It's T150, so time for a big nationwide update!
Our capital and long-time driving force of the economy, although one or two other cities are catching up. Note at the top Nationalism coming in 2 turns, with cash almost to the penny
(albeit with much help from wealth builds). See the next shot for Taj plans ...
Thanks to the worker that I captured from Azza near Steve we were able to speed up Taj ETA to the same turn we discover Nationalism! Building Culture while working the plains forest to pop the borders in time. First chop has already come in. The 3rd ring chop will come in next turn. Even though it only nets 16 hammers that's all we need. Calculated it out to 706 hammers, assuming we swap to sheep after the borders pop. We get +100% for Marble, +50 for IND, +25% for Confucius.
Demographics at breakeven (no wealth builds). This is with Commodore, AT, and TT (also in GA) all having tech turned on and we are STILL #2. NOTE: IIRC, our breakeven rate without wealth is only 20%!!! This is because:
Spending 55gpt on unit costs.
Our list of cities. Most are building wealth at the moment.
Largest military by 150k soldier points.
Everyone is keeping about equal in tech. TT is up Education, AT is up Optics, Jowy is down Machinery and Music. Next target is Guilds > Banking ... after that I'm thinking Constitution (for Jails because of impending War Weariness and EP economy), but that's still just written in light pencil.
EDIT: I guess I should include an overview shot as well ... note the score. Commodore passed us up recently, and I expect him to shoot up in 10-15 turns as he adds a ton of land points from his recent settlements/captures.