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[spoiler] How Not To Play Civ5, by Azza. Stories of a Siamese Skyrim.

Would be sweet if I could snipe this barbarian camp too.

[Image: LkJTvIe.jpg]

ToA is 2 turns from completion.

[Image: e9icej0.jpg]

Demos looking pretty good.

[Image: jAQ4oWh.jpg]

[Image: 4KB90w4.jpg]

Made a deal with Ichabod, probably not necessary from a happiness perspective but I'd like to foster some goodwill between us and make the 2v1 us vs pindicator.

[Image: 0WDcf3W.jpg]

My warrior is not in a particularly good state to snipe this barb camp. Hopefully Ichabod takes care of the eastern archer so he can start healing up.

[Image: 288INKJ.jpg]

Civil Service is the key tech here. It's a prereq for both Education and Chivalry, the 2 techs needed for my uniques. Maths -> Currency before HBR because no immediate need for Stables or Horsemen, while Markets would be quite nice to have.

[Image: KevG1Xl.jpg]

Economic overview. Just finished a monument in Whiterun and a CB in Windhelm. Granary in Whiterun since it's fairly low on food and has a wheat that'll be boosted by it, while Windhelm can work on getting up the infrastructure up for the free Legalism Wats. ToA due at the end of this turn, will be shattered if I lose it.

Overview of my empire after building ToA.

[Image: OJbWuQl.jpg]

That's a lot of composite bows, where are they headed?

Once I settle my next city and get another worker, I'm probably going to go after Pindicator. I was considering wonder spamming, but I've got the ToA for quick build CBs, and it's a bit costly having as large a military as I have.

[Image: xS4K1rk.jpg]

The bonus food from Venice becoming my friend shaved a turn off the build time for the settler. Ironically, this is actually kinda annoying, because I couldn't road the desert hill 1W of where the roading worker was last turn, or the worker would get in the way of the settler. So instead the worker is roading SW now, before he moves back to the plan of roading towards the new city. The worker in Windhelm will connect up the road after he hooks up the Citrus. The trade route and the fast path for CBs make it worthwhile.

[Image: H78DObC.jpg]

Ichabod has plenty of pop, I'm still leading Literacy, relatively low on land because of Liberty (and therefore no cheap tradition border pops), and plenty of soldiers.

If I remember, I'll take a look at the viability for pounding pindicator with CBs sometime soon.

Markarth is founded.

[Image: b0GoHpM.jpg]

Triggered a golden age.

[Image: Bg7QyfR.jpg]

My demos are pretty attractive as a result.

[Image: 5VN8wjn.jpg]

I can move each of these units 2S next turn, which will allow me to launch into pindicator's land.

[Image: IX3z4WT.jpg]

War is on the horizon.

[Image: ckjNIBt.jpg]

Won't be any rushbuying from pindicator either.

[Image: T0qYHYQ.jpg]

War. Pindicator just built Stonehenge too, makes Matrix even more enticing.

[Image: byqBqUd.jpg]

The spearman is in an awful position to be able to coordinate attacks with the city and the war chariot, which is nice. I have no idea if this'll be enough to take Matrix, but Solitude and Windhelm are very defensible, and (hopefully) Markarth will be protected from any Mongolian flanking from the CBs produced in Whiterun. I'll be connecting Whiterun to my trade routes via Markarth, since it's a shorter distance than via Solitude, as well as being tactically superior.

Looked at Pindi's diplo stuffs, noticed he's founded a third city.

[Image: urV9stK.jpg]

Went looking for the borders, it's down south just out of view.

And his gold supplies.

[Image: FzBNPRd.jpg]

Woefully inadequate if he wants to rush buy or upgrade units. Just how I like it.

General overview of my empire.

[Image: D6dPeIP.jpg]

Nothing particularly interesting going on, just workers working, cities growing, all the usual stuff.

And finally, the barbarian camp Jerusalem and Venice want destroyed.

[Image: 33cGTvJ.jpg]

As you can see, Ichabod is in prime position to take it out, unfortunately. So I'll have to get my CS influence over those two some other way.

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