As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Slay the spire

Hilarious daily challenge today: Normal enemies drop relics instead of cards. It's incredible... lol


Thanks for mentioning this one, Gustaran! I would probably have missed it otherwise. Wow, that was crazy. lol I had so many relics it was having trouble showing them all on the screen. So many effects I was having trouble keeping track of them all. What a wild run.

Kind of cheesy to get my first ironclad win with that set up, but given how much trouble I have been having with the class I will take it. lol The Blur card from the Silent class...that is a really powerful card. I got a ton of value from it as the Silent on my victorious run with that class as well; amazing the difference one card can make.

Finally (after a lot of attempts) managed a win with the Ironclad. smile Picked up Feed early, upgraded it, and was able to use it a bunch of times. Got my max health up to 110, which made the difference against the Awakened One. Barely survived even with the extra health.

Wonder what madness they will introduce in the daily run next? lol

I'm the opposite haphazard: ironclad I've won several times but just can't get the Silent to work. I thought i had it this last time with a great draw and block skills (never got offered a blur!) but lost focus on a battle and didn't notice the bomb timer. Maybe next time
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Maybe it is a play style thing? I had a bunch of failed runs (20 or so) with the ironclad before getting a victory. But with the silent, I have tried three times and won all three. The silent class just seems to work for me, while the ironclad for whatever reason usually falls short.

Now I need to get a victory with someone against Donu and Deca. Those two are highly annoying.

I feel the point to winning consistently is knowing the deck archetypes and not mixing them up. For example, I just started a Silent run and got an early "After Image" (1 Block per card played). If you decide to pick that card, you would have to build your deck around Shivs and lots of cheap attacks, as well as cards and relics that benefit from many cards played. That means you can't really turn it into a poison deck because the synergy is just not there.

I believe it is also very beneficial to know different boss phases well: The Champ for example can hit you with a 14x3-damage attack once it enters phase 2 of the boss fight. Many of my earlier runs ended there, because one unlucky draw with no defensive card meant I was getting one-shotted with 51 damage. But even just saving a weak potion (especially when managing to acquire the Paper Krane relic) for example will make this much less scary.

Another issue: The Awakened One gets +2 Strength per power card play in phase one only. This really sucked for me, since my deck was based around a lot of powers, but I made sure to pick up a Malaise to offset this strength gain and played only my most vital powers in phase 1. Once the fight was in phase 2, I could safely play my remaining power cards.
If you just play your power cards whenever you feel like it, you have almost no chance of winning.


Learning about the various bosses and their patterns is something I am still working on. The act 1 and act 2 bosses I have seen enough to have a pretty good idea what to expect, but I am still not aware of all the tactics and phases for the act three bosses.

Having enough defense is something I am also working on; I have often focused too much on offense with my card picks and upgrades, and ended up dying because I just took too much damage from the bosses. So I am trying to balance more with greater emphasis on defense. It does seem to be helping, given recent results. smile

The wiki has a nice list of all bosses and their abilities:

And yes, I am guilty of neglecting defense as well, while adding all those nice shiny attacking tools... lol But even if you know about it, sometimes you find a lot of good attacking cards early on and only suboptimal defensive ones. I often think to myself: "Oh well, I will pick up better defensive cards later in the game". And before you know it, the balance of your deck is gone.

That being said, sometimes you can afford to neglect defense, depending on your relic drops: I was lucky with my drops and picked up "Bag of Marbles" (1 Vulnerability to all enemies) and "Paper Phrog" (vulnerable enemies take 75% additional damage).If you have an upgraded Whirlwind in your starting hand, you can sometimes clear the board on turn one. Of course, if you only have one whirlwind in a 35 card deck, this is not very reliable strategy or you need to invest in cards and relics that cycle your deck faster like "Gambling Chip", etc.

It is quite interesting how you can make an idea work, as long as you follow a coherent strategy. I recently watched this run, which builds a whole deck around an early "Bludgeon" card: It's certainly not optimal, but the game can be beaten this way.


Interesting video. I do not tend to be that focused, and usually end up with a very large deck. But there are combinations that work well that way -- Mind Blast, Perfected Strike, etc.

Bludgeon can be amazing though. I got another ironclad victory yesterday with upgraded Bludgeon, Bottled Flame for the Bludgeon, Bag of Marbles, and Necronomicon. It was devastating, with the guaranteed double slam on vulnerable opponents (except the ones with artifacts) to start every combat. Even most elites just got smashed. It made for a fun power trip, as a nice contrast to the runs where things just never quite come together. lol

For players who are still thinking about getting the game, I like this video series: Rhapsody plays with a friend and they discuss every choice and the pros and cons. Sometimes they disagree and  I still learned quite a few tricks.




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