy is the Tyrolean Lepanto
A Tyl gives you lots of options. Stab Austria (Tyl-Tri / Vie). Help out France or Germany with Munich. Or swing it west into Piedmont and attack France. One game I was in I just marched that army VEN-TYL-BOH-SIL-WAR at the end of 1902. I find it just so boring as Italy in the first few years (especially if you're just doing the regular Lepanto) - this way at least everyone wants to talk to you
Now, the downside of this is that nobody really WANTS your army there, so I like to move it there as a surprise
(February 20th, 2014, 20:06)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: Oh. The plan would be for the Austria fleet to convoy me into ALB. This is probably a bad idea for some reason.
Yeah, as long as we don't have to rely on another nation, it is definitely safer not to do so. I'm also confused about moving into Tys at all, since we're not planning on attacking France (I believe), and that will annoy Cyneheard. We can easily reach Tun via Ion. I don't like that he doesn't think that we should be allowed to move there (it doesn't even border him), but no need to antagonize him.
(February 20th, 2014, 19:18)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: First contact wit Mattimeo
[quote='Mattimeo' ]
Hi guys!
I'm saddened. So many posts in your thread and you haven't got around to greeting me yet
Maybe you were waiting for me to initiate? Hope you don't mind the slight delay if that was the case
How are you settling in? Had chats with anyone else so far? Specifically Cyneheard or dtay, I'm trying to keep feelers out for if they're working together to hit poor old Germany.
For myself, there hasn't been much. Short chat with Rowain, he hasn't mentioned anything of plans other than a generalised "AG are better off not fighting early" which I wholeheartedly agreed with.
Hope to hear back from you soon :D
- Matt
MJW Wrote:Hello Mr. Anderson,
I really like your message. I cannot see how we can work together yet so there is nothing to talk about. Of the western powers Italy can only attack France.
Matthias Welter
Well, we don't want him moving South, even if that is really unlikely, so surely we should make some small talk with him. Since he borders Austria and France, it would be nice to keep the information flowing from him in regards to those two nations (as well as Russia, if we plan on working with them). A France-Germany war is probably pretty good for us, but an Austria-Germany war could negatively affect attacking Turkey (or could affect a lot of things if we attack Austria).
As for scooter and/or Gaspar having a bias against you, I think that both of them are capable of putting any personal grievances aside for the sake of the game, so I wouldn't base too much on that. That being said, scooter is obviously a scarily good Diplomacy player (not to say that Rowain is bad, by any means), and I wouldn't mind seeing him taken out.
Merovech's Mapmaking Guidelines:
0. Player Requests: The player's requests take precedence, even if they contradict the following guidelines.
1. Balance: The map must be balanced, both in regards to land quality and availability and in regards to special civilization features. A map may be wonderfully unique and surprising, but, if it is unbalanced, the game will suffer and the player's enjoyment will not be as high as it could be.
2. Identity and Enjoyment: The map should be interesting to play at all levels, from city placement and management to the border-created interactions between civilizations, and should include varied terrain. Flavor should enhance the inherent pleasure resulting from the underlying tile arrangements. The map should not be exceedingly lush, but it is better to err on the lush side than on the poor side when placing terrain.
3. Feel (Avoiding Gimmicks): The map should not be overwhelmed or dominated by the mapmaker's flavor. Embellishment of the map through the use of special improvements, barbarian units, and abnormal terrain can enhance the identity and enjoyment of the map, but should take a backseat to the more normal aspects of the map. The game should usually not revolve around the flavor, but merely be accented by it.
4. Realism: Where possible, the terrain of the map should be realistic. Jungles on desert tiles, or even next to desert tiles, should therefore have a very specific reason for existing. Rivers should run downhill or across level ground into bodies of water. Irrigated terrain should have a higher grassland to plains ratio than dry terrain. Mountain chains should cast rain shadows. Islands, mountains, and peninsulas should follow logical plate tectonics.
I have to post you a bunch of CC but for now I have to say two things.
1. If I get sick or don't post for some reason you have permission to act like me. Just don't do something that would be against my wishes or style for the first two turns.
