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[no players] You're doing it wrong...the lurking thread

Commodore Wrote:Colossus and the 'mids, eh? Yawn, this was over fast. So, any plans to make this entertaining or should we just find a different game to watch?

Colossus AND 'mids AND not needing to build a military as his two weakest rivals slap each other senseless. C'mon Mackoti, I don't really know what's going on in 23, but I hope you take your revenge!

I'm surprised N7 didn't put pyramids in the capital. Do they realize boating cities will be a real risk as the game goes on?

Eh, by the time Galleons come into play, they'll be a couple of techs away from Constitution anyway.

Oh the other hand, having the Colossus may dissuade them from Astronomy wink

Ceiliazul Wrote:I'm surprised N7 didn't put pyramids in the capital. Do they realize boating cities will be a real risk as the game goes on?

They wanted to get the Pyramids out ASAP, since everyone else had had Masonry for a while, and might be busy chopping it out, maybe settling on a stone resource.

Nicolae Carpathia Wrote:Colossus AND 'mids AND not needing to build a military as his two weakest rivals slap each other senseless. C'mon Mackoti, I don't really know what's going on in 23, but I hope you take your revenge!

Heh, can't really blame Noble/Gas, their (extremely fragile) game plan is shattered all to hell and gone, might as well nuke the game of the guy who screwed them over. Mackoti is fundamentally too cautious, I think. Seven is in his head, the only one who is, really. Thus, open borders while he expands, eventually leading up to a faltering knight attack beat by early Astronomy and prescient timings on the defense, and then someone, probably Seven, blows up at something like a dogpile that does nothing. Second verse, same as the first.

I don't know who said it, but Novice and Seven really shouldn't play together outside of dueling Krill or whatever. Maybe if they have more aggressive competent opponents...but Mackoti isn't one of those. Which is a pity, because if there ever was a time to fight a classical war against the beginning-to-snowball leaders, it's when everyone else in the game is trashing their own economies by flailing around in a Lewwyn-fight.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

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Lewwyn Wrote:Mackoti has currency so his coastal cities are getting 4TRs per city. AND THEY"RE ALL FREAKING FOREIGN. Honestly, this is insane. I was sure that everyone would avoid feeding the beast, and yet here we are fucking ourselves over. Well eff that. Eff that to hell. I have a galley and I have axes and I can reach Mackoti.

There goes Lewwyn again. lol
Between his schizophrenic targeting of enemies, Noble & Gaspar's back-and-forth, and novice's usual micro madness, this is probably my favorite game to lurk right now.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

pindicator Wrote:There goes Lewwyn again. lol
Between his schizophrenic targeting of enemies, Noble & Gaspar's back-and-forth, and novice's usual micro madness, this is probably my favorite game to lurk right now.

Agreed! Although I think Lewwyn boating the GLH will destroy the long term balance.

Regarding Slowcheetah's extensive diplo, I see some general global correlations:
  • Spoiler thead posts ~ player skill
  • spoiler thread posts ~ diplo quantity
  • diplo quantity ~ good relations

Summary: good players tend to post more, and tend to chat a lot leading to good relations... further reinforcing the pattern of frst/second place alliances as noted in other games. Obvious exception: Mackoti. Any others?

Ceiliazul Wrote:Summary: good players tend to post more, and tend to chat a lot leading to good relations... further reinforcing the pattern of frst/second place alliances as noted in other games. Obvious exception: Mackoti. Any others?

Might I offer myself as an obvious exception? alright

In other news, if I were balancing things deliberately, I think I'd have swapped Mackoti with Lewwyn. As it is, Lewwyn is the best ally N7 have ever had, and I'm not sure if they know it.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Angry Birds pic for Lewwyn is priceless lol
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Gaspar Wrote:Having a few moments, opening the save provides a good opportunity to answer Ilios question about mackoti.

Let me start by saying I didn't mean that comment to be disparaging per se - mackoti is a very good player, one of the best on the site without question. Simply I meant that he's... very predictable. I've lurked him about as much as he can be lurked and I got a pretty good handle on him playing against him in 24. I guess the thing is - most players of a moderate or greater amount of skill play a little differently each time. He follows roughly the same open every game - slow, measured expansion followed by a run at Pyramids and GLH (on maps where GLH is a decent or better option.) Then after securing his early-game wonder, he goes on an expansion binge around the time of currency. This game is a perfect example - he landed GLH, teched to currency whilst being last on cities the whole time. Then bam, 3 cities in 3 turns: he's settled "Marble City," "Silverware" and "Port Track/Good Port" in succession. (All translations quality attributable to google, if any Romanian speakers are lurking, I'd love more accurate translations.)

This of course could be a function of the map type. You can fit alot of cities between each others capitals on this map, and anyone overstepping their bounds and settling too early and too close to someone else's sphere of interest is gonna get whacked.

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