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Chairmen NobleHelium and Gaspar Demand Your Presence in the Collective

When mackoti and Lewwyn have updated more recently than you, its time for an update. This is a pre-turn update as Noble and I haven't played yet, but I figure I could drop a little knowledge on y'all.

Feudalism in at last EOT, so this turn we'll take this fella:

[Image: t93a.jpg]

And do that. But we can still get 3 more moves of scouting in N7-dom. FWIW, GP generation has been a definite failure this game. I attribute it partly to a difference in philosophy between NH and I. But nonetheless, we'll work on it. We'll use CS to push out another one, then we'll shortly be building NE in the old N7 city to get a farm going. I do think we wrote it off a bit too much post-mids though. Our economy has been toilet-bound enough that we sort of had to prioritize cottages.

In foreign news, N7 founded this:

[Image: t93b.jpg]

That's going to be a real pain in the ass culturally.

Lewwyn built this in his capital:

[Image: t93c.jpg]


mackoti continues a truly scary power spike. I wonder who he's intending to entertain.

[Image: t93d.jpg]

I'll maybe update more after the turn. Perhaps if the dedlurkers commented occasionally I'd feel more motivated. Do you need me to name a unit after you, Dave? wink
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Gaspar Wrote:I figure I could drop a little knowledge on y'all.


Um...what do Feudalism and Golden Ages have to do with each other? You're planning to swap civics with it?
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Mardoc Wrote:Whooo!

Um...what do Feudalism and Golden Ages have to do with each other? You're planning to swap civics with it?

Yeah, Vassalage. Was the last Civic we needed before firing the GA.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Gaspar Wrote:Perhaps if the dedlurkers commented occasionally I'd feel more motivated. Do you need me to name a unit after you, Dave? wink

Dave isn't even updating his own Medievel thread. </prod>

Even if your deds are dead, I'm still digging the updates.

FWIW I don't think Hagia Sophia is that bad of a build for Lewwyn right now, his land is terribly underdeveloped. Of course we'd much rather he built the AP...

Also I think we might need to do a bowman in SC. Spearman + bowman is pretty skimpy when we know they have 2-3 chariots on the island, and they can attack from their territory.

Ok, so the rest of the turn...

We explored a bit more of N7-dom before firing the GA. Here's a building's eye view of their capital:

[Image: t93e.jpg]

Note the Academy. Must have been quite early, Seven shows incredible disdain for Academies.

We fired the GA and revolted from Slavery and nothing else to HR/Vassalage/CS/OR/Hinduism. I'm sure it annoys everyone else to no end that we adopted Lewwyn's religion. But he took the trouble to spread it to 3 of our cities (plus a random spread) so its more cost effective for us to adopt that than anything else. We do have a Confucian city and 3 Buddhist cities, but the 4 Hindu cities are nearest our production centers at home. So there was no debate really.

Why Vassalage when we're not cranking a ton of military and we have a pretty solid capital? Because we have to avoid Civil Service if we want to bulb Astronomy. Why bulb Astronomy? Well, Noble has already expressed his desire to take down the N7 marble city as it is so threatening. That's not the only target that opens up, though:

[Image: t93k.jpg]

Or how about this bad-boy:

[Image: t93l.jpg]


Back to domestic matters - here's the pre-GA Economics:

[Image: t93f.jpg]

[Image: t93g.jpg]

And the post-GA economics:
[Image: t93i.jpg]

[Image: t93j.jpg]

Pretty decent jump.

Other than that, we spent like a solid hour and a half debating how to execute GP generation. We should be able to just barely squeeze two out of this GA. Here's the birthplace of the first:

[Image: t93o.jpg]

Laby, as we usually refer to it will generate a GP in 4t. Its most likely a Scientist, but could be a Spy. If its a spy, np. We scout the hell out of our opponents until we're ready for the next GA. If its a scientist, we ice it for the bulb. After that, Colony here should be able to generate a second. It will march along and then run ridiculous food shortage to generate it in 2t after Labys while running 9 specs.

[Image: t93p.jpg]

As long as we're showing off cities, the always sexy Moai in a GA is always mandatory. Normally that horse tile is The Colony's while Colony is currently borrowing FD's crabs to food-finance the GP run.

[Image: t93h.jpg]

Anyway, that's the skinny. Any questions? I'll probably do another "State of the World" roundup along with the T100 reports. In the interim if anyone is curious about something, ask away. The drama in the PB7 lurker thread has reminded me that I can't let the frustrating aspects of this game take away from what I enjoy about RBCiv. So I'll try to report better from here on out.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

NobleHelium Wrote:FWIW I don't think Hagia Sophia is that bad of a build for Lewwyn right now, his land is terribly underdeveloped. Of course we'd much rather he built the AP...

Also I think we might need to do a bowman in SC. Spearman + bowman is pretty skimpy when we know they have 2-3 chariots on the island, and they can attack from their territory.

I think we should just build walls there. Way cheaper than a unit and we can reinforce later with better stuff. In the interim, there's no reasonable way 3 chariots can take down a D1, CG1 Bowman and a Spearman behind Walls. And if we do want any cheap castles for the free TR later, the overseas locales are the best places anyway. Plus it'll give Seven fodder to talk about how stupid we are in his thread. I look forward to reading that stuff after the game. wink
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

You posting while not being on chat is quite annoying, thanks.

Anyway walls is a good idea, I just always forget about them. And I forgot that we need to tech/bulb Philosophy before we can bulb Astronomy, so if we get two scientists that'll probably be it...

And we both know that you aren't going to read their thread after the game. wink

NobleHelium Wrote:And we both know that you aren't going to read their thread after the game. wink

Too true. I've never really done more than skim the threads after a game - looking for a key "what were they thinking here" or whatever. I suppose its different if you win. No danger of that here. lol
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Glad to see fresh updates thread active again smile

Quiz Time!

An astronomy beeline will also open up observatories, perhaps set up to build and whip a lot of those to completion quickly upon completing the tech?

I love the idea of boating the Colomids city, what ground units are you thinking of spearheading the assault with?

What did you end up doing with those excess troops from the 1-Day War?

Care to elaborate more on "differences of opinion in GP generation?"

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