Mission 6: Operation War Valley

We rolled out with all four classes represented. I gave the flash bang to Mardoc because our sniper shouldn't ever be in frag grenade range. Flash bangs can be thrown further than frags.

We found our first pod immediately. I set us up for an engage next turn. I'd have the sniper on the left and others would climb up and attack with an elevation bonus.

They walked away from us, AND bumped into another pod.
Okay, we don't have a turn timer, let's just wait for them to separate.
So we waited. And waited. And waited. Until one turn..

They found us.

At least we were all in overwatch. David and Jabbz killed one of them. Dp didn't shoot because she has the Phantom perk.

Mardoc missed her reaction shot. Oh, btw, the other pod aggro'd too. After all that waiting we still had to fight both of them at once.

I started off by moving Dp behind the tree where she could flank and hopefully crit the enemy. Except I didn't get a turn with her.
The Phantom perk meant that she was still concealed, and when she moved there, she got spotted and didn't get a second turn like she otherwise would have.
Jabbz and David then killed the enemy. But now I had wasted 3 attacks on an enemy that should have been killed with 1.

Mardoc flash banged the other pod. We also have good cover, so we aren't in any huge danger this turn. Would have been nice to have killed more of them though.
One of them targeted Dp and missed of course. One overwatched, and the snake climbed on top of the hill. Did I mention they have SNAKES now!! Who are actually Thin Men.

This is the situation now. I screwed up the pathing with David when I climbed on the hill with him (should have taken the other vines) so the overwatched soldier took a shot at him, which thankfully missed.

David took a close range shot at the snake. He hit it, but didn't crit and rolled low on the damage.

Next it was Jabbz' turn to try. The snake DODGED THE SHOT. It did graze it for 2 damage.

Mardoc you're up. Third time's the charm.

God dammit. We've now wasted 3 attacks on it and we couldn't kill it.
Dp could not reach the snake. A frag grenade would do the trick, but I would have to blow up a teammate with it. Instead Dp took a shot at the stun lancer and missed.

The snake trapped Jabbz. Could have been worse, it could have just shot her dead.

RIP Dp. That one's on me, I should have stayed back with her. Unless the stun lancer could have reached the other units too, in which case I was fucked either way. Maybe an overwatch would have scared it off?
Okay let's kill the snake and free Jabbz. Mardoc takes another pistol shot. SHE MISSES.

David is OUT OF AMMO. He can't kill the snake. I chose to frag the trooper or it would flank us and kill someone next turn. Rolled high on the damage and it died.

The snake did another 2 damage to Jabbz, who was now down to 1 health point.
The stun lancer attacked David and disoriented him.

Guess what happened next?
We killed it. Finally.

The freed Jabbz took a shot at the stun lancer and landed the crit. Oh, but it rolled lowest possible damage, so it lived with 1 HP.

David took a shot and he missed. It was a 69% shot even through disorientation.

The stun lancer knocked Mardoc unconscious.
David then killed it with a 88% shot. Whew.
We survived the encounter. Well, some of us survived the encounter.

I called in evac and tried to get Mardoc out of there. But I couldn't evac her alone.
I almost did the smart thing and evacuated the mission. Then I got greedy.

I went to hunt down what I thought would be the last group. David and Jabbz found the aliens.

Like so often happens, the enemies were just 1 tile off from being hit by the same grenade. Anyway my plan was to hit the Sectoid and destroy his cover so Jabbz can kill him.

Jabbz took the shot and landed it! That's the biggest threat gone.

Then the last two enemies killed David and Jabbz.
I thought we were doing fine. Huge misjudgment. My spatial awareness seems to be non-existent.
We failed the mission. Dp, Mardoc, Jabbz and David are all dead. EDIT: Well, Mardoc was captured by aliens. Not sure if that's any better.
Our roster is down to 3 soldiers. RefSteel (grenadier), Pindicator (Ranger), and a rookie.
Live and learn. Or, in this case, just the last part.

