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FFH II PBEM III Tech issues thread

Irgy Wrote:Well, that was quick. Not even 2 hours labour. Looks like I won't even hold up the turn smile

[SIZE="4"]Congratulations![/SIZE] smile

[SIZE="1"]Looks like I delayed it more for the Superbowl than you did for something actually important[/SIZE]

Sciz, you sent last turn's save again, can you send me T37?

I have no idea why this keeps happening. Sorry again I guess. The save just isn't generated sometimes, and I never double check to see if it's the correct turn i'm sending on since I always assume it is. Anyways played again and turn 37 sent on now.

Sciz Wrote:I have no idea why this keeps happening. Sorry again I guess. The save just isn't generated sometimes, and I never double check to see if it's the correct turn i'm sending on since I always assume it is. Anyways played again and turn 37 sent on now.

One possibility: the game doesn't generate the save file until *after* you click the OK button on the pop-up screen that says "Send the save to the next player".

Maybe try to delete the old saves.

Attempt another blitz session this saturday, usual time?

I'm gonna have to say no to that, sorry. I need to finish an essay and don't want to be distracted by playing a turn every 20 mins or so, it'll just end up with me doing absolutely nothing on my essay for the entire day. Sorry guys, but school is more important in this case smile

Fair enough. I'm just glad you were able to join us at all, Sciz!

Mr. Yellow - the tracker says you have the turn still. Any chance it's lying and I'll be able to play when I get home in an hour?

Weird, i believe i did send it earlier today. Ah well, resent it now.

Ok, somethings defenitely wrong. Tracker still shows me with the turn.

Well, for the time being, might I recommend sending it directly?
Nyktorion - nyktorionciv at gmail dot com

Hopefully when Mist sees this, he'll be able to figure out what went wrong.

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