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Nudist Progression

Lurker Wyrm Wrote:No, I think the Ascension cut-off was the right place for it. Ideally, I would have liked to see it make it through the entire game without any Canthans, but oh well.

On the plus side, allowing Canthan content after Ascension means allowing our nudists to venture into Cantha to cap elites. This is good because some important core elites are acquired much more quickly and expediently in Cantha than they are in Tyria; for example, Elemental Attunement.

My mother-in-law (who is awesome, BTW - no Evil Mother-In-Laws here!) arrived for a visit, and what with having to pick her up at the airport, go out to dinner, and try to settle down two boys who are thoroughly excited to see their grandma, it was close to 10:00 pm before I could even think about getting online. And by that time, I figured that you would have probably gone on to other pursuits, or logged off.

Can we make a final Sanctum Cay run next Tuesday?

Ok by me... or maybe even two if we start on time for a change. wink

It starts at 5:30 PST

Please post If anyone can or cannot make it.

If one cannot make it, it's only courteous to let the group know in advance when possible.


As inspiration, and for your viewing pleasure... I present ZedF-Rattana!

[Image: RattanaVictory.JPG]

I am unsure if I will be able to make it tonight. Coming from a night shift and errands into the day... ugh.

----- Nudists are on vacation until late August-Sept. ----

Please check in when you get back, Hawkmoon. I hope you will be able to get some Dragon Fest stuff at least, or one of us can log your Nudist in and get some.


I will of course let you guys know when we're back home and can resume a regular gaming schedule. We leave on Sunday, and at the moment are quite busy trying to get every last little thing done that needs to be done. I don't think I'm going to have time to try any of the Dragon Fest stuff, and honestly - that's okay with me. I don't want the temptation to accumulate more junk that takes up inventory space! tongue Even though the dragon masks are cool. Oh well, there will be other events in the future. nod

I'll be on very sporadically while we're on the road - if I can get a free evening and a decent connection, I'll try to make some progress with other characters. See y'all in-game, whenever. thumbsup


Hawkmoon Wrote:I don't think I'm going to have time to try any of the Dragon Fest stuff, and honestly - that's okay with me. I don't want the temptation to accumulate more junk that takes up inventory space! tongue
Well so far the Dragon Fest stuff looks almost completely useless. lol I say "almost" because there is some connection to achieving titles and there are plenty of people who would get a kick out of being Unlucky or a Drunkard.

As for the dragon masks, they'll be avilable at the end of the event. 8)

As a note, the new mission/quest dealie offered by Captain Rujiyo in Shing Jea Monastery showed up tonight. It's basically to wander around Haiju Lagoon and kill Tombs monsters, only the mob density is less and you only get 4 ppl in your party. (Bring level 20s and Tombs-capable builds.)

My nudist Rit went in with a couple alliance guys and we nearly cleaned the place out... until the tank dropped just as we were about to assault the last portal (of 8.) I'm pretty confident we could have done the mission if he hadn't dropped but we didn't have any staying power without him; our MM was low on minions at the time. (Not sure an MM is the best build here, btw, since monster density is low and there are lots of AoE nukers.) So the quest is quite possible if you know what you're doing, though lots of people have been having some trouble with it.

I'm going to declare that a moral victory. Apparently the only thing you get from doing the mission is a whopping 50 orbs. Booyah! Since I already have over 1600 orbs, and it takes quite a while to do the mission, I'll pass. At least until they come up with a better reward than orbs.

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