Well, of course mackoti had to take this turn to make contact with a Quechua, appearing on one of the worst spots possible right now. Or not, as I have 3 warriors there and can - without any delay on the settlers or workers - get a fourth. It is just that I want to build my road nearby that spot and I'd rather not have to redo all my worker-micro.
In foreign news, Seven killed my scout with a chariot. Not sure why - yes, of course, he could and in AW that might be enough. But I have read probably all posts Seven ever did on this forum and even in AW he will try not to upset the other if not necessary. I was not even in his borders and clearly tried to move away from him (not my fault that he has another city up north...). So I assume there is something he doesn't want me to see. Now, what could that be? Certainly not some wonderbuilding. Also not vision on his cities, I don't think I could have achieved it this turn (and again, I was moving away). I know that he has only that one chariot, so also no military buildup. Only thing left that I can think of is a city he doesn't want me to see. What means he settled up on me. Nothing I can do though, right now.
Also, it seems that Nicolae attacked novice (if my counting is right novice has 10 warriors by now, I just have 5, so it's obvious who was Nicolaes target). But it doesn't seem as if Nicolae actually is making headway. Just the other way round, he lost a warrior last turn and I assume a war chariot this turn (could be 2 warriors, but by my count he had only 2 left, so probably not). Thats pretty rough for him, as he also has only 2 cities right now, same as mackoti. But mackoti probably has a reason for that (Pyramids...) which might help him get into the game. Nicolae might already be out as he'll be behind the curve. And not by a small margin.
mackoti moved his warrior away, I hope somewhere northwest. I therefore followed my plans and whipped this turn (T40) a settler in the capital. I now have the lowest pop-total (just 7) but I should be able to settle my fourth city by T43 and my fifth by T47. T48 or T49 for no. 6. At that point I should have 15-16 pop at least. Thats not much but doubling my pop within 10 turns should hopefully help to keep me in.
Well, mackoti moved northeast - and then southeast. He's now next to my warriors and the site I want to settle. I also killed a Nicolae scout sitting on the tile next to mackotis warrior. That gave me 3/2 xp on my warrior and as I won flawlessly I should be save against macks warrior, as I sit on a forested hill now (should be 3.5 vs 2.2 if he attacks). My second warrior is directly underneath though, also on a forested hill, so my hope is that mackoti will simply move back north.
I also whipped an archer. Not what I really wanted to do, but I need defenses and fast, now that Nicolae saw that I want to settle on our border. It is basically halfway between us, on my half even, but still, I would see that as aggressive and I am certain Nicolae does not feel differently. But he hopefully is still distracted by novice. Even if not though, if he hasn't started moving his troops in my direction, I should have 2-3 archers in the city before he can reach it. That should be enough to keep me safe I think. At least against WC.
Funny how it sometimes goes. Last turn I posted that I should be save if Nicolae hasn't moved troops in my direction yet. Well, this turn he shows up with a war chariot. I am not really sure why he moves that one down to me when he was fighting with someone else, but ok, I'm sure there is some reason behind that. FWIW I will still settle next turn. I have two warriors on the city spot with another one next turn arriving. If he has only that one WC, he won't be able to kill my warriors of fast enough before my archers reach the city. And that it is safe as they will be str 6 when they arrive already. 5 turns later and the first border pop happens + they reach full fortification for another +45% or a total of 7.35 str.
Also mackoti decided to attack with his Quechua into my warrior which was sitting on a forested hill. Thats attacking with 2.2 against 3.5. No I don't understand it. Maybe he didn't want to bring it back? Or maybe Nicolae has so many WCs nearby that he couldn't get away by backtracking? But in that case, he could have moved forward. There was a safe tile available. Well, whatever. My warrior did win the battle, only down to 1.4. Good enough for now, as he'll be toast if Nicolae attacks with his WC either way.
And maybe Makoti v2 is just taking "always war" a bit literally? Like "i always have to attack" literaly.
Supposedly, mackoti's cousin is actually really good.
