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[SPOILER] Nobody's Business But The Turks

Yeah, just gonna do that and hope for the best from there.

Is anything happening?
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

(January 18th, 2020, 10:39)Krill Wrote: Is anything happening?

Game is slow as molasses, making it hard to keep the game in mind outside of doing the requisite warrior move every couple of days. Worker will be done next turn though so I can finally start doing stuff. Should probably get another sim going for the slightly different capital just so I know exactly what I'm doing these next couple dozen turns.

Outside of that though.

It says Holland but this is Elizabeth of England to the NW. As expected our capitals are close. Not liking the scouting I'm doing, I would much rather have either circled around the English cap or filled out the rest of the fog below this ridiculous mountain range.

Speaking of, there's a whole lot of nothing between me and England outside of the Pig and the Stone. I'm not even sure where I'd want a city in this area.

The South revealed by my border pop looks a bit better? There's flood plains I guess but still a distinct lack of food. Definitely need to scout this area more when I get additional warriors out.

Also worth noting that Asoka of India met me on T7 from roughly due South of my capital, so I presume he's in that direction, and pretty close.

As for any additional long-term plans, heck if I know. This land so far looks dire. And I wish I knew enough about geography to be more confident about where I am in the world lol

You started in Iran, the Urals next to your warrior, the Caspian sea next to your capital and Lizzie of England is on the Black sea.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

That would be a strange caucasus though, flat and way wider than in the previous map . Maybe Liz is on the caspian and yours is Aral lake?

Are there any news?

Just executing the early game macro and trying to explore. I'll do a more complete update when I've explored more of my immediate surroundings.

Alright so Bronze Working is in and we're in anarchy, here's the rub.

Seems the Asoka player is directly below me so expanding in that direction would require caution. I'm not worried about grabbing the gems but I'd like to get the Ivory and Spices if I can, assuming there's actually food in that area.

The surrounding land is dire. Lots of flood plains up north but that's about it. Nary a food tile outside of some stray Sheep tiles and that Pig close to England. I was struggling for a long time trying to figure out where the heck to even put my second city. It was only after seeing the sheep here that I begrudgingly decided on this spot here, fresh water, working the sheep first ring with the ability to share the Capital wheat and some flood plains. I'm not happy about it though and it's gonna be a struggle to grow effectively anywhere.

I opted to improve 3 cottages right away and leave the fourth for later (it wouldn't have even been done until this turn) in favor of roading several tiles and connecting the Wheat, though I did lose some worker turns keeping my second worker safe from a Carthage warrior roaming my borders. I was only just finishing a second Warrior (the other went scouting) so he could've been aggressive and blocked my wheat in order to force me to take the 50/50 but fortunately he left me alone.

It also occurred to me that if I was going to stick with three cottages for now I should have improved the two farthest tiles first. That's my bad  smoke

My initial Warrior scouting has not been optimal to say the least but it's still alive and managed to get to Woodsman II without much time lost healing with some lucky combat luck. Having this guy will be extremely helpful for exploring Europe.

For real though, what the heck am I supposed to do with this? There's something near the gems sure but that spot is still looking kinda paltry and it's so far away I'm liable to press against another player at that distance. Part of me really wishes I had just explored South instead, but then again as already stated, India is already down there! banghead

Oh right and as you can see, I'm already paying maintenance on units. Gotta love Deity lol

Animal Husbandry has to be next and then uh... Writing? Maybe head straight for Math? Archery could be an option too but I'd rather just get Axemen and Chariots out to deal with barbs, who should be coming soon now that I think about it.

Masonry is an option since Stone is fairly close to me but I don't even know what I'd do in Rep with so little food. I guess the happiness is welcome but still. And even considering all that, competing for wonders in a 52 person game (in which something like a fifth of them have IND) seems like a terrible idea on its face.

For some good news, Copper is right next to me so that'll be easy to improve. I've put four turns into mining the Gold since I want the happiness even if the tile itself is trash. The plan is to have one worker road north towards the settle spot covered by my two Warrior escort and then work on a cottage/pasture in the new city while the second worker doubles back to the forest and chops it out. Capital will whip the settler straight into a third worker which will be finished by the chop (starting the chop earlier would make no difference in this) and then regrow into its cottages in preparation for another settler whip. Everything outside of that depends on how the game progresses.

Also England already whipped an Axe out. For some reason. He isn't super close to anyone in this direction for a rush that I can see so what gives?

So yeah not enthused about my position but the land being food-poor seems to be true all around at least. We'll see what happens.

Thank you for the extensive info update! I'd guess that the axe at Holland/England was primarily a by-product of a pop-2-whip. And putting an axe on one's copper mine also quite effectively discourages roving warriors from fooling around wink

Well the point is that whipping an axe in lieu of settlers or workers this early is pretty questionable, though I suppose it does make for a more effective escort. Connecting the copper also obsoletes warriors entirely now that I think about it so maybe he left himself no choice lol

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