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FFH II PBEM III Tech issues thread

Irgy Wrote:I think all of you are individually already aware that I've been having some RL difficulties lately, and unfortunately they've taken a further turn for the worse. So, I'm sorry to say that I'm not going to be able to continue playing in this. I've started a thread looking for a replacement. I'll be able to do a fairly clean handover, and might even be able to keep things rolling for a short time while we wait for someone, but I won't be able to continue in the long term.

My sincere apologies for this, if I had any reasonable choice in the matter I wouldn't be doing this. I've really enjoyed the game so far and thank all of you for an excellent game up to now.

So, I've fortunately found a volunteer. Heisenburg will be taking over the Sheaim, hopefully from this turn. I've sent him the password and instructions, and hopefully the changeover won't be too difficult. He's been ded-lurking me already, so he's at least fairly up to speed with what's going on, so that will help a bit. His time zone should fit in fairly well too apparently. Please welcome him to the game, and good luck to all of you. I'll still be following it along with interest and look forward to seeing how it turns out.

Hi guys~ jive
I'd be taking over the world... lol I mean taking over the Sheaim from Irgy who has kindly offered to let me take his place.

It's my first PBEM game here, so I'll try to get the technical stuff sorted out as soon as possible and hand the turn over to Nyktorion.


The main thing we need is what your e-mail will be during the game, so we can send you saves, diplo messages etc. G-mail is preferred since you can then chat with everyone, although any of them will probably be fine.

You can find me at feynmannq-at-gmail-dot-com. :neenernee
The tracker looks changed already... and I have the current save... but i'd like to take a closer look at the game first if you guys don't mind, before playing the turn. lol

I've played t141, and have sent it on to Nyktorion. jive
My apologies once again for the delays in the transition. lol

Heisenberg Wrote:I've played t141, and have sent it on to Nyktorion. jive
My apologies once again for the delays in the transition. lol

If that's all the delay we can expect for something monumental like turning over control of a civ, I think this bodes well for the continued pace of this game jive
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Mardoc Wrote:If that's all the delay we can expect for something monumental like turning over control of a civ, I think this bodes well for the continued pace of this game jive

+1. jive

As I've said on the previous page, I'll be without civ for the next few days. Since I don't have any dedicated lurkers right now, and I couldn't find anyone else who would like to take over for that time, I'm sorry to say that this means that the Ljosalfar can't make their turn for the next days.

I'll be able to pick up the game again on Thursday evening.

Looks like we're up and moving again.

Unfortunately I'm unable to play this weekend. However my dedicated lurker Mist will be covering for me so we can keep the game running. I should be back by Monday.

Before Mardoc and Thoth both finish playing Turn 144, there is a technical issue we should clarify.

As each of us will notice when he gets to play his turn, Hyborem has been summoned. I recall that we wanted the Infernals to be controlled by an unspoiled human player, but it seems to me that the search for this player did not lead to satisfactory results. So, should we try to find a human Hyborem before we finish T144 (and thus let the AI do a turn with the Infernals)? Should we just continue with an AI Hyborem? Or is there already a solution that I am simply not aware of?

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