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Chairmen NobleHelium and Gaspar Demand Your Presence in the Collective

I'm pretty sure the "us vs Lewwyn" and "novice vs. mackoti" are the same set of islands; similarly that "us vs No7" and "Lewwyn vs. mackoti" are. Although it's quite possible there's ice and peaks blocking it off from being easy to get from one side of the map to the other.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Also, a question: you and Lewwyn have 'kept each other honest' and forced military builds. Why not do the same to noseven and mackoti?
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Mardoc Wrote:I'm pretty sure the "us vs Lewwyn" and "novice vs. mackoti" are the same set of islands; similarly that "us vs No7" and "Lewwyn vs. mackoti" are. Although it's quite possible there's ice and peaks blocking it off from being easy to get from one side of the map to the other.

You are, of course, completely correct. Nice catch. Toroids really do my head in.

Mardoc Wrote:Also, a question: you and Lewwyn have 'kept each other honest' and forced military builds. Why not do the same to noseven and mackoti?

There's a lot of reasons for this, but really we need them to keep each other honest. If we initiate military actions with either of those two civs before the game is out, I fully expect it to be with a heavier intent than keeping them honest. Razing the mids city, for example. wink

Turn report coming shortly...
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

So mackoti accepted open borders, which ended up being good for +3 commerce/turn across the empire. Every little bit helps. Mackoti polished off Currency, which when combined with our 2 sci hired accelerates our Currency ETA to EOT62. I suspect that's where it will stay. Hopefully the boost will be big enough to power us through CoL and Calendar. Time will tell.

Pretty mundane stuff, really. Just basically bringing the units in to reduce supply and prepping things for the next expansion push. We 3-whipped the Settler in the capital this turn and will get a nice 27 hammers of overflow into a Library and we'll settle the horrible Ivory city in 2t.

[Image: t58a.jpg]

Scout continues scouting no7-land.

[Image: t58b.jpg]

While the Argo continues scouting the East Indies between us and Lewwyn:

[Image: t58c.jpg]

Meant to take a couple snaps of diplo screens, but Lewwyn has settled his version of Gold/Fish as well, I believe he named it "Not Arsed to Bother with a Halfway Decent Naming Scheme" or some such. We meanwhile have had 2 Civ naming schemes (Former communist countries, Human Hive) a worker naming scheme (NATO phonetic alphabet) a ship naming scheme (famous ships) and even have gone and named the island groups (East and West Indies.) We might be mediocre at Civ, but we're way more creative. nod

Here's the demos:

[Image: t58d.jpg]

Maybe if I drop a little "End Turn" Dave will pop in and say hi...

End turn? wink
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Gaspar Wrote:Maybe if I drop a little "End Turn" Dave will pop in and say hi...

End turn? wink

I felt a disturbance in the force....tongue

Joking aside, sorry for not being around as much recently. Life has just been a bit hectic and I haven't been very active outside of PB6 (check out my un-updated PBEM30 thread yikes)

Gaspar Wrote:a ship naming scheme (famous ships)

A ship naming scheme! jive

What have you named them so far?

A hint that they intend to fleece someone of their gold.

That was just the first thing that came to my mind, no subliminal message intended. lol

oledavy Wrote:(check out my un-updated PBEM30 thread yikes)

Oh, believe me, I have! I've been tempted to post an update for you, but haven't gotten around it it yet.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Turn 59 was a pretty boring turn. We pretty much decided that we can resume relatively aggressive settling pretty soon, so we changed some builds around (swapping to a work boat in WN for example) in preparation for that. The Argo (east galley) started moving back towards our lands.

We could complete Moai straight up in 4t, or we could swap to a lighthouse in the later two turns and whip it after growing. I don't see a reason to delay Moai by 2t though, we can just whip the lighthouse afterwards.

[Image: overview59.jpg]

We found the mirrored spices south of FD. Perhaps the most interesting part of the turn was seeing N7 work a bare flood plains.

[Image: explore59.jpg]

[Image: demos59.jpg]

The other galley is HMS Bounty. Just basically whatever ships pop into our heads - naming schemes basically exist so you don't have to keep referring to "worker NW of sheep" and east galley. Its not really relevant when playing alone, but when you play the turns collaboratively its just simpler to say "Foxtrot roads" and "Argo N-NE."

Also, pretty decent shout that I'm going to die of a heart attack since Noble not only updated, but contributed to the thread twice today. If I do survive, I'll make sure to scour the save for a mistake he made and taunt him about it publicly.*

[SIZE="1"]*This is actually unlikely, since we played 95% of the turn together. But I WILL look.[/SIZE]
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

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