Merovech's Mapmaking Guidelines:
0. Player Requests: The player's requests take precedence, even if they contradict the following guidelines.
1. Balance: The map must be balanced, both in regards to land quality and availability and in regards to special civilization features. A map may be wonderfully unique and surprising, but, if it is unbalanced, the game will suffer and the player's enjoyment will not be as high as it could be.
2. Identity and Enjoyment: The map should be interesting to play at all levels, from city placement and management to the border-created interactions between civilizations, and should include varied terrain. Flavor should enhance the inherent pleasure resulting from the underlying tile arrangements. The map should not be exceedingly lush, but it is better to err on the lush side than on the poor side when placing terrain.
3. Feel (Avoiding Gimmicks): The map should not be overwhelmed or dominated by the mapmaker's flavor. Embellishment of the map through the use of special improvements, barbarian units, and abnormal terrain can enhance the identity and enjoyment of the map, but should take a backseat to the more normal aspects of the map. The game should usually not revolve around the flavor, but merely be accented by it.
4. Realism: Where possible, the terrain of the map should be realistic. Jungles on desert tiles, or even next to desert tiles, should therefore have a very specific reason for existing. Rivers should run downhill or across level ground into bodies of water. Irrigated terrain should have a higher grassland to plains ratio than dry terrain. Mountain chains should cast rain shadows. Islands, mountains, and peninsulas should follow logical plate tectonics.
mackoti's cousin is actually Greg Maddux. He attacked your warrior with his quechua so that two months later the same situation occurs and you'll expect him to attack you with his quechua again. And then BAM, he doesn't do it!
(October 31st, 2012, 16:03)NobleHelium Wrote: Lack of screenshots makes lurkers sad.
Here you go, screenshot of the start of the turn I played some minutes ago
In the following text I will use directions as if north was actually up in the screenshot, despite it being tilted and north being actually left.
I've tilted it again, if anyone is wondering. As can be seen in the east, Nicolae decided to move another war chariot up to my new city and also moved the one I could see deeper into my territory. I'm still not sure what the reason is behind all that. Yes, of course, he gets me to build more military, setting me back. But he is on the wrong target imo, just making Seven win faster. I had hoped he would understand that especially we two shouldn't actively hurt each other if we can help it.
Anyhow, in my gems-city are actually 2 warriors and on the sign with the archer sits another warrior as well. What I did was moving the archer into the city and the chariot onto the tile the archer was before. The warrior on that tile is Woodsman 1, so he'll defend at 4 str, same as the chariot - I wonder, which one will come up in that case for defense? Just random? I hope it is the warrior, though even if it is the chariot I can live with it. Kish is producing another chariot and I changed tiles so that it finished end of turn. There is no place Nicolae can move his chariot that I couldn't hit it with both of mine. Well, there is, but that would mean moving away from my territory, so I am fine with that He could potentially move west as well, threathening Eridu (my sugar-city). But if he does that than he will be greeted by a warrior, an archer and a chariot - which should be enough to kill his WC as well. For now though Eridu has changed production to a settler. It will finish next turn and hopefully be able to settle on the ice tile 2S of the horse on T48. On T49 I will finally settle my copper-city as well, bringing total city count to 6. At that point research will stop, as I simply will spend all my commerce on gold to pay for the cities. I'm already paying now 13 gold and two more cities probably will bring that up to 25+. I'm making 30 commerce right now...
However, I should hopefully be able to lump to Monotheism + will get my shrine up (I will have a miniscule chance for an engineer, but lets just assume that it will be a prophet). Spreading my religion will get me 6 gold on its own + the gems are another 6 commerce + the cottages (which I still need to build actually...). If everything works out, I should be able to resume research on around T60 latest. Which means getting Maths, Currency and Calendar and settling another wave of cities.
Not sure what the equal strength tiebreaker is, but I'd expect it to be either whichever unit is older, or whichever unit has the higher base strength.
Do you think your stop-and-go research method is better than simply expanding a bit slower and having continual research instead?