Nagas - GW : ok
Resist Elements - Water Walking : ok
Wraith Form - Mana Leak - Disagree, we want Weapon Immunity and transportation early, if anything WF should be faster but it's a really good spell...on the other hand Mana Leak is useless for a while as nothing early does magical ranged except ghouls.
Cockatrices - Catapult : Unsure, I feel catapults are better. In fact I have a "consider raising casting cost" note on that. Also want at least one of the three summons in a middle slot.
AEther Binding : This is something I often rush research for. So I want it to be reasonably accessible, even if not early, but not too late either. Being able to do that and get ahead in skill production from ~turn 50-60 onwards is one of the merits of playing Sorcery.
If we want cheaper Spell Lock, I can swap it with Vertigo. For cheaper Counter Magic we can swap with Dispelling Wave. We can also move Beast down 1 slot if needed while doing that.
Fireball - Raise Volcano : Cheaper Fireball would definitely be nice but not sure I like more expensive Volcano. What if we swap with Chaos Channels instead?
Firestorm to 1920; Chimeras to 1600; Lightning Bolt to 1280 : You didn't specify what goes to the 2140 slot which is probably the reason for this whole change?
Prayer has always been the most expensive Life spell to research and I rather keep it that way, it is that good. That however prevents us from shifting the other 3 upward.
Black Prayer - Possession : unsure, I think this change would hit AI a bit too hard, Possession is their first pick so it directly defines how long it takes for AI to reach UC in death. Might even be better to swap Possession with Syphon Life (as they are competing spells the AI won't do the SL if they did get Possession to show up)
Nature - Earth Elemental is very powerful and this would put it really close to the other combat summon (Catapult). For more expensive Earthquake we can swap with idk, Gaea's Blessing maybe? Human is unlikely to pick up Earthquake at full price though.
Mind Storm - Air Elemental : Ok
Warp Lightning - Chaos Rift : Don't want it that close to Lightning Bolt, also it's a VERY powerful spell. Meanwhile Rift takes time to be effective.
Doom Bolt - Efreet : Ok
Life : Isn't Invulnerability way too good for the cheaper slot? Rather swap Invulnerability with Altar of Battle.
Death : We agreed on city curses being in the cheap slots in the old system. Changing that would be a major shift in the game, and would mean we need to delay AI research of these things most likely. Currently they are all early picks done before the second half of uncommons.
Herb Mastery - Regeneration : Ok
Call the Void - Meteor Storm : Ok, this will help the AI too, great idea!
Call to Arms - Holy Arms : Rather not swap these.
Quote:Is cost going to be used as AI trading desirability as well? Or is there a different table for that?
AI trade desirability is a separate value and I have no plans to change that. How useful the spell is for the AI should be the major factor there, not the cost.