Defending our two new border cities would be a pain. Jester can one-turn them from the fog, even with one-movers. I will unlikely be able to push back his borders before our peace is over.
However, this gives me some hope:
We spotted borders of Rohan, the horse city. It is actually pretty far from his core and not in this heavily forested region as I feared. This means that he is unlikely to build a lot of chariots in next ten turns. I will have at least one spear in each of my cities, quite possibly more. That should be enough. To hold him off.
Should I be annoying with my scouting chariot and destroy the road between Rohan and his capital? If Rohan is coastal, I don't think it worth it.
My core which is pretty pathetic for this state of the game. And I can't even say that it will get much better soon. I don't have worker force and, more importantly, don't have pop to work tiles.
I don't think I ever mentioned that but while my main army was fighting in the north I had a constant stream of barb warriors coming from the south. My axe which you can see standing on the hill SW from capital is already combat1shock and I'm pretty sure I will have my heroic epic unit soon.
This is one of the reasons I think that Kurumi is actually pretty far south and we have a lot of empty space between us. Another reason is that for a long time he had no contact with anyone of our neighbors but clearly had a contact with someone else.
As you can see, barbs are now fielding axes. My response is to bring south an additional axe, freshly completed in Yark. Also, I have chariot going here but it will be most likely sent to scout the south.
My capital. As you can see, it is working literally every decent tile available. It will whip a library next turn, then grow to size five (happy cap) and build worker -> settler. After the library is built, I'll turn on research and will most probably be able to grow it between a worker and a settler due to HR happiness.
This city (my second one!) would probably make every lurker cry. I know that I have to start growing it yesterday but I really need this spear and have nowhere else to build it. After spear it will do a granary, I promise.
This one will complete a settle (to settle eastern corn at last), then grow to size 6 -> whip a library -> run scientists. Also it will produce two spears assisted with chop.
That's a crappy one. I decided to go granary before monument: a farm on the floods will be completed next turn and this tile will be almost as good as the farmed corn. Also this city has 5 hammers invested into a spear. Will be whipped at some point.
This city will whip a monument immediately after it grows. I would normally hate to do that in a city like this but given the situation with culture I don't have much choice.
And here it actually makes sense to do a library. I can build it in 9 turns, I think: 30 hammers from whip, 30 from chop and the remainder will come naturally (I'm going to work plains forest after growth). A monument can be whipped in seven turns, hence, we will actually have a faster border expansion if we go for a library.
Demos are... acceptable, actually (though below average GNP is disturbing if you account for the Oracle and a holy city; on the other hand, we are saving gold now, though it doesn't help much). I expected them to be worse at that point.