3 posts in the admin thread is just rubbing it in.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer |
Admin requests and news
3 posts in the admin thread is just rubbing it in.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
I don't know how/why but I've seen this leif referenced in both PBEM47 startup thread and ww18 so maybe somehow names were being replaced (novice has a post recommending a leif11 as game admin for example, which sounds unlikely).
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
Uh, it's a joke.
Civilization IV: 21 (Bismarck of Mali), 29 (Mao Zedong of Babylon), 38 (Isabella of China), 45 (Victoria of Sumeria), PB12 (Darius of Sumeria), 56 (Hammurabi of Sumeria), PB16 (Bismarck of Mali), 78 (Augustus of Byzantium), PB56 (Willem of China)
Hearthstone: ArenaDrafts Profile No longer playing Hearthstone.
Yeah sometimes I'm an idiot
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
I'm getting the following message a lot today:
Quote:Content Encoding Error I'm running Firefox 17.0.1. Also seem to get pages loading up as a random stream of simbols as well, e.g. ��Vmo�6�<�����6�VҼ[ ��d[�8��ɠ��Ř"U�l��~G�v�4k�a����{�꽺�?�x� *5\ݞ_�҇�#ćݾ��������]8i�"e��B��-�� ���X,�b7�n"��>`%Ay��Жf�S��z���Rki&i�&����>�5�5ʜ�H���k���p�Kkrxoݬ�F��H�}����fj�F�}Af ��4�9���L}aT8���:#��o��_˲:��cw'I���e��@��Z=���4���I-+䍪�*�!n�y�#�Ƣ@9�.�'�=|}s;q�xg� �a�F�g�A��~i�t`[sy)I��*��| ���9��V�a�E�M�;�V&�I��8����#�����gPn2�*z�NΥ�� F�^%�6�}»����5^TΒ ��w�l�.M��iO4�<�Ec4��?LU��U��l�Z�3��o���a�}�4�����B�Vr&�X�o^I"o7�A�ǚ���M�qh���z�鴾�K�#�N^�R*)D��~�N�^I*±u?�r�� _�稑�<��<��ʕA��!,��l�XHC@��@��Pk����v�����"�F��<��shԹ0ƎGDm���6f���2�a( fھl�c���+��#|��⸽ �����n&��M�&@�y89�8����a�'G#Y�X.���p�˰��f'9��L$���(�q<˃�+7j���V��?��>�k��[�t8零桿���GS� a��W��X���#�ifI6-�4�Dg� �~ =Q4����KfP��/^��C�{iTJ7Q��K"�-L�@�j5�;<��M�n�� H��QEǼS����⌆�rU�ת~���'���� Finally my funcitonality re the smilies seem to be completely gone. Edit: edited in an actual random stream of symbols. Incorrect spelling of symbol is kept.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Did you accidentally turn on some sort of foreign language localization on your computer/browser?
Civilization IV: 21 (Bismarck of Mali), 29 (Mao Zedong of Babylon), 38 (Isabella of China), 45 (Victoria of Sumeria), PB12 (Darius of Sumeria), 56 (Hammurabi of Sumeria), PB16 (Bismarck of Mali), 78 (Augustus of Byzantium), PB56 (Willem of China)
Hearthstone: ArenaDrafts Profile No longer playing Hearthstone.
Can we set up a favicon for the forum so that the tab is more easily identifiable?
Civilization IV: 21 (Bismarck of Mali), 29 (Mao Zedong of Babylon), 38 (Isabella of China), 45 (Victoria of Sumeria), PB12 (Darius of Sumeria), 56 (Hammurabi of Sumeria), PB16 (Bismarck of Mali), 78 (Augustus of Byzantium), PB56 (Willem of China)
Hearthstone: ArenaDrafts Profile No longer playing Hearthstone.
Sorry, whats a favicon?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.