Ending the turns gets me Infernal Pact, and Uberfish told me he spawned in the south polar region, halfway between the Elves and the Calabim.
I dialed research down to 50%, as I'd just finished a Moneychanger in the capital, and didn't need more to finish Infernal Pact.
I risked running an extra Merchant in Ra, to get my GP a turn earlier.
So, did I get a Prophet or a Sage, with much rejoicing, or did I get a Merchant or Commander, to much lamenting?
Exciting isn't it?
I wonder what weather we're going to have this weekend...
Still with me?
Now I can build the AV shrine, Stigmata of the Unborn, in my Academy city En-Kai.
Erm... wow...
Plus three to the Armageddon Counter?
We're at 20 now.
Darrell has to raze this city:
So I can found a new one two north. It is size 8, so that's another 1-2 added to the AC. Darrell is planning on razing a Doviello core city as well, so add another 1-2...
Hmm, it would seem that Blight will hit the players much earlier than I had anticipated. Good thing I'm switching to Sacrifice the Weak and Slavery next turn.
I think I'm going to try and wait to found the AV shrine (+5 to the AC), so I can catch the players by surprise.
Darrell has recently switched Civics, so he won't be able to switch to Slavery so deal with the mass unhealthiness.
So the plan is to use the Ritualist I just finished to convert Helios, which can spam a couple of Ritualists real quick, while the other large cities spam health buildings.
I'm curious to see what effect Blight will have on the other players...