Quote:Tatan seems to have underestimated our mobility, and/or numbers - he evacuated the south, while putting an army of Firebows just outside his capital and another mini-stack in Carrot Castle. But thanks to amphibious assault enabling us to unload chariots and immediately attack with them, we were able to clean up, and also gather in all of his workers within range.
If we'd only had the southern pincer force (or, well, if we'd only had the force I was originally going to throw at Tatan willy-nilly), then he'd have been able to counterattack after losing a couple cities, and really tear us up with his Firebows. But since they were outside his cities and we had the northern sledgehammer, we pretty much just ignored his army and went for the cities.
He probably didn't even notice the bulk of our forces. He'd have had to flown a Hawk mission towards the north while we gave him plenty to look at in the south.

See...that whole planning for the war ahead of time thing kinda pays off.

Next up....Illios. His Cultists annoy me. He shouldn't be showing them to us if he's planning on messing with us once AL wears off as it gives us the opportunity for some easy exp on Boarding Parties (an opportunity we should take post haste methinks.
