As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[Spoiler] Fire&Ice takes a wesnoth mod for a ride.


Here's what I found upon logging in. Yuri had moved to the plains. I do not believe he could see those other 2 warriors. But I don't think I can take advantage of the situation:

[Image: pbem1-43-1.jpg]

Now - 1 more effort to get some response from the lurkers:


All units have 2 MP on them. Why can't I move the backline warriors one left and then attack? I put up a small worldbuilder sim (which I can't seem to load in multiplayer, so I can only play 1 side of it). The first unit moves left and...... NO MORE Movement Points. Interestingly enough, the second backline unit can then move left and attack? Of course, the hill warrior can attack. Can someone explain this and/or point me to correct documentation?

Is it because I am moving in front of him (the way he is facing?) I noticed that with ship combat - I seemed to lose movement points if i passed in front of an enemy.

All 3 of those guys should be able to attack - I should get +10% for flanking and +10% for my honor policies - thereby negating the -20% from the river. I think with 3 attacks i should have been able to kill the unit, but with 2, it is no good.

nothing else much happened. I moved the worker onto the iron, but didnt buy the tiles yet. Settler in 1 turn.

Also - how far apart can i settle a city from an enemy city? I fear I will get there and not be able to plant. That would be great!
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla

If I understand correct, the one which is right next to his warrior is already in the enemies warrior ZOC. So when he moves he loses all his MP. The other warrior is just moving into the enemies ZOC, so he can move there and attack.

Ahh- confirmation of the ZoC concept ! I thought that was a Civ3 thing?!

That helped me find this great article on CivFan thanks a bunch Serdoa!
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla


well, I really like the idea of the zone-of-control, but my ignorance really cost me. If I had anticipated its effect ( and my opponent's movement) I could have setup my units as they now 1 tempi ahead. Now, he has fortified and there will be no warrior dogpile on him.

[Image: pbem1-44-1.jpg]

Also from that position, I can't settle the hill. As soon as I move my settler on the hill, it will be hit from the sword and most likely another sword that is coming up from the rear. I guess I could figure out if the warrior would be guaranteed to survive.

I could settle one back from the hill, but then that hill will be nice place for him to sit and whack on my city. Settler out this turn, so I will see. I also sued for peace smile His scout made his way over and is threatening my works, will see my settler.

I moved one of the warriors off to break up a barb camp, I could use the gold for the upcoming sword upgrade.
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla

well you did say you were green banghead I will see what I can say when I get the save



PEACE! Yuri accepted peace - my reasons:

1) I cant hit his sword with anything until my iron is hooked up.
2) With 3 units to his 1, I felt like I could block the choke and win the settling race

I still want to settle that hill. But I realize that as I approach, his sword will see my settler scale its heights. At that moment, he would buy the cow tile, and it would be denied to us, correct? That is the only unimproved 3-food tile in our entire area.

As the golden age significantly boosts our production, I felt like we could squeeze out another settler and go for the crater at the same time.
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla


Yuri uses the peace to advance across the river! Of course, a barb camp spawns along our own settler's intended path. damn barbs! This will delay our settler by another 1-2 turns as we could have moved it unescorted before frown

Also an English Scout has made it through via the northern route and is looking down at our capitol.

Here are the demos and in the background you can see the scout and the barb camp. It probably will take 2 turns to raze it.

[Image: pbem1-46-1.jpg]
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla


Previously we had bought 2 tiles to extend to our 2-source iron. That will be hooked up in 1 turn, but... out of the fog appears an Aztec chariot archer. I think he is just a sentry/scout, but this could get ugly soon. If he doesnt push into the center of our area, he won't be any trouble.... for now.

Yuri's settler also appears! But - using zone of contol and the river - we can keep him on his side of the river indefinitely. The two warriors there should be able to block him and force a retreat.
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla

waterbat Wrote:Yuri's settler also appears! But - using zone of contol and the river - we can keep him on his side of the river indefinitely. The two warriors there should be able to block him and force a retreat.

I hate to burst your bubble but ZoC only works when at war with the opposing side alright


Argh! Yuri can also use zone of control to delay our settler. I feinted south to get around his blockade and also give F&I the option of just settling the crater if he wants when he gets back.

Our worker finished.. IRON! Seven's chariot archer moved in range, so I retreated the worker south where i was sure he couldn't get to it. I contemplated moving my warrior out of the capitol to raze the barb camp in the south - but with spearmen in the camps now, it will take 2 to do the job. Plus we get culture for staying home.

I did insert a spearman into the queue ahead of the extra settler - Maybe it will serve as a small deterrent to Seven.

I was surprised to see this horse so early as I just detected Seven used a horse resource recently. Ether he purchased it (which would be odd), or he built it quickly, or I missed a couple of horse resources before. He also has 2 IRON units, so we must beware!

I adopted Tradition as planned this turn.

I could have upgraded a warrior this turn, but i have a slightly less than devious plan...

We position our settler on the other side of Yuri's units (1 sword / 1 scout) adjacent to our 2 warriors. Our city and warriors will cut his units off from his territory. We can then pop 2 upgrades at once and go kill his stuff as soon as the forced peace expires. At that point we should have 2 warriors, 1 spear, 2 swordsmen and a city all in the area. He has the rough promo though, so this might be easier said than done.
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla

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