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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

I completely agree - Riot has concentrated far too much on the short term. Yes, releasing new champs and new skins makes them extra money, because there are always people who can't wait to have the newest shiny thing and will fork over their cash. But concentrating something like 90% of your development resources on new champs/skins leads to a point of diminishing returns, because when you have 70 champs and 200 skins, one more does little to attract new interest in your game.

League of Legends has been out for almost two years now, and there's still no replay mode, no observer mode, extremely few options on the startup screen, a mere two maps, and so on. There's no excuse for any of that. The game could be, should be, much better. I know that I'm also going to give alternate games (DOTA2?) a look when they come out.
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I just wish they could debug their game a little bit- I have far too many games where the screen randomly freezes during champion select and I can't change runes/masteries, games where I crash when right as I queue for a game, etc. It's just ridiculous how often the game gets all screwed up.

I am suprised that not many others apart from grew bored with playing the same old map over and over already.

I probably rejoin the RealmsBeyond crew on any new DotA with more concentration on maps and features instead of champions.

I know they have a new map (firelands? something like that) that supposed to be released soonish, I think I heard somewhere that they wanted to release it at the beginning of season 2, like they did with the 3 person map at the start of season 1.

Dear Riot,

Thank you for staging an event that was a total waste of my time. If you're going to stage a "humans vs AI bots game", and act like your AI has gotten so much better, you might want to make sure the whole thing is ready for primetime, rather than staging an obviously fake match. Either your new AI sucks, or the Riot players suck, or both.

Seriously, guys. When you have a human player running around laning with 100hp, and making no effort to go heal, are we supposed to be impressed when the AI manages to kill him? Please.... rolleye

Here's another tip: don't treat your audience like idiots. Everyone in the chat room knew damn well that this was a fake game. This event never should have been staged in the first place. Riot certainly did little today to dispel the common notion that they promote style over substance.

Stop wasting our time on this crap and go develop a new map or something!
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Sullla Wrote:Dear Riot,

Thank you for staging an event that was a total waste of my time. If you're going to stage a "humans vs AI bots game", and act like your AI has gotten so much better, you might want to make sure the whole thing is ready for primetime, rather than staging an obviously fake match. Either your new AI sucks, or the Riot players suck, or both.

Seriously, guys. When you have a human player running around laning with 100hp, and making no effort to go heal, are we supposed to be impressed when the AI manages to kill him? Please.... rolleye

Here's another tip: don't treat your audience like idiots. Everyone in the chat room knew damn well that this was a fake game. This event never should have been staged in the first place. Riot certainly did little today to dispel the common notion that they promote style over substance.

Stop wasting our time on this crap and go develop a new map or something!


Bots did win and the rioters did stink

they chased soraka bot halfway across the map with huge minion wave in base !!NO TOWERS WERE LEFT!!

My understanding is that the humans were 5 of the worse Riot employees at the game and that it's not staged at all; they're just not very good. Someone in the chat said that they were basically all ~1000 ELO players. And the bots do look a lot better than the old ones, where you could easily go 25-0-0 in 15 minutes.

Not that I disagree about their priorities. smile

The Riot players really weren't very good (or were faking not being very good -- one or the other). The bots will be very comfortably beaten with a shred of organisation; not to mention the fact that despite having total map control, they didn't even think about either baron or the dragon.

On the whole, I was reasonably impressed with the bots -- Annie in particular was very good at focusing fire and choosing targets. Creating an AI for a game like LoL must be a huge task, and it'll be nice to practise with some competent bots occasionally when trying a new champ.

Obviously, I agree about their priorities. It'll certainly lose them customers long term, when other games come in with all these features Riot haven't bothered developing...

I haven't played in about a month, and tbh I don't miss the game. Yes, it is interesting to begin with, but the lack of maps makes it have a short life spam IMO. So, yeah, +1 to the above posts.
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