We rolled out with all four classes represented. I gave the flash bang to Mardoc because our sniper shouldn't ever be in frag grenade range. Flash bangs can be thrown further than frags.

We found our first pod immediately. I set us up for an engage next turn. I'd have the sniper on the left and others would climb up and attack with an elevation bonus.

They walked away from us, AND bumped into another pod.
Okay, we don't have a turn timer, let's just wait for them to separate.
So we waited. And waited. And waited. Until one turn..

They found us.

At least we were all in overwatch. David and Jabbz killed one of them. Dp didn't shoot because she has the Phantom perk.

Mardoc missed her reaction shot. Oh, btw, the other pod aggro'd too. After all that waiting we still had to fight both of them at once.

I started off by moving Dp behind the tree where she could flank and hopefully crit the enemy. Except I didn't get a turn with her.
The Phantom perk meant that she was still concealed, and when she moved there, she got spotted and didn't get a second turn like she otherwise would have.

Jabbz and David then killed the enemy. But now I had wasted 3 attacks on an enemy that should have been killed with 1.

Mardoc flash banged the other pod. We also have good cover, so we aren't in any huge danger this turn. Would have been nice to have killed more of them though.
One of them targeted Dp and missed of course. One overwatched, and the snake climbed on top of the hill. Did I mention they have SNAKES now!! Who are actually Thin Men.

This is the situation now. I screwed up the pathing with David when I climbed on the hill with him (should have taken the other vines) so the overwatched soldier took a shot at him, which thankfully missed.

David took a close range shot at the snake. He hit it, but didn't crit and rolled low on the damage.

Next it was Jabbz' turn to try. The snake DODGED THE SHOT. It did graze it for 2 damage.

Mardoc you're up. Third time's the charm.

God dammit. We've now wasted 3 attacks on it and we couldn't kill it.
Dp could not reach the snake. A frag grenade would do the trick, but I would have to blow up a teammate with it. Instead Dp took a shot at the stun lancer and missed.

The snake trapped Jabbz. Could have been worse, it could have just shot her dead.

RIP Dp. That one's on me, I should have stayed back with her. Unless the stun lancer could have reached the other units too, in which case I was fucked either way. Maybe an overwatch would have scared it off?
Okay let's kill the snake and free Jabbz. Mardoc takes another pistol shot. SHE MISSES.

David is OUT OF AMMO. He can't kill the snake. I chose to frag the trooper or it would flank us and kill someone next turn. Rolled high on the damage and it died.

The snake did another 2 damage to Jabbz, who was now down to 1 health point.
The stun lancer attacked David and disoriented him.

Guess what happened next?
We killed it. Finally.

The freed Jabbz took a shot at the stun lancer and landed the crit. Oh, but it rolled lowest possible damage, so it lived with 1 HP.

David took a shot and he missed. It was a 69% shot even through disorientation.

The stun lancer knocked Mardoc unconscious.
David then killed it with a 88% shot. Whew.
We survived the encounter. Well, some of us survived the encounter.

I called in evac and tried to get Mardoc out of there. But I couldn't evac her alone.
I almost did the smart thing and evacuated the mission. Then I got greedy.

I went to hunt down what I thought would be the last group. David and Jabbz found the aliens.

Like so often happens, the enemies were just 1 tile off from being hit by the same grenade. Anyway my plan was to hit the Sectoid and destroy his cover so Jabbz can kill him.

Jabbz took the shot and landed it! That's the biggest threat gone.

Then the last two enemies killed David and Jabbz.

I thought we were doing fine. Huge misjudgment. My spatial awareness seems to be non-existent.
We failed the mission. Dp, Mardoc, Jabbz and David are all dead. EDIT: Well, Mardoc was captured by aliens. Not sure if that's any better.
Our roster is down to 3 soldiers. RefSteel (grenadier), Pindicator (Ranger), and a rookie.
Live and learn. Or, in this case, just the last part.