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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

This is also the reason Nunu is a strong jungler/counter-jungler. Consume -> Smite is a strong combo for quickly finishing off jungle creeps, and is effective for stealing enemy jungle buffs or preventing the other team from smite-stealing dragon.

Welp I caved after watching a few of Sullas videos (your enthousiasm got me excited to play). I just finished downloading and am going to try it out.

If it runs smoothly (fps wise) then im in for games whenever. Ive never played DoTa but got pretty competitive in SC2 when it came out.

Hope to see you guys in the jungles!

Gustaran Wrote:It's time to introduce JUNGLE KARTHUS !!! lol

That is actually a seriously decent jungler
On League of Legends I am "BertrandDeHorn"

How are people taking the changes to the Black Cleaver? As I see it there are now 3 viable speed increase items in Starks, SotD and BC depending on the other teams composition, BC+LW especially seems good for eating through tanks or teams that stack armour. But the amount of good damage dealing items seems to be decreasing (IE, BT) yet the mages are getting an increase in damage potential with the new ZE replacement (144 AP to 190 AP, with a 5% increase to other AP items).
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

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I don't think I ever used it before, as Last Whisper was pretty much always strictly better. I don't think having both is a good idea - LW cuts through armour, while BC removes it, which isn't the best in terms of synergy. It could be viable though, especially given the removal of AS from Last Whisper...

Edit: something else that occurs is that BC's attack speed buffs it quite a bit, because the armour is removed per attack.

I was using the old Black Cleaver on Eve (who has +100% built in attack speed from ultimate) to effectively counter the semi-tanks who built 1 armour item. The new one is ideal as 2nd item for characters like Ashe and Xin who want both damage and attack speed. Combines well with IE, Triforce, Ghostblade. If the enemy team has more than 1 armour stacker, LW is still a good option.

Krill Wrote:How are people taking the changes to the Black Cleaver? As I see it there are now 3 viable speed increase items in Starks, SotD and BC depending on the other teams composition, BC+LW especially seems good for eating through tanks or teams that stack armour. But the amount of good damage dealing items seems to be decreasing (IE, BT) yet the mages are getting an increase in damage potential with the new ZE replacement (144 AP to 190 AP, with a 5% increase to other AP items).

According to Speaker yesterday, it is utterly broken.

[Image: pentakillspeakera70.jpg]

As his (apparently first) pentakill will suffice to portrait. :2dance:

Called all random all mid

Basicly that idea is to create one giant teamfight/lane

the heros are set to select randomly by map maker

everyone goes to mid land

You may not: nono

enter jungle
enter brush
build items that stack with hero kills
build guardian angel
use fortify
enter the founditan in any way after you leave it(includes recalling, walking back, and teleporting back)
tower die (dieing to a tower without the intention of attacking minions/other heros/or the tower itself)

Whats frowned apon:

Keep in mind these games are suposed to be fun so please if you do start trying these games don't break the rules

i have played them they do have problems but they are fun to play

Username: (draagdlejk)

I believe Dantski has played a lot of ARAM. I've done a little, but am still pretty much new to the variant. Any advice from people who have played ARAM a lot?

A few of us tried ARAM last night and it was pretty fun. A great variant to break up the more serious nature of regular LoL games. Basically everyone just meets mid and slaughters each other with totally random champs. Good times all around.

And yeah, Black Cleaver is definitely improved and is a must have on any AD champ. Hell, it got Speaker a pentakill so that's all we need to know.

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