Started attacking Lyons, because we were cleared to do so. Unfortunately, we had 11 knights, and he had 11 units. (I'll admit I didn't count before I started...) So, after losing one softening a target up (one of the C1 Shock knights that I suspect will be getting relatively obsolete soon...) and sending the Flank 2 Sentry 1 in to withdraw to soften up another target, he has two warriors left. I bet he's going to whip out another warrior, but it'll be trivial to run the rest of them down, and he's got enough culture it won't autoraze, even if it's been whipped into the ground. I have a picture of the results, but I'm not going to post it until later, I think. (I'm really tired.)
Also moved a bunch of galleons toward yuris (didn't think I could gift any this turn, though... none in his territory for another two turns, unfortunately...) How many have we gifted so far, and how many do we owe?
Finally, we got 200GP from GES and, I think 140GP from Yuris, although I could have been reading that one cross-eyed, since, apparently, we were supposed to get 100GP.
Built some windmills. I fear some of my stuff was kind of weedy because I'm really tired, but I wanted to keep the turn moving. For the first time this week, they get it to me at 6:30, and everyone's busy until late at night! :zzz:
Also, as I was posting this, commodore caught me on chat as ranamar.lewwyn and thought I was Seven. I'll post the log shortly.
Edit: Summary, because the chat is actually pretty silly:
* Commodore is putting his NAP with GES into cooldown.
* Commodore is not actually planning to declare war T119, which is the earliest he could, according to the NAP.
Commodore: Hey Seven
me: this is Ranamar, actually
Commodore: Whoa.
me: Seven said he'd be unavailable today
Commodore: Mind blown.
me: :P
Commodore: How's it going?
me: I was just sending the turn off. Also, I'm dead tired, because last night the fire alarm went off at 1:30am. >.<
Commodore: Ugh, sorry man.
me: That aside, Yuris ceded his claim of Lyons to us, so this war with France should get wrapped up shortly.
Commodore: Just thought you should hear it here first, NAPs have been put into cooldown with GES.
me: I'll make sure to post that after our turn report.
Commodore: Ah, cool, I guess I'll be sending the turn to you guys soon.
And please note for future reference, I'm not planning on declaring war or anything on T119.
Just, y'know telling them to stop farmer's gambitting.
me: You're just clearing the decks for action sometime after T119, I take it.
or that
Commodore: Perhaps.
Just as long as they have to start tossing hammers into units. :P
me: hah
Commodore: Or, hey, if they wanted to burn the whole surplus on a massive upgrade everywhere, that's fine too.
Rifles are 4 turns out for me, I'm not worried.
me: I have to admit I haven't been paying quite enough attention... What's the ridiculous trick that's why GES's GNP is so enormous? Is it just financial finally getting into swing?
Commodore: Also, the ability to switch around civics at will.
me: oh right, now that there are useful civics
Commodore: Spiritual is being used well over there.
me: mmm
Yeah, we're getting good use out of our golden ages. :P
Anyway, I think I want to go to sleep.
Good to hear from you, though.
Commodore: Yep, same to you. Get some good sleep man.
me: g'night!
Played turn... finished off MNG. We should make some sort of announcement in the tech thread and take him out of the tracker...
Last city, which we got some nice stuff from:
Incidentally, since I settled a settler and wasn't feeling imaginative, we need names for both Timbuktu and It Was Fun ) (I think that was supposed to be a )
We may actually have fewer workers than we'd like, surprisingly, although I'm not sure. That end of the land formerly known as France got pillaged pretty heavily.
Chemistry came in as a tech and I set the next tech to Steam Power. It's 3 turns at our current tech rate. Because of conquer money, we can run precisely one turn at 80% and then we're down to 0 gold. One bank finishes next turn, so I figured it was worth doing that and then turning it waay down, although several more banks finish in ... 3 turns. <.<
Maybe, down, up, down, unless leaving it up actually gets us the rest of the way there? Probably better to set it to breakeven for the next couple turns until the big batch of banks come in and then turn it all the way down to get some gold, for a turn.
Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to get galleons to Yuris. Next turn, we'll be able to gift 2 or 3, due to the shape of the borders...
Edit: Since I'm traveling, and crashing at friends, I'd prefer if someone else get the turn tomorrow. I've been exhausted every evening, so far.
We should improve that Gold tile, and then the corn before the city's out of revolt. Maybe build Shwedagon Paya?
I think we have enough workers. We have like 5 in France right now, which is more than enough to improve a tile a turn. And just about all our pop there has improved tiles to work already.
Let's just leave the tech rate as high as possible every turn until further developments.
Ranamar Wrote:So... that's why I didn't spot the colon... Because it's ):
Unrelatedly, I just realized this morning that I forgot to swap Lorien back to a galleon, instead of finishing the bank. Crap. Oops.
I think he meant to use a smiley. The colon is part of the interface, and while it's possible he saw it and decided to incorporate it, it doesn't fit too well with the words.
First, since Ranamar didn't mention this from two turns ago, we finished Notre Dame. Woohoo!
And this turn, we got a great person - a scientist! (Would rather have had a less likely result (merchant/engineer/prophet/artist), as we want to burn him in a golden age. But this is probably fine.)
I wrote that we should hire another scientist (since we just grew and don't want to work that "w" tile) but in fact we should fire the scientist and hire two merchants. The bank finished this turn, putting both our gold and science boosts to 110%. We'd rather get a great merchant and NOT another scientist.
By the way, here's our finally-ludicrously-good happy situation (and other info...)
Lookin' good!
Only thing needing work was our worker micro. Ranamar, I think you interpreted the "w" signs as "build a workshop". But actually they are there to mark tiles we should completely ignore for now, because we'll workshop them later! Definitely want our workers hooking all the resources and building grass windmills, first.
Luckily we have a good number of workers in France now, enough to finish a pasture and the iron mine (which only one worker was working on, again not ideal). Next turn we can build that windmill (which Minas Morgul will be delighted about) and the turn after, the finally useful corn farm.
Also in this picture you can see that MM finished its lighthouse. As such it should hand the iron mine back to Erebor so the granary can finish faster.
Compiled micro notes for next turn:
1) Contrary to sign, fire the BD scientist and hire 2 merchants.
2) Give Iron mine to Erebor.
[The following not mentioned earlier:]
3) Give sheep to Westemnet; give now unworked spice tile to Dol Amroth.
4) Swap Lorien from an Observatory (no hammers invested yet) to a University.
5) Build University in Dale.
6) Remove missionary from queue in Moria. Build Missionary in Edoras.
7) Turn research to 70% if possible.