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Gaspar & Noble make their triumphant? return; mostly just get asked about "The List"

I'm disappointed that you are disappointed.

Why are you disappointed in my disappointment? I'm disappointed very frequently!

(November 12th, 2020, 13:29)NobleHelium Wrote: I am disappointed that you have not thought about it before this.  I assumed it couldn't be changed or was too difficult to change.

That's due to the history of the mods and here we have two features:

1. Circumnavigation for everybody
2. Circumnavigation granting trade routes instead of movement.

Number #1 was developed for RtR, back when Krill still managed RtR. He was the designer and responsible for the gameplay, while I only did the coding. Similar to what T-Hawk did in the beginning of RtR. The messages to everybody where kept mainly because nobody thought about them back then.

Number #2 was developed for CtH and I reused the "circumnavtion for everybody" feature here. Now this time I'm in charge, but by then I totally had forgotten about those messages to everybody.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

Great going!

I would be SO worried about losing Solaris Temple though. At least you’ll have one turn of warning. Although after engineering, Serdoa can unload boats in Novgorod and attack ST on the same turn.

What wonder did Lewwyn build?
I have to run.

Lewwyn built Stonehenge. Building GLH in ST is definitely a worry, but it's the only place we could reasonably have built it given the lighthouse requirement. And it was a big target already, so it's hard to say whether doubling down on that is a big deal or not. I'm not worried about after Engineering - that's a very long time away. In the near future we are a bit stretched but there will be an archer coming out of Beacon in a few turns (whip overflow from a 2-whip on the granary) and we always have enough warning to whip one unit in ST.

Yeah, we definitely considered whether putting GLH there was making a city that was already a target an even bigger target. But as Noble says, it was already a target. Also, the marginal value of commerce for us between now and cataphracts given the reward we get once we have all the tech we need is pretty high. Every turn we shave off the distance between now and then is worth a lot.

That said, I was extremely concerned about ST even before we stuffed a valuable wonder in there. There is a constant push and pull about this in our chats where Noble pushes the limits and relies on the better angels of Serdoa's nature and I think about how much I would want to flip the table if we lost Solaris Temple. Right now, we essentially have 1.5 units in there, the spear and the axe that is 1t away. As Noble states, we're hoping to get a couple archers in there soon. I will continue to push for more units than is reasonable in the area, Noble will continue to be moderately annoyed by my wanting to magic up things that we can't make happen. Such is life.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

(November 12th, 2020, 14:45)NobleHelium Wrote: Why are you disappointed in my disappointment?  I'm disappointed very frequently!

Your claim of disappointment at Charriu not realising that you'd be unhappy about the circumnavigation bonus still showing up in the event log in spite of it being an event that everyone can get just seems like a stretch, even for you Noble. Perhaps you could settle for surprise that he isn't telepathic?

(November 12th, 2020, 17:22)Old Harry Wrote:
(November 12th, 2020, 14:45)NobleHelium Wrote: Why are you disappointed in my disappointment?  I'm disappointed very frequently!

Your claim of disappointment at Charriu not realising that you'd be unhappy about the circumnavigation bonus still showing up in the event log in spite of it being an event that everyone can get just seems like a stretch, even for you Noble. Perhaps you could settle for surprise that he isn't telepathic?

I was disappointed in the fact that he did not consider whether the notification should be removed given that it is no longer exclusive to one player.  That seems like an obvious thing to consider to me. I'm not talking about whether I would personally be unhappy or not about the notification's existence.

(November 12th, 2020, 14:45)NobleHelium Wrote: Why are you disappointed in my disappointment?  I'm disappointed very frequently!

Well that's disappointing.  Run its course, hasn't it?


For the record, I made the GLH gif myself and I would like someone to be impressed by my artistic skills.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

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