As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Pitboss 18 IT and Tech Issues Thread

Looks like dtay didn't end turn either. Which save do we need to reload to?

You didn't pause? Ffs gfudfdhdfgvg.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

I am still waiting to play.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

To say I'm disappointed is a lie. I'm angry. what the fuck happened to fuck this turn up so much? An SS launch? Plako knew what to do to solve that. Good to know that someone knows what the fuck to do. Everything else with this turn has been a fucking disaster. Every time I've tried to log in something has gone wrong and then people haven't left the turn paused? Really? If this was a bunch of greens I wouldn't comment but the players left in this game I expected to know what the fuck you were doing. We've been laying this game in PB for over 5 years.

If it was just me left to play I'd say fuck it and play on, but if you left a party at war to miss their turn there isn't a choice but to reload. Does anyone here have the balls to own up and admit they made a mistake? I have time; I'm stuck waiting on a reload for dtay.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

A lot (in fact, maybe all) of it is my fault, asked for an unpause and then (literally) fell asleep waiting for it. I'll own up to that. Sorry everyone for the inconvenience.
Fear cuts deeper than swords.

Reloaded to BGNs autosave. I assume this is the login where the game was unpaused. But the game is paused apparently, as the timer doesn't show.
As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master. - Commissioner Pravin Lal, "U.N. Declaration of Rights"

Falling asleep isn't a crime. Unpausing the game and not repausing it after five minutes with no reply from the requested essentially is.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

Yeah it's still paused / I'm still diplolocked. Anyone able to go in? (promise I'll stay awake this time)
Fear cuts deeper than swords.

Dropped the ball there, Dtay. wink
[Image: so-heavy.jpg]
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

If someone hasn't already done so, I can log in.

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