2. I didn't CC you to mattimeo's e-mails. I now have a DMZ with him.
I'm pretty sure that Scooter knows that I'm working with Austria because of lack of commutation. I should try e-mailing him to trick him.
More germen CC.
mattimeo Wrote:Well, we can work together by ensuring Tyr (directly adjacent to both Mun and Ven) remains empty, so neither of us has to worry about unwarranted conflict outside our 'traditional' theatres.
I'm confused by you bringing up France. Are you wanting me to jump on that, attempt to arrange an assault? So you can participate, or report such actions to Cyneheard? Or was it to emphasise that you've no interest in moving west?
- Matt
mjw Wrote:Just that I have no interested in moving west.
I agree to your terms. I might move VEN-PIE if you give me something in return. I'll probably just hold if you don't contact me again.
mattimeo Wrote:Fair enough. Thanks for agreeing about Tyr.
merovech Wrote:Hey. Just letting you know that I got your email. I'm not going to say anything without talking to MJW first, but we're not ignoring you. I apologize if it came off that way.
Later merovech sends:
Ahh, yeah, so it looks like we'll not have much to talk about for now, though we'll surely keep in touch.
Proposed DMZ zones:
Pie on land is the obvious DMZ. Any unit needing to go into Pie would have to be discussed ahead of time.
The naval zones between us would also need to stay vacant - Lyo, Tys, Wes; F Nap-Ion lets you go for Tun or Gre depending on how much of a risk you want to take.
Also, this deal would end when other nation would die and we cannot build fleets in rome or southern France.
(February 20th, 2014, 20:06)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: Oh. The plan would be for the Austria fleet to convoy me into ALB. This is probably a bad idea for some reason.
Yeah, as long as we don't have to rely on another nation, it is definitely safer not to do so. I'm also confused about moving into Tys at all, since we're not planning on attacking France (I believe), and that will annoy Cyneheard. We can easily reach Tun via Ion. I don't like that he doesn't think that we should be allowed to move there (it doesn't even border him), but no need to antagonize him.
(February 20th, 2014, 19:18)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: First contact wit Mattimeo
[quote='Mattimeo' ]
Hi guys!
I'm saddened. So many posts in your thread and you haven't got around to greeting me yet
Maybe you were waiting for me to initiate? Hope you don't mind the slight delay if that was the case
How are you settling in? Had chats with anyone else so far? Specifically Cyneheard or dtay, I'm trying to keep feelers out for if they're working together to hit poor old Germany.
For myself, there hasn't been much. Short chat with Rowain, he hasn't mentioned anything of plans other than a generalised "AG are better off not fighting early" which I wholeheartedly agreed with.
Hope to hear back from you soon :D
- Matt
MJW Wrote:Hello Mr. Anderson,
I really like your message. I cannot see how we can work together yet so there is nothing to talk about. Of the western powers Italy can only attack France.
Matthias Welter
Well, we don't want him moving South, even if that is really unlikely, so surely we should make some small talk with him. Since he borders Austria and France, it would be nice to keep the information flowing from him in regards to those two nations (as well as Russia, if we plan on working with them). A France-Germany war is probably pretty good for us, but an Austria-Germany war could negatively affect attacking Turkey (or could affect a lot of things if we attack Austria).
As for scooter and/or Gaspar having a bias against you, I think that both of them are capable of putting any personal grievances aside for the sake of the game, so I wouldn't base too much on that. That being said, scooter is obviously a scarily good Diplomacy player (not to say that Rowain is bad, by any means), and I wouldn't mind seeing him taken out.
1. If Rowain doesn't convey me in that is a backstab. And if I get backstab I want my army in Italy. I think that would happen if he didn't convey me. Also due to the DMZ with France I'm going into ION.
2. I now have a DMZ with Germany. Yay.
3. Yes, may anti-Turkish basis is caused by a number of factors. Gaspar and scooter not trusting me is just other one of them.
I'm just going to dump all the rowain CC below. That's going to take awhile. I think he is being truthful.