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RBPB4 Lurker Thread

Quote:And I hardly believe that's 1/3 of your army, by the way. I'm not an idiot. It seems more like 60% from what I can tell - which is bloody aggressive if you ask me. And that's only the units I've seen so far. Who knows what else you have that I haven't seen yet?

This Is almost certainly pedantic of me but I can't help but point out the flawed logic going on here. LP says that Luddite is wrong to telling him that the stack is only a third of his forces but then goes on to imply that he certainly has more troops lurking.

Good drama going on in those threads.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Hahaha poor WK. Rego just made a bit of a mistake. The lesson is to never assume that any two enemies have no diplomatic contact and can be easily manipulated. When does the NAP between Rego and Plako end?

Intersting that Mackoti is willing to break NAP again...Also, It seems LP conisders his NAP with Luddite is voided, but he wants Luddite to think it is still valid.....

Mackoti didn't really have justification before anyway. This is the "agreement" he claimed luddite violated.

I'm not suprised he's willing to do it again.

Yeah, I don't think Luddite violated any agreements with Mackoti.

Luddite wasn't at all justified in playing the way he did against LP, but if Mackoti breaks the NAP again, why would anyone at RB ever consider themselves to be anything except Always War against Mackoti at all times?
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me

Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:if Mackoti breaks the NAP again, why would anyone at RB ever consider themselves to be anything except Always War against Mackoti at all times?

Considering that they already do, I'm not sure it'll make that much more of a difference tongue

Well, I have a hard time believing that LP attacking luddite is going to happen without intervention. plako may be too tired from his previous war to do anything, but there's still regoarrarr...and Locke may not be too far away if he expands further north.

Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:I'm not quite sure I understand all the lurker hostility towards LP. Yeah, his diplo is a little too formal, arrogant etc. But he has shown himself so far to have the civ skills to back it up. Sometimes I think everyone around here just likes to hate on a newcomer. This is LP's first game at RB and I feel like people want him to fail for that reason.

I disagree with this. This is Locke's first game at RB and he is quite popular here in the lurker thread. Whosit's first game was PB2 and he was quite popular there. You were a newcomer fairly recently (well in the last year) and unless I'm mistaken, you had no "hate on the newcomer" directed against you. There's plenty of other examples.

I think what got many people here to root against LP was many of his opening comments - at least it was that way for me. Someone even joked once about how many times he'd use the phrase "at this site" - referring to RB. His attitude felt like he thought lowly of many of the players here and that he expected to do very well because of it, which was not exactly a great first impression. It's pretty possible that he didn't mean it that way, but it was a poor first impression, and you combine that with his diplo style where he expects everyone to do what he wants, and he's an easy guy to root against. Remember, even Sullla got a lot of people rooting against him in PB2 for a style that is fairly similar to LP, and he's probably the biggest name in all of Civ4. For instance, LP is getting his panties all in a bunch over something silly with Luddite, reacting WAY stronger than he needs to, and it feels like a hissy fit of someone who had something go his way... and then he responds by goading Mackoti into violating a deal in a much bigger way than Luddite did! So yeah, his style is somewhat annoying, and it's disappointing to see him cruise out to such a great start because no one will call him on his farmer's gambit.

My point is that of the list of reasons to root against LP, there are several reasons much, much bigger than the fact that he's a newcomer, especially when there's much more history of newcomers being well-liked than otherwise.

I think that it's all about tone. LP comes across as formal, overconfident, and more than a little entitled. He's perfectly fine in the few chats he's posted, but he can border on insufferable elsewhere. That he gives every indication of being able to back up his attitude with actual skills (great position and diplo good apparently enough to get some very favourable NAPs) is really immaterial.

Meanwhile Locke writes like Rorschach from Watchmen. Blunt, brusque, honest, supremely competent, and all the more awesome for it.

Bobchillingworth Wrote:Meanwhile Locke writes like Rorschach from Watchmen. Blunt, brusque, honest, supremely competent, and all the more awesome for it.

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